W04 - Temp & Humidity Flashcards
The temperature of a body is the condition which determines its ability to communicate heat to other bodies or to receive heat from them.
Dew point
The temperature at which the air would become saturated (with respect to water) if cooled at a constant pressure and without the addition or removal of water vapour. (expressed in degrees celsius)
Relative humidity
The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the amount of water vapour actually present in the air to the amount of water vapour which would be present if the air were saturated with respect to water at the same temperature and pressure.
Stevenson screen
A louvred wooden box especially designed to shield thermometers from the effects of radiation, while at the same time allowing the free flow of air over the thermometer bulbs.
Criteria for Stevenson Screen
-Sides and bottom are double louvred-Door opens downward-Painted with exterior white enamel-Thermometers must be 1.25-2m above ground-Door faces true north-Is installed on a grass surface-Distance from other objects must be twice the height of the object
Safety precautions for mercury filled thermometers
-Always store upright-Never reconnect a broken mercury column-Mercury freezes at -39 degrees C (bring inside at -37)-Don’t touch thermometer when resetting and avoid obstacles-Remove thermometers one at a time -Let thaw before replacing a frozen wick
Characteristics of Mercury
-Silvery white metal-Density of 13.6-Turns to gas when exposed to air-Allowable amount of gaseous mercury in the air is 0.05mg/m cubed-When air is saturated with mercury at room temperature, the amount is 20mg/m cubed-Can be absorbed through skin, breathed in, or be ingested-If inside the body, mercury attacks the respiratory, gastro-intestinal, and central nervous systems
Symptoms of mercury intoxication: Nervous system
-headaches-dizziness-nervousness-nerve inflamation-loss of muscular control-shaking
Symptoms of mercury intoxication: Gastro-intenstinal system
-gum inflammation-nausea-vomiting-diarrhea-liver lesions
Symptoms of mercury intoxication: Respiratory system
-inflammation of nose and lungs-coughing-fever
Symptoms of major mercury intoxication
-Burning sensation in mouth and throat-laboured breathing-nausea and vomiting-abdominal pains-diarrhea and bleeding-shock-cardiac arrest
Procedures in case of a mercury spill
Clean up with a special kit, keep residues in a sealed container and dispose of at a toxic waste site. Report to the person in charge of the station and the work health and safety committee for the station.
When readings require 2 or more thermometers to be read, what order should they go in?
1-Dry bulb2-Wet bulb3-Maximum4-Minimum
What are the physical characteristics of a mercury filled thermometer?
-Filled with mercury, and above that, nitrogen.-Graduated in degrees Celsius at 0.5 degree intervals-30cm long-Marks of degrees are etched on the stern-Will be marked with manufacturer’s name and a serial number
What is the purpose of a correction card?
Correction values are to be applied to thermometer readings to obtain the true temperature. Each thermometer has its own correction card.
Column 34
Dry-bulb temperature
A device for determining the moisture content of the air (used to determine dew point).Contains both a dry-bulb and a wet-bulb with a wick, muslin, or ice coating.
Wet-bulb temperature
Evaporation of water or sublimation of ice is how the wet-bulb temperature is determined. It must be the same as or lower than the dry-bulb temperature (Except below freezing). The difference between the two is called the depression of the wet bulb temperature.
What are the three types of psychrometer?
When should the motor psychrometer be turned on?
At least two minutes before the thermometer reading
Ventilated psychrometer
A psychrometer that is ventilated by a motor that powers a fan
Non-ventilated psychrometer
A psychrometer that is only ventilated by the natural flow of air.
Sling psychrometer
A psychrometer that is ventilated by the physical motion of the thermometers through the air (by you).
What are the freezing points for mercury and alcohol thermometers?
Mercury: -39 degreesAlcohol: -75 degrees