W03 Sky Condition Flashcards
-Sum of layer values at and below a given level-Traces disregarded (TR adds like a zero)-Overlapping portions will increase summation amount
Sky clearNo cloud of layer present
FewLess than 1/8 to 2/8 Summation amount
Scattered3/8 to 4/8 summation amount
Broken5/8 to less than 8/8 summation amount
Overcast8/8 summation amount
Interconnected layers
Clouds of vertical development that may build up to reach or penetrate upperlayers.
How to estimate sky coverage
-Divide the sky in half-Estimate amount in each half(each half now contains 4/8)-Select the halves to suit prevailing conditions(Most of the clouds north, divide north and south)
How to estimate sky coverage during darkness
-Stars plainly visible (no clouds or surface based layer) means clear sky-Dimming of stars means cloud present-Use appropriate tools (ceiling projector beam, ceilometer)-City or other lights can be very useful
Predominant Cloud Type
2 or more types at same height = 1 layer-identified as predominant type by amount-TCU or CB always predominant type (regardless of amount)-TCU and CB Always included in column 30 (SCT020CB)-TCU and CB at same height, TCU treated as if it were CB
Low Etage priority (Degree of Vertical development)
CB, TCU, CU(Highest to lowest)
Middle Etage priority (Degree of Vertical development)
High Etage priority (Degree of Vertical development)
CC (Considered a layer cloud)
Column 26
Total amount-Less than 8 octas if any clear blue skies or bright stars-Traces entered as 0
Column 30
Sky Condition-SKC, FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC-Layer altitude next to amount (expect for SKC) ex. FEW008
Column 40
Cloud and/or Obscuring Phenomena (type and amount)-Clear sky (SKC) = no entry-appropriate cloud abbreviation and amount for each layer ex, SC5CI3-Trace is 1 ex. SF1CF1
A surface-based layer with a summation amount of 8/8 (constitutes a vertical visibility VV)
Partially Obscured
A surface-based layer with a summation amount of at least 1/8 but less than 8/8 will be included in the amount of the first layer aloft.
Rain (any form including SHRA & FZRA)
Ice Pellets (including Ice Pellet Showers)
Drizzle (Including Freezing Drizzle)
Ice Crystals
Snow (Snow Showers, Snow Pellets and Snow Grains)