W&C- The Amazon Flashcards
-covers 40% of South America, largest tropical rainforest
-annual high temps of 25-30C
-average annual rainfall of 2000mm with no dry season
-very diverse biosphere
Water and carbon links
W. warm temps mean evap is high, increases precipitation
W. dense canopy, high interception, less water flows into rivers
C. stores a lot of its carbon in vegetation and soils, makes it a carbon sink
C. increase of co2 in atmosphere leads to to productivity= vegetation able to access co2 for photosynthesis
C. trees are dying at younger age= not able to rely on Amazon to be an effective carbon sink in the future
Threats- deforestation
W. no tree canopy to intercept rainfall= saturated land, risk of flooding
W. reduces rate of evapotranspiration, few clouds, risk of drought
C. without stability of roots, heavy rain washes away nutrient-rich top layer of soil= transfers carbon stored in soil into the hydrosphere
C. less leaf litter, not hummus= soil can’t support new growth so less carbon stored
C. trees remove co2 from atmosphere= adds to global warming
Threats- climate change
temps increase and rainfall decrease=
-leads to droughts
-extinct species= animals and plants have adapted to live in moist climates so aren’t able to live in hotter and drier climates
-forest fires= will produce and release more co2 into the atmosphere, causes pos feedback
Other threats
-cattle ranching= accounts for 80% of deforestation
-logging= cut down the best trees, burn the rest, land is sown with grass to raise cattle
-oil and gas extraction= Amazonian in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru= gold, iron and tin
Protection/ the future/ laws
-REDD= reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation= based on the idea that rich countries should pay poor countries not to cut down trees
-expanding areas designed as national parks or indigenous parks/ reserves= Central Amazon Conservation Complex in Brazil
-laws controlling land use= Brazilian forest Code says landowners must keep 50-80% land as forest