(W&B)Practice Quiz #1 Flashcards
When computing the maximum forward loaded CG of an aircraft, minimum
weights, arms, and moments should be used for items of useful load that
are located aft of the
Forward CG limit
- Which of the following can provide the empty weight of an aircraft if the
aircraft’s weight and balance records become lost, destroyed, or otherwise
Reweighing the aircraft
- An aircraft as loaded weighs 4,954 pounds at a CG of +30.5 inches. The CG
range is +32.0 inches to +42.1 inches. Find the minimum weight of the
ballast necessary to bring the CG within the CG range. The ballast arm is
+162 inches.
57.16 pounds.
- What tasks are completed prior to weighing an aircraft to determine its empty
Remove all items except those on the aircraft equipment list; drain fuel and fill hydraulic
- If the reference datum line is placed at the nose of an airplane rather
than at the firewall or some other location aft of the nose,
all measurement arms will be in positive numbers
- To obtain useful weight data for purposes of determining the CG, it is
necessary that an aircraft be weighed
in a level flight attitude.
- When determining the empty weight of an aircraft, certificated under
current airworthiness standards (14 CFR Part 23), the oil contained in
the supply tank is considered
a part of the empty weight.
- Datum is forward of the main gear center point 30.24 inches Actual
distance between tail gear and main gear center points 360.26 inches
Net weight at right main gear 9,980 pounds Net weight at left main gear
9,770 pounds Net weight at tail gear 1,970 pounds These items were in
the aircraft when weighed: 1. Lavatory water tank full (34 pounds at
+352). 2. Hydraulic fluid (22 pounds at -8). 3. Removable ballast (146
pounds at +380). What is the empty weight CG of the aircraft described
60.31 inches.
- Most modern aircraft are designed so that if all seats are occupied, full
baggage weight is carried, and all fuel tanks are full, what will be the
weight condition of the aircraft?
It will be in excess of maximum takeoff weight.
10.The maximum weight as used in weight and balance control of a given
aircraft can normally be found
In the Aircraft Specification or Type Certificate Data Sheet.
- When an empty aircraft is weighed, the combined net weight at the
main gears is 3,540 pounds with an arm of 195.5 inches. At the nose
gear, the net weight is 2,322 pounds with an arm of 83.5 inches. The
datum line is forward of the nose of the aircraft. What is the empty CG
of the aircraft?
12.The amount of fuel used for computing empty weight and
corresponding CG is
unusable fuel.
13.All other things being equal, if an item of useful load located aft of an
aircraft’s CG is removed, the aircraft’s CG change will be
forward in proportion to the weight of the item and its location in the aircraft.
14.What type of measurement is used to designate the arm in weight and
balance computation?
15.The useful load of an aircraft consists of the
crew, usable fuel, passengers, and cargo.