Vygotsky's Theory of Language Development Flashcards
Birth to 3 months
(language milestones)
-Cries for food, comfort and companionship.
-Recognizes important sounds (moms voice)
-Coos and makes sounds to show pleasure.
-Reacts to loud sounds
4 to 6 months
(language milestones)
-Responds to changes in tone of voice
-Recognize basic sounds of Native language
-Babbles and makes gurgling sounds
-Pays attention
7-12 months (language milestones)
-Turns and looks int eh direction of sounds
-Understands words for common items
-Responds to requests
-Communicates using gestures (points, waves)
-Imitates speech
-Says one or two simple words
12-18 months (language milestones)
-Says words with meanings
-Follows simple instructions and understands simple questions
-Points to pictures when named in books.
18 months-2 years (language milestones)
-Puts two words together into short sentences
-Uses many different consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
2-3 years (language milestones)
-Speaks in sentences of 3-4 words
-Can be understood most of the time by others.
-Names objects to direct attention to them.
3-4 years (language milestones)
-Talks about activities at daycare, preschool, etc.
-Uses sentences with 4+ words
4-5 years (language milestones)
-Hears and understands most of what is said at home and school
-Gives many details in sentences
-Tells stories
-Identifies and uses rhyming words
-Uses grammar more appropriately
-Pays attention to and answers short questions about a story