vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory Flashcards
is Vygotsky’s term for the appropriate assistance given by the teacher to assist the learner accomplish a task.
- Theory more individual
- Tasks focused heavily on how an individual’s cognitive development became evident through the individual’s own processing of the tasks.
- Theory more on social
- He gave more weight on the social interactions that contributed to the cognitive development of individuals.
- Emphasized that effective learning happens through participation in social activities, making the social context of learning crucial.
Social interaction
“talking- to -oneself” is an indication of the thinking that goes on in the mind of the child. This will eventually lead to private speech
is a form of self-talk that guides the child’s thinking and action.
Private Speech
When a child attempts to perform a skill alone, she may not be immediately proficient at it. So, alone she may perform at a certain level of competency.
Zone of Proximidal Development
Competent adult or a more advanced peer, the child can perform at a higher level of competency.
More Knowledgeable Other (MKO)
As learners become more proficient, able to complete tasks on their own that they could not initially do without assistance, the guidance can be withdrawn.
Scaffold and fade-away technique
-Believed that as the child develops and matures, he goes through universal stages of cognitive development that allows him to move from simple explorations with senses and muscles to complex reasoning
-One culture’s view about education, how children are trained early in life all can contribute to the cognitive development of the child
Cultural Factors