Vygotsky Flashcards
Discuss how socio-culture can influence aspects of development Explain why inner speech plays an important role in development Describe what the ‘zone of proximal development’ and ‘scaffolding’ are and how they influence development and education Discuss how socio-culture may play a role in children’s ability to delay gratification and in the development of motor skills Compare and contrast Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories of development
What was Vygotsky’s basic idea
He thought all infants were born with attention, sensation, perception and memory but they needed interaction with people and environment to get higher mental functions
How does socio-culture influence development through play
It determines the type of practical activity we engage in and the thing we learn. Children imitate through play so socio-culture is important in shaping what they imitate
Define socio-culture
Brings together how society and the social world of a child and the culture in the child’s world at the time may impact a Childs development
How does socio-culture influence development through problem solving
It determines the practical activity we engage in and the things we learn. Therefore, it influences how familiar we are with thinking and reasoning about certain problems or topics.
How does socio-culture influence development through language
It determines the language we speak, subtle differences in language can result in noticeable differences in cognition
What does Vygotsky consider is the key milestone in speech
The transition between using language to communicate to self-speech
What is the zone of proximal development
The increase in development that a child can reach through assistance by a more competent person compared to the development without this help.
What are the 5 steps to scaffolding that Wood proposed
Recruitment - engaging a child reduction of degrees of freedom - reducing the number of acts needed to arrive at a solution direct maintenance - keeping motivation marking critical features demonstration - stimulates imitation
How can Vygotskys theory apply to education x4
- ) Structures learning activities
- ) helpful hints tailored to a childs abilities
- ) Gradually turning the activity to the learner
- ) Collaborative exercises so students can assist each other
Why does socio-economic factors play a role in delayed gratification
Lower socio-economic families have less certainty so makes sense to take risks
How does delayed gratification predict a child’s success
Walter, Mischel et al found that a child’s ability to delay gratification (marshmallow task) predicts success in adolescence
Similarities of Vygotsky and Piaget x2
- ) Children are active learners
2. ) They are constructivists
Differences between Vygotsky and Piaget
- ) Piaget said children are in complete control, Vygotsky said that social world and interactions shape development
- ) Piaget thought self-speech showed egocentrisism. Vygotsky thought the transition between the self-speech and inner-speech is the child learning to regulate their behaviour