Vulnerable Pop Flashcards


Vulnerbale groups:

  • SOmeitmes called inclusion health grouos
  • “groups of people who ar ento suaully well provuded for by healthcare services and have poorer accrss, experiences and health outcomes
  • Includes uvlnerbale migrants, Gpsy, roma and travellers, rough sleepes. sex workers etc
  • Refugees + asylum seekers = people ho have fled ar, violence, conflict or persuction and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country.
    • Asylum seeker - flees their home, arrives in another country whichever way they can, makwa themselves known to authorities, submits aslum application, has legal right to stay in country while waitign fo rdecision. “Claim in process or claim refused”. lots wait >6m for decision, 8% were children alone, 40% in 2020 accepted rufugee, caint claim mainstrema welfare benefits and cant work untill aplicaiton undertemrined after 1 year.
    • Refugee = proven theyd be at risk if returned to their home country, has had claim for asylum accepted by government. Has permission to stay in UK long term or indefinately and has right to bring immediate family members ot join them. 26m globally, half children, 85% hoste din devleoping ocuntries, most from syria, venezuela, afghanistan, south sudan and myanmar.
    • Most vulnerable, have signficiant omplex health and social care needs and often higher prevalence of pre existing infecitous diseases. Higher levels sexual gender based violence. Limited access to contraception and maternity care. Non cummunicable disease may go umannded and mental ill health from pre and psot migration abuse, torture etc.
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