VSMP Regulations (Module 4) Flashcards
The VSMP Regulations apply to what five things?
- Every VSMP authority
- The Department (DEQ) in oversight of VSMPs or in its administration of the VSMP
- Every MS4 program
- Every state agency project regulated and every federal entity project covered under the VSMA and Regulations
- Every LDA: Either greater than 1 acre, greater than 2,500 sq. ft in a CBPA, or in a more stringent locality
(Module 4 / Page 3)
When does the SWPPP need to be amended?
Whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to state waters that has not been previously addressed in the SWPPP.
(Module 4 / Page 12)
What section of the Regulations might keep an operator from constructing to a more stringent standard?
No section.
Operators are allowed to adhere to more stringent standards at their own discretion
(Module 4 / Page 5)
What must a SWPPP include?
- Approved erosion and sediment control plan
- Approved stormwater management plan
- Pollution prevention plan
- Plan specifying any additional control measures to meet the requriements of a TMDL (if applicable)
(Module 4 / Page 11)
What is needed to satisfy long term maintenance before a stormwater management plan can be approved?
-An approved agreement for the long term maintenance of a permanent stormwater management facility
(Module 4 / Page 16)
What are the four types of discharges the Pollution Prevention Plan must included effective measure to prohibit?
- Wastewater from washout of concrete, unless managed by an appropriate control
- Wastewater from washout and cleanout of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds, and other construction materials.
- Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance
- Soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing
(Module 4 / Page 15)
Describe what the pollution prevention plan must detail.
It must detail the design, installation, and maintenance of effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants during construction.
(Module 4 / Page 15)
Describe the importance of the stormwater management plan?
This plan must outline how stormwater leaving a site after construction will meet the necessary water quality and quantity technical criteria.
(Module 4 / Page 12)
What two things make up Virginia’s Runoff Reduction Method, Virginia’s new approach to stormwater management?
- Runoff reduction (reduce and treat stormwater runoff)
- Water quantity standards (storage and release of stromwater runoff) for channel and flood protection
(Module 4 / Page 19)
What is the Phosphorus (P) Load requirement for new development or increased impervious area on prior developed land using the Part II B design criteria?
the Phosphorus (P) load cannot exceed 0.41 lbs./acre/yr.
Module 4 / Page 20
Describe the Phosphorus (P) Load requirements for development on prior developed land where the LDA does not increase impervious cover from predevelopment conditions.
On a site where the LDA is greater than or equal to an acre the Phosphorus Load must be reduced at least 20% below pre-development load.
On a site where the LDA is less than an acre, the Phosphorus Load must be reduced at least 10% below predevelopment load.
(Module 4 / Page 20)
Describe the Phosphorus (P) Load requriements for development on site larger than 1 acre of prior developed land where LDA does increase impervious cover from pre-development conditions.
Increase impervious area cannot exceed 0.41 lbs./acre/year of Phosphorus Load and on the remainder of the site the Phosphorus Load must be reduced 20% below pre-development Phosphorus Load.
(Module 4 / Page 20)
What is concentrated flow?
Runoff that accumulates or converges into well-defined channels.
(Module 4 / Page 22)
What is the definition of a channel?
A natural or manmade waterway
Module 4 / Page 22
What is the definition of sheet flow?
An overland flow or down slope movement of water taking the form of a thin, continuous film over the land.
(Module 4 / Page 22)
What is the definition of flooding?
A volume of water that is too great to be confined within the banks or walls of the stream, water body, or conveyance system and that overflows onto adjacent lands, thereby causing or threatening damage.
(Module 4 / Page 22)
What is the purpose of channel protection criteria in the Regulations?
To prevent habitat degradation and erosion in natural streams caused by an increased frequency of bankfull and sub-bankfull storwater flows. It seeks to minimize downstream channel enlargement and opening that is a common consequence of development.
(Module 4 / Page 23)
What is a Manmade stormwater conveyance system?
A pipe, ditch, vegetated swale, or other stormwater conveyance system constructed by man except for restored stormwater conveyance systems.
(Module 4 / Page 23)
What is a Restored stormwater conveyance system?
A stormwater conveyance system that has been designed and constructed using natural design concepts.
(Module 4 / Page 23)
What is a Natural stormwater conveyance system?
The main channel of a natural stream and the flood-prone area adjacent to the main channel.
(Module 4 / Page 23)
What is the goal of flood protection?
To prevent flood damage to the conveyance system and drainage infrastructure and reduce minor flooding caused by over-bank floods. (To protect downstream structures, culverts, and bridges from increase over-bank flooding)
(Module 4 / Page 25)
What does “HUC” stand for?
Hydrologic Unit Code
Module 4 / Page 27
What is hydrology?
The science of the characteristics, distribution, and movement of water on and below the earth’s surface and in the atmosphere.
(Module 4 / Page 28)
What should be done before constructing a permanent stormwater management impoundment structure?
-A geotechnical investigation that identifies any necessary modification to the BMP to ensure its structural integrity and maintain its water quality and quantity efficiencies should be completed.
(Module 4 / Page 30)
How many days does a VSMP authority have to determine the completeness of a stormwater management plan and notify the applicant of its determination?
15 days
Module 4 / Page 41
If a plan is complete and the applicant has been notified within 15 days of submission, how many days does the VSMP authority have to review the plan?
60 days from the time of the notification
Module 4 / Page 41
During the plan review process, what happens if a determination of completeness has not been made and communicated to the applicant in 15 days?
The plan is determined complete as of the date of submission, and the VSMP authority has 60 days from the date of submission to review the plan.
(Module 4 / Page 41)
How many days does a VSMP authority have to review a plan that was previously disapproved?
45 days
Module 4 / Page 41
When should inspections take place for the installation of stormwater management measures?
Module 4 / Page 44
What must the VSMP authority inspect during construction?
- Compliance with the approved erosion and sediment control plan
- Compliance with the approved stormwater management plan
- Development, updating, and implementation of a P2 plan
- Development and implementation of any additional control measures necessary to address a TMDL
(Module 4 / Page 45)
What three things combine to create an acceptable post-construction inspection program for a VSMP authority?
- The program must be approved by the Board
- The program must ensure that each facility is inspected by the VSMP authority, at least once every 5 years.
- The program must be documented by records
(Module 4 / Page 45)
What four types of informal and formal administrative enforcement procedures should be used based on the VSMP Regulations?
- Verbal warnings and inspection reports
- Notice of corrective action
- Consent orders including civil charges in accordance with 62.1-44.15:48 D 2
- Notices to comply in accordance with 62.1-44.15:37
(Module 4 / Pages 45-46)
What must a VSMP authority incorporate into a local ordinance regarding civil and criminal judicial enforcement?
-Enforcement authority and a schedule of civil penalties for enforcement actions with the maximum penalty the court may issue being $32,500 per violation per day.
(Module 4 / Page 46)
What happens to any civil penalty assessed by a court as a result of a summons issued by a locality VSMP?
The penalty shall be paid to the locality’s treasury and is to be used for the purpose of minimizing, preventing, managing, or mitigating pollution of the waters of the locality and reducing environmental pollution in such manner as the court may direct.
(Module 4 / Page 46-47)
What two methods of compliance can be thought of as “routine components of the compliance process”?
- Inspection Reports
- Warning Letters
(Module 4 / Page 48)
When should a notice of violation be used in the compliance process?
Once an alleged violation is considered ongoing, persistant, severe, or of such significance that further enforcement action is deemed appropriate.
(Module 4 / Page 48)
What does the Notice of Violation mark?
The transition from compliance to enforcement
Module 4 / Page 48
What type of reports and records shall each VSMP authority report to the Department by October 1st of each year?
- Information on each permanent stormwater management facility completed during the fiscal year including the type, geographic coordinates, acres treated, and to which surface waters the facility will discharge into.
- Number and type of enforcement actions
- Number of exceptions granted
(Module 4 / Pages 51-52)
How long should construction record drawings of stormwater management facilities be kept on record by a VSMP authority?
In perpetuity or until the stormwater management facility is removed
(Module 4 / Page 52)
How long should stormwater management facility inspections records be retained for?
At least five years from the date of inspection
Module 4 / Page 52
How long should project records, including approved stormwater management plans, be retained for?
For three years after permit termination or project completion
(Module 4 / Page 52)