Vše co jste kdy chtěli vědět o anglických časech - Předminulý čas průběhový Flashcards
Předminulý čas průběhový sa používa keď …
zdôrazňujeme, že sa nejaká vec odohrávala pred nejakým bodom v minulosti.
Keď sme prišli, čakal tam dve hodiny.
When we arrived he had been waiting there for two hours.
Bol veľmi špinavý pretože opravoval auto.
He was very dirty because he had been repairing his bike.
Keď sme sa zobrali, žili sme spolu 9 rokov.
When we got married, we had been living together for nine years.
Ako dlho ste čakal, keď prišla?
How long had you been waiting when she came?
Bol som unavený, pretože som predtým tvrdo pracoval.
I was tired because I had been working hard before.
Keď som prišla do divadla, to predstavenie už bežalo 20 minut.
When I came to the theather, the performance had been RUNNING for 20 minutes.
Deti boli celé špinavé, jedly veľký dort.
Kids were all dirty, they had been eating a big cake.
Keď sa rozišli, chodili spolu 25 rokov.
When they broke up, they had been dating together for 25 years.
Bol som šťastný, pretože mi zavolala.
I was happy because she had called me.
Boli špinaví, pretože sa prali.
They were dirty because they had been fighting.
Bol som zvedavý, pretože som to predtým nikdy nerobil.
I was curious because I had never done it before.
Keď sme sa vzali, chodili sme spolu osem rokov.
When we GOT married, we had been dating together for 8 years.
Keď som prišiel do baru, uvedomil som si že som nechal peňaženku doma.
When I came to the bar, I realized that I had left my wallet at home.
Keď som prišiel do školy, Tomáš odišiel.
When I came to the school, Thomas had left.