Volcanic Gases Flashcards
What gas suffocated the villager near Lake Nyos?
Carbon dioxide
What was the original source of gas?
Underground magma, gases travelled up via fissures (cracks) underneath the lake
What triggered the release of gas from the lake?
A landslide, which caused CO2 rich water to rise
Why was the gas-rich water at the bottom of the lake?
CO2-rich water is more dense than regular lake water
Why was the gas white?
Covered in water vapor (water droplets formed on the surface of the gas)
Was there any warning for the villagers?
Nope, the gas was silent and odorless
Approx how many people died in this disaster?
1800 died of suffocation
How are future disasters at Lake Nyos being prevented?
Several pipes vent the CO2 from the bottom of the lake to the surface
Most of the gases in Earth’s early atmosphere came from
volcanoes and still contribute to the atmosphere today
Mazuku - “evil wind”
- Pocket of CO2-rich air that can be lethal
- Created when CO2 accumulates in pockets low to ground
Geology of Lake Nyos
- Located in the Oku volcanic field
- Disagreement about cause of volcanism: some think hot spot, others think rift-related
What gas killed trees north of Horseshoe Lake?
How much gas escapes near Horseshoe Lake each day?
100 tons/day
What is the usual concentration of CO2 in the air?
What concentration of CO2 causes headaches and dizziness?
Above 17% = death and unconsciousness in seconds
Horseshoe Lake
- Summer-time exposure to high lvls of CO2 may be from lying on the ground or digging pits in the ground
- Walking through area in summer is safe as long as heads stay above ground lvl
- During the winter, CO2 lvl can build up beneath snow and CO2 gas will preferentially escape around buildings, tree wells, and depressions around large rocks
Geology of Mammoth Mountain
- A lava dome made of silica-rich lavas, formed 110,000-57,000 years ago
- Lies at the edge of the Long Valley Caldera, but has a distinct magma chamber
- Volcano is still active with minor eruptions, largest was a minor phreatic (stream) eruptions 700 ya
Earthquake swarm hits Mammoth Lakes
185 tremors and growing
USGS Volcano Monitoring Program
Real-time monitoring of ground movements
- Thermal imaging
- Cameras
- Satellites
- Earthquake and Lahar sensors
- Surveying
- Tiltmeter
- Airborne and ground for gas monitoring