Volatiles Flashcards
Factors affects gas Inspired concentration
There are three major things: gas flow rate, breathing circuit (circle system) volume, and breathing circuit absorption.
A simplified way to think of it is this: imagine that the circle system is a sink for volatile anesthetic, like a sponge. The more sponge you have, the more anesthetic that will be absorbed before you reach the patient, therefore decreasing the size of the circle system (smaller/ shorter tubing) will lead to less absorption. Therefore the gas that leaves the circle system (at the Y-connector) will more closely resemble the gas that leaves the fresh gas outlet (where you attach the circle system circuit)
The avidity to which the anesthetic is taken up from the alveolus to the venous blood depends on two major factors …
(1) solubility of the agent.
The more soluble the agent is in blood, the more anesthetic that will be taken from the alveoli. The partition coefficient describes this in terms of how much agent will be in the blood versus the alveolus (blood / gas partition coefficient). The higher the coefficient, the higher the concentration in the blood as compared to the alveolus (it’s a simple ratio).
(2)The difference in partial pressures between the alveolus and the venous blood.
The lower the partial pressure of the agent in the blood and the higher the partial pressure in the alveolus results in the greatest pressure difference between the alveoli and pulmonary venous blood.
What is meaning of Induction? And what’s considered fast or slow induction?
Induction occurs when the alveoli concentration reaches a certain level (lets say 1 MAC). The speed in which that occurs is described by the alveolar concentration (FA) to inhalation concentration (FI) plot over time. In other words, the faster FA reaches FI, the faster the induction.
Induction is faster with more soluble or insoluble gases?
Insoluble volatiles
increasing the blood/ gas coefficient means that we are increasing the solubility of the agent in blood. Therefore, the higher the solubility, the more anesthetic that will be taken out of the alveoli. The more anesthetic that is taken out of the alveoli, the longer it will take for the alveolar concentration (FA) to reach the inhaled concentration (FI) (answer B). If the gas is less soluble, then less anesthetic will removed from the alveolus, and the FA will reach the FI concentration (partial pressure) quicker! The related subject is pulmonary venous blood concentration (see question 2). With insoluble agents (that means only a little bit is taken up by blood), the circulation is saturated with the anesthetic much quicker.
Speed of induction increased with …. cardiac output
Low CO = fast induction.
The higher the cardiac output, the more anesthetic that is removed from the alveolus, and therefore FA lags behind FI. Decreasing cardiac output leads to less alveolar anesthetic removal and FA approaches FI more quickly. The exception to this is shunt.
Speed of induction increased with …. MV
Increasing MV
Increasing ventilation means that the agent in the alveoli that was taken up by the blood is replaced quicker. This speeds FA (right!). Since FI (the inhalation concentration doesn’t change) the FA/ FI ratio increases, meaning that induction is sped up.
Mainstem intubation will … the speed of induction
By mainsteming the patient, shunt has increased. Therefore there is a bunch of blood that does not participate in gas exchange (or anesthetic uptake) and dilutes the concentration of anesthetic in the arterial blood leaving the alveoli (post capillary blood). Therefore, the anesthetic concentration in the mixed venous blood is also decreased. The decreased concentration in mixed venous blood means that there will be a greater concentration difference from alveoli to venous blood, and therefore more anesthetic will be pulled from the alveoli into the blood BUT less blood is being exposed to the lungs with a net effect of decreased uptake. Therefore, altogether FA continues to approximate FI, yet the arterial partial pressure of the volatile agent is decreased.
The speed of induction is slower/faster for soluble or insoluble gases in mainstem intubation or shunt in general?
Faster than insoluble
Soluble agents are less effected by shunts than insoluble agents. The best explanation that I have seen essentially says that because the blood concentration of an insoluble agent is so low, the shunted blood that has not taken up any volatile agent will dilute out this small concentration of insoluble agent as compared to a soluble agent. But the real reason is essentially this: the shunt fraction blood will increase its concentration of volatile anesthetic over time and as this proportion of blood increases its concentration with continued induction closer to that of the post-capilary blood, the dilutional effects will be less. Soluble agents will saturate this portion of unventilated blood quicker than insoluble agents
Speed of induction vs cardiac shunt (Rt to left vs Left to Rt)?
Induction will be quicker in the ‘left to right’ shunt
left to right shunts do not slow induction.
Desflurane’s Blood/ Gas partition coefficient of 0.42 means that
Blood will have 42% as much desflurane when compared to alveolar gas
At equilibrium at 37 C, desflurane because of its low partition coefficient will have a higher concentration in alveolar gas than in blood. Therefore, blood has only 42% the capacity for desflurane as does alveolar gas (per unit).
Induction is faster with (soluble or insoluble) in presence of right to left shunt?
Soluble (Isoflurane).
Normally the insoluble is faster due to faster FI/FA equilibrium
Where if shunt present then the unventilated shunted fraction will equilibrate with the post-capillary blood quicker with a soluble agent as opposed to an insoluble agent.
Name a factor that would speed up the induction of gases but at the same time it would slow the gas elimination?
Factors that speed induction also speed elimination. In fact, elimination is essentially induction backwards. Using high fresh gas flows, low volume and absorbency breathing circuits speed induction by maintaining FI close to the concentration delivered by the machine (at the fresh gas outlet) during induction (see question 1). During elimination, these factors keep the inspired gases as close to the fresh gas outlet as well, except its typically 100% oxygen plus the very small amount of residual anesthetic that was absorbed into the circuit. Decreasing cardiac output is counterintuitive, but remember that brain levels of sevoflurane parallel that at the alveolus. When cardiac output is low, the alveolus can better rid itself of residual anesthetic.
The potency of volatiles correlates to their …
Lipid solubility
This principle is known as the Meyer-Overton rule, and demonstrates that inhalation agents’’ potency correlates with lipid solubility. There are multiple theories of anesthetic mechanism of action from disturbing lipid membrane form and conductivity and stimulating actual receptors (answer B), but this possible mechanism does not explain potency. Aromatic rings may allow for lipid solubility, but are not possessed by any anesthetics in clinical use. Increasing the concentration of an agent does not make it more potent (answer A). More potent volatile anesthetics have LOWER MACs (sevoflurane and isoflurane are very potent, whereas N20 is not very potent at all). Blood/ Gas partition coefficients describe solubility, which in turn can explain time to induction (answer D). Blood/ Gas coefficients do not correlate with potency, as N2O with a very low coefficient (0.47) is not potent, whereas Desflurane (0.42) is more potent and sevoflurane (0.65) still more potent again.
Potency describes how concentration and effect are related. Highly potent drugs exert their effect at lower concentrations than less potent drugs. In terms of volatiles. this means that a low MAC, which has a linear correlation (not perfect, but strong correlation) to increased lipid solubility describes potency.
What’s the ED95 for patients movement following surgical stimulation?
ED50 = At 1.0 MAC 50% of patients will move in response to a surgical incision, and at
ED95 = 1.3 MAC only 5% of patients will. Remember this means without any other anesthetics on board either (residual propofol, fentanyl, midazolam, lidocaine, etc).
A 70 year old man will likely have what % reduction in MAC compared to a 40 year old man:
One expects a 6% decrease in MAC per decade of life after age 40. Therefore, 70-40 = 30 (3 decades); 3 X 6% = 18%.
Most metabolic disturbances decrease MAC, except for
which can increase MAC. Hypoxia can be a powerful “anaesthetic,” perhaps as decreased oxygen supplies to the CNS lead to decreased arousal. Likewise, extreme anaemia, may not provide enough oxygen to the brain with the same clinical effect. More common than hypoxia, is hypercarbia as a cause of decreased MAC and delayed emergence.
Do infants have increased or decreasesd MAC?
Increased MAC is often required for young patients, and depending on the specific agent, peaks very early in life and progressively decreases (pretty much linearly) after age of 1 year