Vol 5 Flashcards
Who shall coordinate preparation of reports to prevent duplication?
Master copies of reports are often lost. To aid in retrieving the original, right in the body of letter, preferably at the…, Authors name, assignment and where the report will be filled
End of last page
No additions or eliminations of form, records, books or files without approval of?
Admin office
All investigative reports shall be submitted in?
Duplicate copy
How many subjects are LAFD forms Limited to?
PRBs at time of separation shall be forwarded to?
Personnel services
When corrections are needed on a report or form, draw a line through the entry and make necessary corrections in ink…
Above correction and in the margin
AF – 225 with boxes is used as an Intradepartmental correspondence through channels what form is used when routing through channels is not required?
F – 223
F – 233
What form is used to correspond with city Officials, or the public?
F – 228
All reports shall be completed in aerial font size
All reports shall be single space. Spacing between paragraphs shall be… Spaced?
When citizens request fire prevention report information or files, members should refer?
To arson
The non-concurrence of an F – 225, the officer shall type see attached F – 225?
In the signature box
When an F – 225 is disapprove by an immediate supervisor, signature shall be preceded?
LAFD forms with the word Temp are temporary forms with a field test?
Six months
Battalion maintains all the following member files
F – 10 and F – 9
Non-– compliance F – 1308 Golden Rod’s are Filed by map book and page number in… Order
Signature rubber stamps can be used by officers but requires whose approval?
Fire chief
Where are the fire prevention Bureau recall files maintained?
Bureau office
When necessary to insert a new page in a members PRB due to the page being full, where Shall new page is the filled?
In front of full page
If the F – 173 is used to track general occupancies. FPB occupants use?
F – 173 A
The battalion metal box is color-coded with the following colors
Red, green, blue
Firestation files shall be arranged by?
Where are the FPB recall files maintained?
Bureau office
By order of… Fire prevention records shall be open for inspection by the mayor, city Council, the board and other government agencies
The fire code
What type occupancy is station fire prevention left cut folders used for?
How many fire prevention reinspection folders are found in the fire station FP files
How long shall fire station fire prevention reports be retained?
Three years
Fire station occupancy file records include three sections.
Occupancy Records
Pending file
Brush clearance
The Hydrant test record book contains the following forms
F – 70
F – 95
F – 366
What is form F – HMIF used for?
Hazardous material information form
Hazardous material liquid in excess of… Gallons required disclosure
55 gallons
Hazardous material solids… Pounds or more required disclosure?
500 pounds
Hazardous material gases in Excess of… Cubic feet required disclosure
Cal OSHA forms shall be retained for… Years?
The Cal OSHA 200 Is completed by station commanders in January after the end of a calendar year. Post a copy on the official bulletin board no later than February 1 and it shall remain in place until?
March 1
The department of building and safety form SD, notice to comply with permit wire smoke detectors is required when a multiple unit residential occupancy is… Or more units
DWC form 1, claim form shall be provided to the members when there is a work related injury or illness within?
Within 24 hours
Can felt pens be used in the F – 2 journal?
How long shall you retain the F-2?
One year
An F-8, roster change forward through channels to personnel services within how many hours?
On/off duty checklist form is referred to as?
An F – 18A Request to transfer are routed to ESB. How many copies shall be forwarded?
Submitting an F – 18A, Request to transfer for stations within the same battalion, submit one?
Covers all stations/Platoons requested
F– 23 is the… Report?
Emergency overtime
Ford F – 23 With what other form?
F – 5054
F – 41 is used for?
Revision report
What is form F Dash 44 used for?
Intra-departmental memo
A F– 49 ordinance leave shall be forwarded to?
Book 55 shall be labeled?
Company records
F – 63B daily training and fire prevention activities shall record time to the nearest?
1/4 hour
Where shall the F – 63B daily training and fire prevention activities be retained
Book 55
The F – 70 Hydrant test record Shall be used to… Hydrant test, Years?
The FG – 79 is a notice of commendation. Print… Copies
Three copies
Non-medical – 80 shall be retained for three months. How many copies are generated?
Three copies
How long shall form general 84B be Retained for?
How soon is FG-84B Forwarded?
24 hours
Where do you forward an F-85?
FP Bureau, legal
How many copies of form general 88 are generated?
How long is form general 88 retained for
After an accident, how soon shall you forward an FG 88?
24 hours
The F100 is a suggestion form. Where are Forwarded and retained
How long shall the F122 overlay for hose and salvage cover record to be retained
The F – 128, hose and salvage cover record shall be retained in… For… Months?
Book 55 for six months
The F – 165, duty certificate is used to document?
Return to duty status
The DL 170 certificate of driving is used for original issue of class B or class a. It is also used if current license expires more than… Months ago
Six months
The F 175 tag is referred to as?
Material to store room tag
The F211 is a citation form. The form is to be retained for three years. Produce… Copies?
What is the F – 215
Equipment loan slip
F – 225 shall be retained for… Years or until usefulness has passed?
One year
The F – 225 with boxes is used as a… Correspondence through channels. The F – 223 is used with routing through channels is not required?
The F – 226C is referred to as?
Reply to grievance
A division five permit is referred to as?
F – 280
A request for legal action is forwarded to fire prevention Bureau legal liaison unit. What is the form number?
F – 290
A notice of reinspection… One copy is left on scene
F – 337
The F315 is a special permit issued for outdoor fires. The expiration of the permit is until usefulness has passed but no longer than?
One year
Form F – 334 is a citizen complaint of Hazzard that is maintained in the complaint book. Council complaints shall be answered in… Inc.
Red ink