Vol 4 Flashcards
Volume 4 establishes a… Procedure for ordering supplies and services?
When ordering regular service, officers are to refer to?
SRS catalog of supplies
An emergency… Is one, which if not made Seriously hamper operating efficiency of the subdivision?
When an emergency services needed, Station Commanders show make request verbally to the department responsible for service. If the office is closed, request or directed to?
If a requisition is normally required for emergency services, For the requisition…?
When phone calls are made to a subdivision for service or support, they shall be made to?
Subdivision office
When completing an SRS for repairs the service is not listed, commander shall contact
Subdivision responsible for service
All of the following describes station/apparatus emergency service/repair policy
One that if not made would cause damage to persons or property or would hamper emergency operations
Commanders shall make request verbally to the department responsible for a service
When offices are closed, request are directed to Metro
When office equipment requires repairs, arrange through?
Building admin
Office table and chairs are exchanged through?
S & M
When requesting storeroom information, call… Direct at 213-485-6124
Stores information
When returning items surplus items to S & M, use a requisition for credit and print… Copies
When returning expendable items to S & M,… Is required?
No requisition required
What a department member would like to purchase discarded items, who shall they contact?
Salvage division of GSD
Red rags shall be tied in bundles. Receipt left by vendor, sign and forward to accounting, mail stop?
Red rags or to be bundled and 50 and tagged with?
(2) F – 175 tags
When an axe is damaged, S & M will replace?
With similar handle and head
Wall washing equipment is needed, contact storeroom Counter, transportation of equipment is provided by?
Station requesting
Damage furniture shall be forwarded to S and M with a F–175 tag. Who shall range for load furniture
ESB commander
New furniture is stored at S & M and issued by?
Budget committee
Office equipment repairs typewriters, paper shredders, fax shall arrange through?
Building admin
When requesting office equipment repairs, code a phone to BAS. Provide all of the following information
Control number
City decal number
Name and rank
When the waist barrel is full, whom do you contact?
Storeroom counter
When exchanging bedspread, fold in bundles of?
Who shall station exchange bedspreads with?
Bedspreads shall be laundered periodically as per…?
Weekly bulletin
The PPE cleaning and repair form F 80 PPE is found on the Internet under?
Uniform, original issue is by the city at the training academy. Title reverts from fire department to member… From date of issue.
One year
Turnouts, original issued by the city of Los Angeles. Title remains with the?
The fire department
When shall probationary members be issued a second set of turnouts?
After graduation
When department issued channel locks are damaged, forward with?
F – 175 tag
Replacement fire fighting suspenders and fire fighting hood Shall be?
When your face piece is in need of a repair, you shall?
F175 tag and forward to S&M
Upon retirement or termination, all items issued to the membership be returned to you?
Station keys are issued and retained at the place of assignment on what form?
Who is the control point for helmet liners?
How many F 80 copies shall be provided when having PPE is repaired
Turnouts are beyond repair if a… Inch hole is through all garment layers?
2 inch
No PPE modifications are allowed, modification request refer to
Equipment Engineering
How often shall members forward PPE’s to the city vendor for cleaning
Semi annually
The three boot system is to last how many years?
How many orders of boots per year our battalion commander is allowed to approve?
Who approves the safety boot procurement voucher program?
Station and battalion commander
Work uniform garment replacements are two per year. Who approves the replacements?
Station and battalion
When member submits an F 80 for PPE’s, the department may provide within… Weeks
2 to 3
Turn out boots are NFPA… Compliant
When member procures his own PPEs, note in special instruction box member will…?
When fitting and procuring boots at S&M turn out world, hours of operation are?
0630 to 1145
Station commander and battalion commander approves safety Boot procurement voucher. The voucher must be used within how many days?
60 days
Can boot vouchers ever be combined into one single purchase?
Members who do not wear the standard sizes listed in the catalog of supplies, should notify Turnout World 213-847-0473 at least… In advance so the size needed can be ordered.
Six months
One fitting in procuring boots at S & M Turnout World, hours 0630 to…?
Forwarding old safety clothing to S & M, tag with F-175 and SRS F-80 should state?
Returned for credit
What shall member do with a helmet liner or suspenders are replaced
Properly dispose
Business cards are issued to chiefs, captains, members on staff assignments may request. They are issued in one box of… cards
200 cards
Station commanders shall contact field repair supervisor at S & M in all the follow and cases
To obtain apparatus maintenance during regular business hours, contact S&M… To… Hours.
0600 to 1530
All the following are true about emergency apparatus repair
Accidents requiring immediate attention
Vehicles placed out of service because of need a repair
May result in injury to personal damage
Decrease deficiency to dangerous level
Prevent making an emergency response
Causes vehicle to operate in violation of any law
For emergency tire repairs,… Will contact Metro or heavy rescue direct
Responsible officer
Apparatus Shall be operated and cared for in accordance with all the following
Department manuals
Instruction from S&M

Tires will be exchanged on the tread measures… Deep or less
1/8 of an inch
Who is responsible for apparatus spare tires, Jack and wrench
Station commanders
In cases were replacement tires are not conforming to the logbook tire replacement policy responsible officer shall arrange for a proper tire replacement by contacting… During regular business hours as soon as possible.
The shop office
All of the following are true when determining a tow
Can’t operate safely
Can’t operate legally
Failed Mechanic denied
During large-scale emergencies and strike teams, mobile mechanic reports to…?
Commanding officer
All the following are true about documentation of outside vendor towing
Receipt must have a pre-printed name
Make, year, shop number of the apparatus
Time completed
Membership sign receipt with assignment and phone number
If your apparatus breakdown while in quarters, who shall range for towing?
After hours if RMU personnel are out of quarters who will unlock the office door so you can obtain keys to gain access into the S&M yard?
Which of the following is true about modifications and alterations of the apparatus?
Must obtain a signed F – 80 by all station commanders
Investigated by all concern chief officers
Approved by ESB and TSB
After a tow, forward completed receipt to S&M and mail to stop…?
When additional personnel are needed at S&M, such as mechanics, who notifies the on-call officer at S&M
Presto line acetylene cylinders may be exchanged…. An empty cylinder is required in exchange for a full cylinder.
At the storeroom counter
Refilling of air cylinders are found at all of the following locations?
20, 88, 66
Does rescue maintenance refill SCBA cylinders?
Yes, only after repairing cylinder
Any cylinder filled with more than how many psi is considered hazardous material?
40 psi
Fire apparatus shall be placarded when carrying… Is excess weight of cylinders?
1000 pounds
Who refills CO2 and dry chemical extinguisher’s?
Certified contractors
Who fills oxygen cylinders?
When transporting cylinders,… Pounds or more including Contents require Shipping papers papers?
500 pounds
The weight of one “D” oxygen cylinder is
9 pounds
How many oxygen D cylinders are provided for each engine company?
Who shall label air cylinders?
Station members
No carrying cylinders in cab of pick up trucks or vans. No carrying cylinders… Of the back of the driver seat
When a CO2 or dry chemical extinguisher is in need of repair, the extinguishers shall be delivered to the store room counter?
When were requesting… Pages of department manuals, forward a SRS requisition approved by the battalion or station commander to manuals and orders unit.
Request for a complete set of Manual of Operations pages must be approved by…?
Bureau commander
When the station requires assessors maps, contact?
Brush clearance
How do you request six map page copies from manuals and orders?
In person
Special order #1 when completed shall be returned to?
Manuals and orders
How shall members procure a Thomas guide?
Subject to stock on hand
Repair of book covers, binders: forward an SRS to…. Approval is immediate supervisor
Duplicating services: forward in… Approved by battalion to manual and orders.
F – 526
Request for Maps or through geographic information system GIS. 1to…Copies, Forward GIS the request in person, fax or email.
When requesting mounted panels and map rollers, Forward GIS form request with signature from?
All three shift commander’s
Who is responsible for coordinating assignment and transfer of radiological equipment?
What number of mini Radiac does each battalion have in its cache?
Broken mini radiacs shall be forwarded to S&M by?
Battalion EIT
How many mark one injectors should be provided for each position on all apparatus?
Who replaces mark one injectors?
EMS captains
Escape hoods are issued to?
One per position – front line apparatus
When department TVs and video recorders need servicing, contact?
Photo video
Office table and chairs are exchanged through?
When filling out a station repair request on SASY, Each request generates?
A control number
All of the following are non-emergency station repairs
Water leaks, clogged drains, outlet short
All station repairs are on form?
FG – 113
Broken wall clocks shall be forwarded to?
S&M with an F – 175 tag
Kitchen cutting boards are replaced by?
An emergency… Is one, which have not made may seriously hampered operating efficiency of the subdivision?
What will occur, if a member separates from the department and fails to return department items
Paycheck will be withheld
When requesting a fire Road lock box key, contact?
Fire station 88
Landscaping fertilizer shall be distributed when?
In April
Where do you forward damaged Cap insignias?
If you lose your baggage, who do you contact and who do you forward the F – 225 to?
Personnel services
When promoted, bring old badge, cap insignia and ID card to personnel services between hours of?
0800–1000 to 1300–1500
A second Lightweight badge shall be issued to all the following members
Chief officers, officers assigned to certain special duty positions
Who has the access to the department Telecode system?
All officers and EITs
Who is responsible for the telephone directory?
When paramedic equipment is out of service, take to radio shop and?
Remain with the equipment until repaired
The SRS system Has how many different catalogs?
“Turn ins” are items that no longer have value. What do you do with a turn in item?
F175 tag to S&M
S&M loan equipment shall be returned when original is repaired/returned? Tag loaner with F175 tag and make what comment on the tag?
All the following can approve an expedited purchase?
Fire chief, chief of staff, community officer
Temporary issued – equipment loan is issued on a loan slip. After… Days notification shall be made on how much longer
30 days
If equipment cannot be repaired, loan equipment becomes an inventory item. Fill out an F 80 for credit and…?
F – 80 for inventory
An item made in order to comply with department standards and shall be justified by F – 225 to bureau best describes an… Item.
Original issue
Any lost or stolen equipment Ford F – 225 to bureau commander. Also file a police report if valued at… Or more?
What must you do first when returning items to S and M?
F – 80
What are MSDS sheets used for?
Required for all material that could have adverse effects on humans and environment
Relative to MSDS sheets, if a product has more than one use, the MSDS will be included in the Internet library… For access at all department locations.
When purchasing an item that requires MSDS sheets, obtain the MSDS sheet from Retailer and forward to the safety officer prior to purchase. Once the… Has approved, member may purchase
Industrial hygienist
Petty Cash Maxximum carried on rehab/air tender is?
Including tax, sub purchases may not exceed?
Some purchases: always use the address of 200 N Main on the receipt. Return packaging slip within… Calendar days to store room with F – 80 and justification statement
Three days
When using petty cash, document the vendors name, address and purpose on form?
FG – 17
Petty cash fund: commanding officers or civilian equivalent desiring increase or decrease in petty cash Forward F – 225 to…?
Fire chief
Station sell maintain a minimum of how many Month Supply of engine oil and Kerosene
Six month
According to volume four, two cycle oil is to be mixed at what ratio?
50 to 1
Two stroke oil,… Ounces, shall be mixed with 1 gallon of gasoline
When ordering fuel, station commanders shell please order before?
Who shall officers contact when the radio system is down or if coverage is a problem?
Station commanders are responsible for overstocking. Who verifies the need for such supplies?
Battalion commanders
Alteration and improvement to station requires one F – 225 through channels to?
Respective bureau
When an emergency apparatus gets transferred, S&M makes the recommendation of transfer to?
Who can recommend a change of assignment for an emergency apparatus?
Battalion or higher
Who can recommend a change of assignment for a non-emergency apparatus?
Any officer
Apparatus equipment guideline are decided by?
For emergency tire repairs,… Will contact heavy rescue company to make tire repairs when available
Battalion commander
When shall like triples be rotated?
June Odd years
Who will sign the F-80 for modifications and alterations of apparatus
Station commander of all three shifts
What form shall commanders document like triples transfers on?
F – 702
Who maintains the master apparatus inventory?
What a reserve apparatuses return to its normal place of assignment, report any shortages to?
Who sends their recommendation for new apparatus assignment to Affected bureau?
Daily apparatus checks shall be completed…
Each morning at change of platoon
Possible loss – i.e.: during emergency operations
When a non-emergency apparatus gets transferred, a copy of the… Is forward with the logbook
F – 380
Within 10 calendar days of change of command, officers shall check for completeness of station inventory. If the inventory print out is correct, write… On the form?
Print out is correct
To correct any discrepancies found in the station inventory. Either the outgoing or incoming officers shall complete?
F – 225
SRS – F-80
Within… Calendar days of change of command, officer shall check for completeness of station inventory?
10 days
Who is responsible for distribution of department inventory print out?
Inventory clerk at S&M