Voice Intervention Flashcards
Indirect therapies:
They are preventative measures
1) Hydration
WHY: Staying hydrated helps to make your mucus thin and watery
2) Reduce vocal abuse
WHY: Vocal abuse can cause the vocal cords to develop calluses or blisters called nodes and polyps. Leads to hyperfunction of your laryngeal process.
3) Drinking/smoking
WHY: Causes dehydration of the mucosa, smoking smoking can irritate the vocal cords
4) Avoid throat clearing/coughing
WHY: Prolonged periods of coughing and throat clearing can lead to swelling, irritation, and even lesions on the vocal cords. It can also lead to heightened sensitivity in your airway, making it more likely that you’ll cough again in reaction to minor irritation.
What voice organic disorders can you treat?
Polyps - 50% chance they will respond to therapy
Carcinomas, cysts and papillomas require surgery
Pre and post surgery role of SP
SP role before surgery:
• provide information& support
• pt starts learning new voice technique if possible
SP Role after surgery
• Assist patient to implement pliability exercises to assist
healing & follow post op recs
• Ensure voice is functioning optimally: may need to undo
compensatory behaviours
List the treatments for MTD
- Lessac Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy
- Stemples Vocal Function Exercises (Traditional)
- Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Excercises (SOVT) – Straw Phonation (Titze)
- Optimal Phonation Task (OPT) - a.k.a “Yes exercise” (Voicecraft)
- Yawn-sigh (Traditional)
- Trill with sirening (Traditional)
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT)
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT Loud)
- Think Loud, Speak Loud.
- Intensive Treatment
- Good outcome data
- Early evidence for use in children with Cerebral Palsy
Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Excercises
They are: Humming. Straw therapy using straws of different lengths and diametres. Straw and cup therapy. Lip or tongue trills. Practicing rounded lip vowels.
Increases perceptual awareness
reduces medial compression of vocal folds
Optimal Phonation Task
Goal : Clear, quiet & effortless phonation on /mmm/ -
HOW: By increasing perceptual awareness.
- decreasing medial compression of the vocal folds.
What does the Cape-V measure?
What does VHI measure?
is out of 40. Over 11 indicated impact on quality of life.
Measures ‘ICF participation’
Self report
resonant voice therapy RVT: create hum/vibration (comfortable pitch, personal) in ‘mask’ of face, move from single sounds to words and eventually build in phrases and conversations.
lip/ tongue drills
aims to reduce medial compression of the vocal folds, increase range, and heighten perceptual awareness
Research suggests RTV achieves relative protection from phonotrauma - enabling healing of vocal fold tissue more rapidly than spontaneous speech or voice rest
- research shows good for teachers
- increases feelings of normalness
- barrier: client compliance
Reflux symptom index
Self report tool - symptoms and risk of reflux. Over 15 is highly likely they have reflux.
Stemples Vocal Function Exercises
- strengthening and coordinating laryngeal musculature and improving efficiency of the relationship among airflow, vocal fold vibration, and supraglottic treatment of phonation
Exercises are completed twice a day (morning and evening) in sets of two.
- Reduce medial compression of the vocal folds
- perceptual awareness
Yawn sigh
- lowers larynx
- address symptoms of laryngeal hyperfunction
Trill with sirening
- reduce medial compression
- lengthens and shortens vocal fold (tension)
- increases vocal range
- increases perceptual awareness
What is SOVT?
Semi-Occlded Vocal Tract Exercises (SOVT) - Straw Therapy
- lengthens and shortens vocal fold (tension)
- increases range
- increase perceptual awareness
Optimal phonation task
- Reduce medial compression of the true/false vocal folds
- Assists Vocal Fold Approximation
- Increases Muscular Control
- increase perceptual awareness
What is the treatment for Parkinsons voice
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT)