Vocābvla Capvt 8 Flashcards
Cicerō, Cicerōnis
Cicero (n)
masc. 3rd decl.
cōpia, cōpiae
abundance, supply (n)
fem. 1st decl.
only takes the singular
cōpiae, cōpiārum
supplies, troops, forces (n)
fem. 1st decl.
only takes the plural
frāter, frātris
brother (n)
masc. 3rd decl.
laus, laudis
praise, glory, fame (n)
fem. 3rd decl.
lībertās, lībertātis
liberty (n)
fem. 3rd decl.
ratiō, ratiōnis
reckoning, account; reason, judgment, consideration; system; manner, method (n)
fem. 3rd decl.
scrīptor, scrīptōris
writer, author (n)
masc. 3rd decl.
soror, sorōris
sister (n)
fem. 3rd decl.
victōria, victōriae
victory (n)
fem. 3rd decl.
while, as long as, at the same time that;
until (+subjunctive)
to, up to, near to
takes the acc.
ex , ē
out of, from, from within; by reason of, on account of; of
(following cardinal numerals)
nevertheless, still