Vocābvla Capvt 2 Flashcards
fāma, fāmae
rumor, report; fame, reputation (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
fōrma, fōrmae
form, shape; beauty (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
fortūna, fortūnae
fortune, luck (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
īra, īrae
ire, anger (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
nauta, nautae
sailor (n.)
masc. 1st decl.
patria, patriae
fatherland, native land, (one’s) country (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
pecūnia, pecūniae
money (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
philosophia, philosophiae
philosophy (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
poena, poenae
penalty, punishment (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
poenās dare
to pay the penalty (idiom)
poēta, poētae
poet (n.)
masc. 1st decl.
porta, portae
gate, entrance (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
puella, puellae
girl (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
rosa, rosae
rose (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
sententia, sententiae
feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
vīta, vītae
life; mode of life (n.)
fem. 1st decl.
antīquus, antīqua, antīquum
ancient, old-time (adj.)
magnus, magna, magnum
large, great; important (adj.)
meus, mea, meum
my (adj.)
multus, multa, multum
much, many (adj.)
tuus, tua, tuum
your - singular (adj.)