Vocabulary Words Week 7 Flashcards
A statement distinguishing an individual’s difficulties from the broad range of possibilities. is a prerequisite to ensuring that scarce financial and personnel resources, especially in schools, are allocated in the most beneficial way.should include published tests in both languages if possible, spontaneous and elicited language samples in various settings with differing partners, and dynamic assessment procedures that are more open-ended and include descriptions of a child’s use of both English and the child’s first language.
An informed prediction of the outcome of a disorder
A linguistic variation that is attributable primarily to geographic region or foreign language background. It includes features of form, content, and use.
Incidental Teaching
Use of a natural activity to train
Norm referenced test
A comparison that is usually based
on others of the same gender and similar age.
Behavior Modification
A systematic method of changing
behavior through careful target selection, stimulation, client response, and reinforcement
Treatment Plan
As with writing goals and objectives, conscious selection of specific
intervention techniques also allows for accountability. SLPs select what they
believe and what evidence has shown to be the best intervention approach, types
of materials, and logical steps to follow to take the client from where he or she
is now to the objective selected. Successful intervention builds on what the client can do at present.
Information about client performance
before intervention begins.