Vocabulary Unit 18 Flashcards
What is the meaning of the word Aesthetic? What is its synonym and antonym?
Having to do with beauty or order/ artistic
What is the meaning of the root AES? What is its origin?
Feeling, perception/Greek
What is the meaning of the word Anesthetic? What is its synonym and antonym?
A substance which causes loss of feeling
What is the meaning of the root PATH? What is its origin?
To feel/Greek
What is the meaning of the word Apathetic? What is its synonym and antonym?
Not interested; having no strong emotion towards/ indifferent
What is the meaning of the word Emphaty? What is its synonym and antonym?
Sharing of another’s emotions/ compassion/ opposition
What is the meaning of the word Pathos? What is its synonym and antonym?
Power of evoking great sadness or sympathy/ pitifulness
What is the meaning of the word Antipathy? What is its synonym and antonym?
Hostility or hatred/ dislike/ sympathy
What is the meaning of the word SENS/SENT? What is its synonym and antonym?
To feel, to be aware/Latin
What is the meaning of the word Sentient? What is its synonym and antonym?
Conscious; aware/ /unaware
What is the meaning of the word Sentiment? What is its synonym and antonym?
A feeling about something/ attitude
What is the meaning of the word Presentiment? What is its synonym and antonym?
A feeling about something before it happens/ foreboding
What is the meaning of the root TANG/TACT? What is its origin?
To touch/Latin
What is the meaning of the word Tangible? What is its synonym and antonym?
Able to be grasped or perceived/ concrete/ abstract
What is the meaning of the word Tactile? What is its synonym and antonym?
Pertaining to touch
What is the meaning of the word Intact? What is its synonym and antonym?
Unbroken; whole/ unharmed
What is the meaning of the word Sentinel? What is its synonym and antonym?
One who watches or guards