Vocabulary Unit 15 Flashcards
What is the meaning of the word Dictate? What is its synonym and antonym?
To speak aloud in order that one’s words may be copied or recorded; to give an order, to make necessary/ demand/ allow
What is the meaning of the root DIC/DICT? What is its origin?
To say, to order/Latin
What is the meaning of the word Malediction? What is its synonym and antonym?
A recital of words intended to harm, a curse
What is the meaning of the word Benediction? What is its synonym and antonym?
A blessing
What is the meaning of the root LOC/LOQU? What is its origin?
To speak/Latin
What is the meaning of the word Locution? What is its synonym and antonym?
Style or action of speaking
What is the meaning of the word Eloquent? What is its synonym and antonym?
Powerful and expressive/ articulate/ unclear
What is the meaning of the word Colloquial? What is its synonym and antonym?
Of or related to informal speech, conversational/ idiomatic
What is the meaning of the root VOCA? What is its origin?
To call/Latin
What is the meaning of the word Evocative? What is its synonym and antonym?
Calling forth a vivid image or impression/ suggestive
What is the meaning of the word Equivocate? What is its synonym and antonym?
To use misleading or confusing language/ evade
What is the meaning of the word Advocate? What is its synonym and antonym?
To argue in favor of/ recommend/ oppose; someone who argues for/ supporter/ enemy
What is the meaning of the root CLAM/CLAIM? What is its origin?
To shout or call/Latin
What is the meaning of the word Exclamatory? What is its synonym and antonym?
Having a forceful, excited, or emotional tone
What is the meaning of the word Declaim? What is its synonym and antonym?
To speak loudly and with feeling