Vocabulary Unit 12 Flashcards
Aesthetic (Adj)
Pertaining to beauty; sensitive or responsive to beauty
Defunct (Adj)
No longer in existence or functioning; dead
Discomfit (v)
To frustrate, thwart, or defeat; to confuse, perplex, or embarass
Espouse (v)
To take up and support; to become attached to, adopt; to marry
Fetish (n)
An object believer to have magical powers; an object of unreasoning devotion or reverence
Gregarious (adj)
Living together in a heard or group; sociable, seeking company of others
Hapless (adj)
Marked by a persistent absence of good luck
Impeccable (adj)
Faultless, beyond criticism or blame
Importune (v)
To trouble with demands; to beg for insistently
Interpolate (v)
To insert between other parts or things; to present as an addition or correction
Irreparable (adj)
Incapable of being repaired or rectified
Laconic (adj)
Concise, using few words
Languish (v)
To become weak, feeble, or dull; to be depressed or dispirited; to suffer neglect
Mendacious (adj)
Given to lying or deception; untre
Nadir (n)
The lowest point
Omnipresent (adj)
Present in all places at all times
Perfunctory (adj)
Done in a superficial or halfhearted manner; without interest or enthusiam
Plaintive (adj)
Expressive or sorrow or woe; melancholy
Requite (v)
To make suitable repayment, as for a kindness, service, or favor; to make retaliation, as for an injury or wrong; to reciprocate
Tantamount (adj)
Equivalent, having the same meaning, value, or effect