Vocabulary (System of Least Prompts; Chapter 7) Flashcards
The SLP acronym refers to what?
SLP refers to the System of Least Prompts procedure.
Sometimes this procedure is also called Least to Most. Remember not to confuse SLP here with the reference to speech language pathologists which also has the same acronym.
What is a main advantage of the system of least prompts?
Provides an opportunity for an independent response each trial.
What is a prompt hierarchy?
A prompt hierarchy is when you designate typically 3 different prompts that can ensure your learner will provide a correct response. In system of least prompts, you select prompts in order of least to most intrusive. For example: gesture, model, and partial physical.
Note: In SLP, the learner is always provided an opportunity to respond independently before you initiate the prompt hierarchy.
What is a response interval?
A response interval is a set number of seconds (you determine based on learner and skill) that the learner has to respond before the prompt hierarchy begins or the next prompt in the hierarchy is provided.
For example: If you have a 3 second response interval and a prompt hierarchy of gesture, model, and partial physical, you would provide 3 sec for a independent response if they don’t respond or get it wrong you give the gesture prompt. If they don’t respond or get it wrong you give the model prompt. And finally if they don’t respond or get it wrong you give the partial physical prompt.
What do you record data on in the system of least prompts?
Data is recorded based on if they responded independently or based on what prompt they were able to give a correct response to.
What do you graph data on in the system of least prompts?
A system of least prompts graph will graph responses based on Independent and each prompt level. When an intervention is working you will begin to see more responses with less intrusive prompts that gradually lead to independent responses.