Vocabulary List #13: Othello Flashcards
(adj) Characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning.
Servilely compliant or deferential.
Obedient; dutiful
(n) The face, usually with reference to shape, features, expression, etc; countenance.
Aspect; appearance
(n) An article or thing of very little value.
A matter, affair, or circumstance of trivial importance or significance.
A small, inconsiderable, or trifling sum of money.
A small quantity or amount of anything; a little
(n) A violent windstorm, especially one with rain, hail, or snow.
A violent commotion, disturbance, or tumult
(v-used with object) To affect by or as by a tempest; disturb violently
(adj) Readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain.
Of or pertaining to conscious feelings, ideas, and impulses that contain repressed psychic material
(v-used with object) To make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly.
To prove; put beyond doubt or question
(prep) Without
(n) In intervening time; interval; meantime.
A temporary or provisional arrangement; stopgap; makeshift.
(adj) For, during, belonging to, or connected with an intervening period of time; temporary; provisional
(v) To begin; start
(n) Lack of concord or harmony between persons or things.
Disagreement; difference of opinion.
Strife; dispute; war.
An inharmonious combination of musical tones sounded together.
Any confused or harsh noise; dissonance.
(adj) Characterized by a ready and continuous flow of words; fluent; glib; talkative
(n) A deadly or virulent epidemic disease.
Bubonic plague.
Something that is considered harmful, destructive, or evil
(n) Obstruction; hindrance; obstacle. Any physical defect that impedes normal or easy speech; a speech disorder
(adj) Wretchedly bad.
Highly offensive, unpleasant, or objectionable.
Repulsive or disgusting, as to the senses or feelings.
Morally debased, depraved, or despicable.
Foul; filthy
(v-used with object) To obtain by care, effort, or the use of special means.
To bring about, especially by unscrupulous and indirect means.
To obtain (a person) for the purpose of prostitution.
(v-used without object) to act as a procurer or pimp
(n) something to be thankful for; blessing; benefit.
Something that is asked; a favor sought
(v-used without object) To chew the cud, as a ruminant.
To meditate or muse; ponder.
(v-used with object) To chew again or over and over.
To meditate on; ponder.
(v- Used without object) To find fault with(person, group,etc); blame; censure.
To upbraid.
To be a cause of blame or discredit to
(n) Blame or censure conveyed in disapproval.
An expression of upbraiding, censure, or reproof.
Disgrace, discredit, or blame incurred.
A cause or occasion of disgrace or discredit.
(n) The act or result of breaking; break or rupture.
An infraction or violation, as of a law, trust, faith, or promise.
A gap in a wall, fortification, line of soldier.
Rift; fissure.
A severance of friendly relations. The leap of a whale above the surface of the water
(n) A trace of something bad, offensive, or harmful.
A trace of infection, contamination, or the like.
A trace of dishonor or discredit.
Color; tint.
(v-used with an object) To modify by or as if by a trace of something offensive or deleterious.
To infect, contaminate, corrupt, or spoil.
To sully or tarnish.
To color or tint
(adj) Of speech, writing.
High sounding; high-flown; inflated; pretentious