Vocabulary #10: The Grapes of Wrath Flashcards
(adj.) Domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial;overbearing; urgent; imperative: imperious need
(adj.) Settled or confirmed in a habit, practice, feeling, or the like
Firmly established by long continuance, as a disease, habit, practice, feeling; chronic
(adj.)Not combed
Uncared-for or neglected: disheveled: messy
Unpolished; rough; crude
(adj.)Without consolation or solace: hopelessly unhappy: inconsolable
Characterized by or causing dejection; cheerless; gloomy
(adj.)Slavishly submissive or obsequious; fawning
Characteristic of, proper to, or customary for slaves; abject
Yielding slavishly; truckling
Extremely imitative, especially in the arts; lacking in originality
Being in slavery; oppressed
(v-used with object) To suggest or hint slyly
To instill or infuse subtly or artfully, as into the mind
To bring or introduce into a position or relation by indirect or artful methods.
(adj.) Extremely hungry; famished; voracious
Extremely rapacious
Intensely eager for gratification or satisfaction
(adj.)Gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood
Characterized by or expressing gloom
(adj.)Relating to land, land tenure, or the division of landed property
Pertaining to the advancement of agricultural groups
Composed of or pertaining to farmers
Rural; agricultural
Growing in fields; wild
(n) A member of a vigilance committee
Any person who takes the law into his or her own hands, as by avenging a crime
(adj.) Done violently and summarily, without recourse to lawful procedures
(adj.)Generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty restfulness or vindictiveness
Proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of noble
(n) A temporary stay
(v) To stay for a time in a place; live temporarily
(n) An inadequate supply; scarcity; lack
Scarcity and dearness of food; famine
(n) The state of reposing or being at rest; rest; sleep
Peace; tranquillity; calm
Dignified calmness, as of manner; composure
Absence of movement, animation
(v-without an object) To lie or be at rest, as from work, activity.
To lie dead
To be peacefully calm and quiet
To lie or rest on something
(adj) Gloomily dark; shadowy; dimly lighted
Dark and dull, as color, or as things in respect to color
Gloomy, depressing, or dismal
Extremely serious; grave
(v-used with object) To anticipate and prevent or eliminate( difficulties, disadvantages, etc.) by effective measures; render unnecessary
(adj) Convincing or believing by virtue of forcible, clear, or incisive presentation; telling
To the point; relevant; pertinent
(adj) Frank; outspoken; open and sincere
Free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge; straightforward
Informal; unposed
Honest; impartial
(v-with object)To review by a brief summary, as at the end of a speech or discussion; summarize
(v-without object)To sum up statements or matters
(adj) Existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipotent