Vocabulary Group 7 and 8 Flashcards
Free-spirited; carefree
The dance that Mattie Silver attended was very blithe and casual, while Ethan Frome was watching her dance.
Self denying; refraining from indulging
When going on therapeutic excursions, Zeena often was not abstemious when spending money.
Active at dawn and dusk
Ethan Frome can be compared to a crepuscular animal that is always working, since he has a tough job of caring for the farm and the lumber mill.
Clear pronunciation; accent; articulation
Ethan most likely did not possess good enunciation, for he did not pursue higher education due to his father’s death.
Stubborn; willful
Most women in Ethan Frome’s time were not very headstrong in society, since they always depended on men for their money and wealth and had no political rights.
Dull; monotonous; bland
Ethan, after his mother died, personally believed that life would be lackluster unless he married Zeena, which he eventually did.
Unbiased; not subjective
Ethan Frome had objective judgement, since he did not allow his feelings for Mattie to hinder his fair mindset that he cannot lie to anyone, even Zeena.
Flexible; not stubborn
When Mattie Silver and Denis Eady were dancing, the pliable properties of their bodies were shown in their movements.
Retract; repeal
While working, Ethan desired that he could rescind his decision to not kiss Mattie on their way back home the previous night.
To moderate; soften
Due to the coldness of Zeena’s personality and her own illness, Mattie tempered the atmosphere in the Frome household, because of her youth and appeal to Ethan.
Difficult to understand; obscure
Ethan’s gradual attraction to Mattie was kept abstruse to Zeena, even though Zeena seems suspicious of Ethan’s secrets.
A clumsy person
Mattie obviously was not a blunderbuss while she danced, as Ethan was observing her graceful movements.
Recoil; flinch; shy away
Ethan’s mind cringed at lying, and this is apparent when Ethan is determined to pursue an early payment with Andrew Hale, since he told Zeena that he was going to do that.
To cause bitterness and bad feeling
Ethan Frome was envenomed by thoughts of Denis Eady and jealousy was the result, because he loved Mattie.
Self indulgence; pleasure-seeking
Zeena, while she was away from Ethan on trips, practiced hedonism, due to her buying of expensive objects on these trips.
Using few words; brief; to the point
Ethan Frome is a laconic person imprisoned in silence, for he is a man of little words, especially with Zeena being sickly.
Indirect; slanting
When Ethan assembled the broken pieces of the pickle dish, he made sure not to let it appear as oblique.
Feathers of a bird
Ethan Frome never encountered the plumage of a bird in Starkfield, Massachusetts, where he dwelled.
Acceptance of fate
As Ethan observes the gravestone of the dead Ethan Frome and his wife, he shows resignation in his thoughts, since he himself ponders that he and Zeena could inevitably share the same fate.
Stubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose
When his father died and his mother fell ill, Ethan Frome was tenacious in his care of his family’s property and finances, and this is seen when he cares so much that he does not continue his college education.