Vocabulary Chapter 21 Flashcards
√भाष् (I भाषते)
‘to speak, say’
√लभ् (लभते)
‘to take’
√विप् (वेपते)
‘to tremble’
√ईक्ष् (I ईक्षते)
‘to see’
√आस् (II आस्ते)
‘to sit’
√मृ (VI म्रियते, -ति)
‘to die’
√मन् (IV मन्यते)
‘to think’
√युध् (IV युध्यते)
‘to fight’
√लक्ष् (X लक्षयति)
‘to notice’
√जन् (IV जायते, -ति)
transitive: ‘to give birth’; intransitive: ‘to be born’
√वृत् (I वर्तते)
‘to turn; go on, proceed, advance; to be’
√द्युत् (I द्योतते)
‘to shine’ (–> विद्युत्- ‘lightning’ (15))
√वह् (I वहति)
transitive: ‘to carry, draw’; intransitive: ‘to travel, drive (in a chariot)’
√शुभ् (I शोभति, -ते; VI शुम्भति)
‘to decorate’; middle: ‘to make oneself beautiful; be beautiful’
यत्न-, प्रयत्न- (n.)
‘effort, attempt’
महाराज- (m.)
‘great king’
श्वः (INDC)
कदा (INDC)
(at end of CPD) ‘born, one who is born (of)’
ते (PRON)
1) NomVocAcc Du FemNtr and Nom Masc Pl of स-/तद्- 2) DatGen Sg of त्वम् ‘you’ –> ‘to/for/of/by you’