Vocabulary Assesment On Final Flashcards
A person having superficial knowledge of a given subject
Ex: My mom is a musical DILETTANTE because she strives to play piano but has no professional training.
Shameless boldness
Ex: During dinner, Bob did not say a word, and then he had the EFFRONTERY to say that I was boring!
Attracting or seeking to attract attention or admiration
Ex: As a self made fashion blogger, Ramanda often dressed OSTENTATIOUSLY, attracting the attention of everyone in the room.
Complex and inefficient
Ex: Despite all of the fallen trees and ice, we made it to Mt.Hood, having overcome the CUMBERSOME journey.
Tending to cause sleep
Ex: Alcohol can have SOPORIFIC effects on people, which is one of the many reasons why one should not drive under the influence.
To curse, condemn
Ex: I did not want to ANATHEMATIZE my friend Harper for cancelling her RSVP to my birthday at the last minute, but I felt betrayed to say the least.
Of or relating to priests or a priesthood
Ex: He felt that his calling was SACERDOTAL, after having served as an altar boy during most of his youth years.
To stand or wait around in a public place without an obvious reason
Ex: Despite the big sign that said “no LOITERING” a group of people always gathered outside my local 7eleven.
The perfect form or example of something; elevation to divine status
Ex: When Katie received the gold Olympic medal, she knew her career had reached its APOTHOSIS.
Lively in temper, conduct, or spirit
Ex: Her VIVACITY and effortless elegance struck him, in that moment he knew he was in love.
Defiant of authority or restraint
Ex: After following all the rules for years, Isabelle couldn’t take it anymore, she left her house and became RECALCITRANT, going to parties every night.
Exhaustion caused by malnourishment
Ex: Despite the real danger of INANITION, Liv continued to follow her strict diet of no carbs or sugars.
Kindness, generosity
Ex: John donated money to many organizations, a man of deep BENEVOLENCE.
An opinion suggesting a wise or proper course of action
Ex: Annabelle told her son to never sneak out again, and raised an ADMONITORY finger, shaking her head.
Standing above others in rank, importance, or achievement
Ex: The valedictorian came from an EMINENT family; both of her parents were lawyers.
Showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness
Ex: I looked into Greta’s big, INGENUOUS, eyes, she was so innocent having been homeschooled all her life.
Disobedient to authority
Ex: If any member of the aerial team behaves INSUBORDINATELY, coach Sarah expects a written, formal apology.
Expressing or suggesting timidity, of timid disposition
Ex: Once my answer to a math question was wrong, next time I answered TIMOROUSLY, worried that it would be wrong again.
of or relating to marriage, the married state, or married persons
Ex: My dad is a MATRIMONIAL lawyer, so when he and my mom decided to get divorced it was very complicated.
A habitual attraction to some activity or thing
Ex: I always had a PREDILECTION to eat a sweet treat after dinner.