Vocabulary Flashcards
cardiac monitor
a monitor of heart function, providing visual and audible record of heartbeat
computed tomography
a radiographic process of creating computerized images (scan) of body organs in horizontal slices (referred to as CT scan)
contrast media
substances (solids, liquids, or gases) used in diagnostic imaging procedures that permit the radiologist to distinguish between the different body densities; they may be injected, swallowed, or introduced by rectum
The visualization of a body cavity or hollow organ by means of an endoscope
the observation of deep body structures made visible by use of a viewing screen instead of film; a contrast medium is required for this procedure
magnetic resonance imaging
a technique used to produce computer images (scans) of the interior of the body using magnetic fields
nuclear medicine
a technique that uses radioactive materials to determine function capacity of an organ
an electronic device, either temporary or permanent, that regulates the pace of the heart when the heart is incapable of doing it
portable x-ray
an x-ray taken by a mobile x-ray machine, which is moved to the patient’s bedside
the correction of a deformity in a bone fracture or dislocation
rhythm strip
a cardiac study that demonstrates the waveform produced by electric impulses from the electrocardiogram
an image produced by using a moving detector or a sweeping beam (scans are produced by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasonography)
the transmission of data electronically to a distant location
a technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image (scan) of the body
A non-invasive procedure that uses sound waves for imaging soft tissue
the condition of being open, expanded, or unobstructed
Procedure for restoring the normal rhythm of the heart in patients with increased heart rate due to arrhythmias
Device used primarily to correct some types of bradycardia
coronary angiogram
cardiac catheterization
Procedure that uses x-ray imaging to see inside the heart’s blood vessels.
Any procedure in which a long, thin flexible plastic tube (catheter) is inserted into the body
Medical imaging technique used to visualize the inside of blood vessels and organs of the body, with particular attention to the arteries, veins, and heart chambers