Vocabulary Flashcards
A plastic card containing patient information, used to identify patient’s records; it reduces errors and helps with legibility and positive patient identification
admission orders
Written instructions by the doctor for the care and treatment of the patient upon entry into the hospital.
allergy armband (identification bracelet)
A plastic band on which allergy information is printed and that the patient wears throughout the hospitalization
armband (identification bracelet)
A plastic band on which the identification information of a patient is printed and that the patient wears throughout the hospitalization
An examination of a body after death; it may be performed to determine the cause of death or for medical research
blood consent
A patient’s written permission to receive or refuse blood or blood products
cardiac arrest
When the patient’s heart contractions are absent or insufficient to produce a pulse or blood pressure
census sheet (activity sheet)
A daily listing of all patient’s activities (admissions, discharges, transfers, and death) within the hospital.
chart pack
A preassembled packet of standard chart forms to be used on the admission of a patient to the nursing unit
communicable disease
A disease that may be transmitted from one person to another
A Public Officer whose principal duty is to inquire by an inquest into the cause of any death which there is reason to suppose is not due to natural causes.
coroner’s case
Performed under certain circumstances by a Coroner to investigate a cause of death.
direct admission
A patient who was not scheduled to be admitted and is admitted from the doctor’s office, clinic or Emergency Room.
Admission-Separation Form
A form initiated by the Admitting Department included in the inpatient medical records, which contains personal and demographic information, usually computer generated at the time of admission.
A death
A patient who has been admitted to the hospital and assigned to a bed on the nursing unit.
The placement of a patient apart from other patients for the purpose of preventing the spread of infection
A form used by nursing staff to maintain a current patient profile and is disposed of upon patient discharge
name alert
alert sticker
A method of alerting staff when two or more patients with the same or similarly spelled last names are located on the same nursing unit.
old record
The patient’s record from previous admissions stored in the Health Records Dept. and may be retrieved for review when a patient is readmitted.
organ donor
Donating or giving ones organs and / or tissues after death. The donor may specify which organs (ex. Corneas only)
A patient receiving care in a hospital, but not admitted or staying overnight
after death
respiratory arrest
When the patient ceases to breathe or when respirations are so depressed that the blood cannot receive sufficient oxygen and therefore the body cells die
stuffing charts
Placing extra chart forms in patients’ charts so they will be available when needed.
supplemental chart forms
Supplemental chart forms are in addition to the standard chart forms and are added to the patient’s chart according to his/her specific care needs.
terminal illness
An illness ending in death
thinning charts
Portions of the patient’s current chart that are removed when the chart becomes so full that it is unmanageable.
valuables envelope
A container for storing the patient’s jewelry, money, and other valuables, which are placed in the hospital safe for safekeeping.