Vocabulary Flashcards
Unilateral termination of care by the EMT without the patient’s consent and without making provisions for transferring care to another medical professional with skills and training necessary to meet the needs of the patient.
The body cavity that contains the major organs of digestion and excretion. It is located below the diaphragm and above the pelvis
A rapidly fatal condition in which the walls of the aorta in the abdomen weaken and blood leaks into the layers of the vessel, causing it to bulge
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm also known as (AAA)
Airway, Breathing and Circulation
Four divisions of the abdomen used to pinpoint the location of the pain or injury: RUQ right upper quadrant, LUQ left upper quadrant, RLQ right lower quadrant, LLQ left lower quadrant.
Abdominal quadrants
Spontaneous (miscarriage) or induced termination of pregnancy
A loss or damage of the superficial layer of skin as a result of a body part rubbing or scraping across a rough or hard surface; a scratch or scrape
The preferred method to dislodge a severe airway obstruction in adults and children; also called the Heimlich maneuver.
Abdominal-thrust maneuver
Motion of a limb away from the midline.
A condition in which the placenta separates from the Uterine wall; a cause of pre-birth bleeding
Abruptio Placentae
The process by which medications or poisons pass through body tissues until they reach the bloodstream.
Gaining access to an enclosed area and reaching a patient
The secondary muscles of respiration. This may include the neck muscles, chest muscles and the abdominal muscles.
Accessory Muscles
The pelvic socket into which the ball at the proximal end of the femur fits to form the hip joint
A pathologic condition that results from the accumulation of acids in the blood and body tissues
A simple joint where the bony projections of the scapula and the clavicle meet at the top of the shoulder
Acromioclavicular Joint (AC Joint)
The therapeutic effect of a medication on the body
An oral medication that binds and absorbs ingested toxins in the gastrointestinal tract for treatment of some poisonings and medication overdoses
Activated Charcoal
A technique that involves compressing the chest and then actively pulling it back up to its neutral position or beyond (decompression)
CPR- Active compression-decompression
Application of an external heat source to rewarm the body of a hypothermic patient
Active rewarming
A condition of sudden onset of pain within the abdomen, usually indicating peritonitis.
Acute abdomen
A blanket term used to represent any symptoms related to the, lack of Oxygen, (ischemia) in the heart muscle also called cardiac compromise
Acute Coronary syndrome
A heart attack; death of heart muscle following obstruction to it; in this context the attack is new or happening right now
Acute Myocardial infarction
A firm prominence of cartilage that forms the upper part of the larynx. It is more prominent in men than women. It is also called the Thyroid cartilage
Adam’s apple
A state of overwhelming obsession or physical need to continue to use a substance.
Motion of a limb “toward” the midline
The nucleotide involved in energy metabolism; used to store energy
Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP
Children between the ages of 13 to 18 years
Endocrine glands located at the top of the kidneys that release adrenaline when stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system
Adrenal glands
Pertaining to nerves that release the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, or noradrenaline; also pertains to the receptors acted on by norepinephrine
The process of binding or sticking to a surface
Root word for Heart?
Root word for Liver?
Root word for Kidney?
Root word for nerves?
Root word for Mind?
Root word for chest?
What does the prefix “Hyper” stand for?
Over, excessive, high example- Hyperventilation fast respirations
What does the prefix “Hypo” stand for?
under, below normal example Hypothermia- low temperature
What does the prefix “Tachy” stand for?
rapid, fast example Tachycardia- fast heart rate
What does the prefix “Brady” stand for?
slow example Bradypnea- slow breathing
What does the prefix “PRE” stand for?
before example prenatal before birth
What does the prefix “Post” stand for?
after, behind example postsurgical- after surgery
What is the meaning of the suffix “al”?
pertaining to example- syncopal- pertaining to the loss of conciousness
What is the meaning of the suffix “algia”?
pertaining to pain- example- Myalgia- muscle pain
What is the meaning of the suffix “ectomy”?
surgical removal of- example appendectomy- surgical removal of appendix
What is the meaning of the suffix “ic”?
pertaining to - example- Diaphoretic- pertaining to sweat
What is the meaning of the suffix “itis”
inflammation- example- epiglottitis- inflammation of the epiglottis
What is the meaning of the suffix “logy”?
study of- example- cardiology study of the heart
What is the meaning of the suffix “logist”?
specialist- example pulmonologist, specialist in diseases of the lungs
What is the meaning of the suffix “megally”?
enlargement- example cardiomegaly, enlargement of the heart
What is the meaning of the suffix “Meter”?
measuring instrument- example sphygmomanometer, instrument to measure blood pressure
What is the meaning of the suffix “oma”?
tumor (usually referring to cancer)- example Lymphoma, cancer of the lymphatic system
What is the meaning of the suffix “pathy”?
disease- example- nephropathy, disease of the kidneys
What is the meaning of the prefix “semi”?
Half or partial- example semiconscious, partially concious
What is the meaning of the prefix “Hemi”?
Half, one sided- example- Hemiplegia, paralysis of one side of the body
What is the meaning of the prefix “Ambi”?
Both- example- Ambidextrous, able to use either hand equally well
What is the meaning of the prefix “Pan”?
All, entire- example- Pandemic, an epidemic over a wide area
What does the root word “cyan’ describe?
Blue- example- Cyanosis, blue discoloration of the skin
What does the root word “leuk/o” describe?
White- example- Leukocyte, white blood cells that fight infection
What does the root word “erythr/o describe?
Red- example- erythrocyte, red blood cells that carry hemoglobin to carry oxygen.
What does the root word “cirrh/o describe?
yellow-orange- example- cirrhosis, inflammation of the liver causing yellow orange pigmentation of the skin/eyes
What does the root word “melan/o?
Black- example- Melana, black tarry stool typically caused by upper GI bleeding
What does the root word “alb”?
White- example- Albino, a person lacking skin pigmentation
What is the meaning of the prefix “ab”?
away, from- example abduction, away from the point of reference
What is the meaning of the prefix “ad”?
to, toward- example- adduction, toward the center
What is the meaning of the prefix “de”?
down from, away- example- decay, to waste away
What is the meaning of the prefix “circum”?
around, about- example- circumferential burn, a burn around the entire area (arm, chest, abdomen)
What is the meaning of the prefix “peri”?
around- example- pericardium, the sac around the heart
What is the meaning of the prefix “trans”?
across- example- Transverse colon, the middle part of the large intestine, passing across the abdomen from right to left below the stomach.
What is the meaning of the prefix “EPI”?
Above, upon, on- example- Epigatsric, above or over the stomach
What is the meaning of the prefix “supra”?
above, over- example- supraventricular tachycardia, An abnormally fast heart rhythm arising from improper electrical activity in the upper part of the heart.
What is the meaning of the prefix “retro”?
behind- example- retroperitoneal, the area behind the peritoneum
What is the meaning of the prefix “sub”?
under, beneath- example, subcutaneous, the lowest level of skin
What is the meaning of the prefix “infra”?
below, under- example- infraclavicular, situated or occurring below the clavicle
What is the meaning of the prefix “para”?
near, beside, beyond, apart from- example paraplegia, involving impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower limbs
What is the meaning of the prefix “contra”?
against, opposite- example- contraindicated, something that is not indicated
What is the meaning of the prefix “ecto”?
out, outside- example- ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus
What is the meaning of the prefix “endo”?
within- example- endoscopy, examining inside someone’s body
What is the meaning of the prefix “extra”?
outside, in addition- example- extraneous, outside the organism and not belonging to it
What is the meaning of the prefix “intra”?
Inside, within- example- intraosseous infusion, injecting directly into the bone marrow
What is the meaning of the prefix “ipsi”?
same- example ipsilateral, on or affecting the same side
The Nucleotide involved in energy metabolism; used to store energy?
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
Children between the ages of 12 and 18 years of age
Endocrine glands located at the top of the kidneys that release adrenaline when stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system.
Adrenal glands
Pertaining to nerves that release the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, or noradrenaline; also pertains to the receptors acted on by norepinephrine.
To bind or stick to a surface
Adsorption Reasoning example: many medications bind with activated charcoal
Written documentation that specifies medical treatment for a competent patient should the patient become unable to make decisions; also called a living will or health care directive
Advance Directive
An individual who has trained in specific aspects of advanced life support, such as IV therapy, and the administration of certain emergency medications
Advanced EMT (AEMT)
Advanced life saving procedures, including cardiac monitoring, administration of IV fluids and medications and the use of advanced airway adjuncts
Advanced Life Support (ALS)
Abnormal breath sounds such as wheezing, stridor, rhonchi, and crackles
Adventitious breath sounds
Metabolism that can proceed only in the presence of oxygen.
Aerobic metabolism
The force or resistance against which the heart pumps
Occasional, gasping breaths that occur after the heart has stopped; seen in dying patients
Agonal respirations (GASPS)
A medication that causes stimulation of receptors
The presence of air bubbles in the veins, which can lead to cardiac arrest if they enter the heart
Air Embolism
The spread of an organism via droplets or dust
Airborne transmission
The buildup of excess base (lack of acids) in the body fluids
A type of energy that is emitted from a strong radiological source; it is the least harmful penetrating type of radiation and cannot travel more than a few inches or penetrate most objects
Portions of the nervous system that, when stimulated, can cause constriction of the blood vessels
Alpha-adrenergic receptors
Any deviation from alert and oriented to person, place, time and event, or any deviation from the patients normal baseline mental status, may signal disease in the central nervous system or elsewhere in the body.
Altered Mental status
The air sacs of the lungs in which the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place
The temperature of the surrounding environment
Ambient temperature
The fluid filled baglike membrane in which the fetus develops
Amniotic sac
An injury in which part of the body is completely severed
The metabolism that takes place in the absence of oxygen; the main product of lactic acid
Anaerobic metabolism
Severe shock caused by an allergic reaction
Anaphylactic shock
An extreme life, threatening system, allergic reaction that may include shock and respiratory failure
The position of reference in which the patient stands facing forward, arms at the side, with the palms of the hands forward
Anatomic position
Describes a condition in which the patient has too few red blood cells, resulting in a decreased ability to transport oxygen throughout the body via the bloodstream
An abnormal enlargement of the wall of a blood vessel that results from the weakening of the vessel wall
Transient (short lived) chest discomfort caused by partial or temporary blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle
Angina pectoris
Localized areas of swelling beneath the skin, often around the eyes and lips, but can also involve other areas as well
Naturally occurring uneven pupil size
A medication that binds to a receptor and blocks other medications
The front surface of the body; the side facing you in the standard anatomic position
A serum that counteracts the effect of venom from an animal or insect
The main artery leaving the left side of the heart, which receives blood from the left ventricle and delivers it to all the other arteries that carry blood to the tissues of the body
A weakness in the wall of the aorta that makes it susceptible to rupture
Aortic aneurysm
The one way valve that lies between the left ventricle and the aorta and keeps blood from flowing back into the left ventricle after the left ventricle ejects its blood into the aorta; one of four heart valves
Aortic valve
A scoring system for assessing the status of a newborn that assigns a number value to each of 5 areas
Apgar score
the inability to understand or produce speech
Absence of spontaneous breathing- (Respiratory arrest)
Inflammation or infection of the appendix
a small tubular structure that is attached to the lower border of the cecum in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen
The manner in which principles of ethics are incorporated into professional conduct
Applied ethics
The smallest branches of the arteries leading to a vast network of capillaries
A disease that causes the arteries to thicken, harden and calcify
A blood vessel, consisting of 3 layers of tissue and smooth muscle, that carries blood away from the heart
Fluid in the abdomen
A tracing on the ECG that is a result of interference such as patient movement
A technique that help ensure pathogens are not introduced anywhere in the procedure, achieved by sterilization of equipment, or use of antiseptics or disinfectants; often used for fast, invasive procedures such as starting an IV line
Aseptic technique
In the context of airway, the introduction of vomitus or other foreign material in the lungs
A medication that is an antipyretic (reduces fever), analgesic (reduces pain), anti-inflammatory ( reduces inflammation), and a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation (clumping)
Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid or ASA)
Unlawfully placing a patient in fear of bodily harm
An acute spasm of the smaller air passages, called bronchioles, associated with excessive mucus production and with swelling of the mucus lining of the respiratory passages
The complete absence of heart electrical activity
Irregular, ineffective respirations that may or may not have an identifiable pattern
Ataxic respirations
Collapse of the alveolar air spaces in the lungs
A disorder in which cholesterol and calcium build up inside the walls of the blood vessels, forming plaque, eventually leading to a partial or complete blockage of blood flow
One of two (right and left) upper chambers of the heart. The right ___ receives blood from the vena cava and delivers it to the right ventricle. The left ___ receives blood from pulmonary veins and delivers it to the left ventricle
A sensation experienced before a seizure; serves as a warning sign that a seizure is about to occur
To listen to sounds within an organ with a stethoscope
A device that detects life threatening cardiac arrhythmias (ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia) and delivers the appropriate electrical shock to the patient
Automated external defibrillator (AED)
The ability of cardiac muscle cells to contract without stimulation from the nervous system
The part of the nervous system that regulates involuntary activities of the body, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion of food
Autonomic nervous system
A method of assessing the level of consciousness by determining whether the patient is awake and alert, responsive to verbal stimuli or pain, or unresponsive
An injury in which soft tissue is torn completely loose or is hanging as a flap
Injuries in which load is applied along the vertical or longitudinal axis of the spine, which results in load being transmitted along the entire length of the vertebral column; for example, falling from a height and landing on the feet in an upright position
Axial loading injuries
The part of the skeleton comprising the skull, spinal column and rib cage
Axial skeleton
A memory device to recall the types of weapons of mass destruction: Biological, nuclear, incendiary, chemical and explosive
A device with a one way valve and a face mask attached to a ventilation bag; when attached to a reservoir and connected to oxygen, it delivers more than 90% supplemental oxygen
Bag-valve-mask (BVM)
A joint that allows internal and external rotation as well as bending
Ball-and-socket joint
A branch of medicine concerned with the management of obesity and allied diseases
Injury caused by pressure to enclosed body surfaces, for example. from too much pressure in the lungs
A protective item, such as a pocket mask with a valve that limits exposure to a patients body fluids
Barrier device
Noninvasive emergency lifesaving care that is used to treat medical conditions; including airway obstruction, respiratory arrest, and cardiac arrest
Basic Life support (BLS)
usually occur following diffuse impact to the head (such as falls, MVC); generally result from the linear fracture to the base of the skull. a fracture of the base of the skull, typically involving the temporal bone, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, and/or ethmoid bone.
Basilar Skull Fracture Signs/Symptoms: Battle’s sign, Raccoon eyes, CSF cerebrospinal fluid from nose and ears
Unlawfully touching a patient or providing emergency care without consent
Bruising behind an ear over the mastoid process that may indicate a skull fracture
Battle sign
How a person functions or acts in response to his/her environment
The point at which a person’s reactions to events interfere with activities of daily living; this becomes a psychiatric emergency when it causes a major life interruption, such as attempted suicide
Behavioral crisis
A painful condition seen in divers who ascend too quickly, in which gas, especially nitrogen, forms bubbles in the blood vessels and other tissues; also called decompression sickness
A type of energy that is emitted from a strong radiological source; is slightly more penetrating than alpha and requires a layer of clothing to stop it.
Portions of the nervous system that, when stimulated, can cause an increase in the force of the contraction of the heart, an increased heart rate, and bronchial dilation
Beta-adrenergic receptors
The large muscle that covers the front of the humorous
A body part or condition that appears on both sides of the midline
The ducts that convey bile between the liver and the intestine
Bile ducts
Shipping papers used for transport of chemicals over roads and highways; also referred to as freight bolls
Bills of Lading
The study of ethics related to issues that arise in health care
What do the vagina and cervix form
Birth canal
To turn white
The pressure that the blood exerts against the walls of the arteries as it passes through them
Blood Pressure
Pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, Hepatitis B virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Blood borne pathogens
A small amount of blood in the vagina that appears at the beginning of labor and may include a plug of pink tinged mucus that is discharged when the cervix begins to dilate
Bloody Show
A fracture of the orbit or of the bones that support the floor of the orbit
Blow-out fracture
An impact on the body by objects that cause injury without penetrating soft tissues or internal organs and cavities
Blunt trauma
The major vessel in the upper extremities that supplies blood to the arm
Brachial Artery
A slow heart rate less than 60 beats/per minute
Slow respiratory rate; in a child is an ominous sign that indicates impending respiratory arrest
The area of the brain between the spinal cord and cerebrum, surrounded by the cerebellum; controls functions that are necessary for life such as respiration
Brain Stem
Disclosure of information without proper authorization
Breach of confidentiality
An indication of air movement in the lungs, usually assessed with a stethoscope
Breath sounds
A delivery in which the buttocks or limb come out first
Breech presentation
Subdivision of the smaller bronchi in the lungs; made of smooth muscle and dilate or constrict in response to various stimuli
Inflammation of the bronchioles that usually occur in children younger than 2 years and is often caused by the respiratory syncytial virus
An acute or chronic inflammation of the lung that may damage lung tissue; usually associated with cough and production of sputum and, depending on its cause, sometimes fever
Injuries in which soft tissue damage occurs as a result of thermal heat, friction heat, toxic chemicals, electricity, or nuclear radiation.
The heel bone
The small blood vessels that connect arterioles and venules; various substances pass through the capillary walls, into and out of interstitial fluid, and then on to the cells
A test that evaluates distal circulatory system function by squeezing (blanching) blood from an area such as a nail bed and watching the speed of its return after releasing the pressure.
Capillary refill
A noninvasive method to quickly and efficiently provide information on a patients ventilatory status, circulation and metabolism; efficiently measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in expired air over time
A waste product exhaled during respiration by the respiratory system
Carbon Dioxide
When the heart fails to generate effective and detectable blood flow; pulses are not palpable
Cardiac arrest
A measure of the volume of blood circulated by the heart in 1 minute; calculated by multiplying the stroke volume by the heart rate
Cardiac output
Compression of the heart as the result of buildup of blood or other fluid in the pericardial sac, leading to decreased cardiac output
Cardiac Tamponade
A state to which not enough oxygen is delivered to the tissues of the body, caused by low output of blood from the heart. Sometimes caused by damage to the heart by an acute MI
Cardiogenic shock
Point of which the trachea bifurcates (divides) into the left and right mainstem bronchi
The major vessel in the neck that supplies blood to the head and brain
Carotid Artery
The smooth connective tissue that forms the support structure of the skeletal system and provides cushioning between bones
Clouding of the lens of the eye or its surrounding transparent membranes
A phenomenon in which speed causes a bullet to generate pressure waves, which cause damage distant from the bullets path
The first part of the large intestine, into which the ileum opens
Composed of the brain and spinal cord
Central nervous system
Pulses that are closest to the core part of the body where the vital organs are located; includes the carotid and femoral
Central pulses
One of the three main subdivisions of the brain, sometimes called the little brain; coordinates the various activities of the brain particularly fine body movements
Swelling of the brain
Cerebral Edema
Fluid produced in the ventricles of the brain that flows in the subarachnoid space and bathes the meninges
Cerebral Spinal Fluid
A interruption of the blood flow to the brain that results in the loss of brain function; also called a stroke
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
The largest part of the three subdivisions of the brain, sometimes called the gray matter, made up of several lobes that control movement, hearing, balance, speech, visual perception, emotions and personality
The portion of the spinal column containing the first seven vertebrae that lie in the neck
Cervical spine
The lower third or neck of the uterus it is the narrowest portion of the uterus and opens into the vagina
They monitor the levels of O2, CO2 and the PH of the Cerebrospinal fluid and then provide feedback to the respiratory centers to modify the rate and depth of breathing based on the body’s needs at a given time
The reason a patient called for help, also the patient’s response to the question “What’s wrong?
Chief complaint
Inflammation of the gall bladder
A slow process of dilation and disruption of the airways and alveoli caused by chronic bronchial obstruction
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
The substance that leaves the stomach. It is a combination of all of the eaten foods with added stomach acids
The complex arrangement of connected tubes, including the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins that moves blood, oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and cellular waste throughout the body
Circulatory system
Also known as the collar bone; it is lateral to the sternum and anterior to the scapula
An injury to the chest in which the skin is not broken, usually caused by blunt trauma
Closed chest injury
Questions that can be answered with yes or no answers
Close-ended questions
The formation of a clot to plug an opening in an injured blood vessel and stop bleeding
The last 3 or 4 vertebrae of the spine; the tail bone
A safe area in a haz-mat incident for the agencies involved in the incident; The incident commander, command post EMS providers and other support functions are located in this zone.
Cold Zone (green zone) (clean zone)
A surgical procedure to create an opening between the colon and the surface of the bod
A blunt chest injury caused by a sudden direct blow to the chest that occurs only during the critical portion of the persons heartbeat
Commotio Cordis
The early stage of shock when the body continues to stabilize during blood loss
Compensated Shock
A temporary loss or alteration of part or all of the brains abilities to function without actual physical damage to the brain
A disorder in which the heart loses part of its ability to effectively pump blood, usually as a result of damage to the heart muscle and usually resulting in a backup of fluid into the lungs
Congestive heart failure (CHF)
The delicate membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the exposed surface of the eye
In the context of EMS, permission to render care
An infectious disease that spreads from one human to another; communicable
A method of ventilation used primarily in the treatment of critically ill patients with respiratory distress
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
Conditions that make a particular medication or treatment inappropriate because it would not help, or may actually harm the patient
A bruise from an injury that causes bleeding beneath the skin without breaking the skin
The transparent tissue layer in front of the pupil and iris of the eye
A brain injury that occurs when force is applied to the head and energy transmission through brain tissue causes injury on the opposite side of the original impact
Coup- contrecoup brain injury Coup injury is on the impact side Contrecoup injury occurs on the opposite side of the impact
Rattling breath sounds signaling fluid in the air spaces of the lungs; formerly called rales
A grating or grinding sensation caused by fractured bone ends or joints rubbing together; also air bubbles under the skin that produce a crackling sound or crinkly feeling
An inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory system that may cause a partial airway obstruction and is characterized by a barking cough; usually seen in children
The appearance of the fetus’s head at the vaginal opening during labor
When one person imposes his/her beliefs, values, and practices on another
Cultural imposition
A blue-gray skin color that is caused by a reduced level of oxygen in the blood
The mnemonic for assessment in which each area of the body is evaluated for an injury
DCAP-BTLS Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Punctures/penetrations, Burns, Tenderness, Lacerations and Swelling
The late stage of shock when the blood pressure is dropping
Decompensated shock
Sores caused by the pressure of skin against a surface for long periods; can range from a pink discoloration of the skin to a deep wound that may invade into bone or organs
Decubitus Ulcers AKA: Bed Sores
The formation of a blood clot within the larger vessels of an extremity, typically following a period of prolonged immobilization
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
The communication of false information about a person that is damaging to that persons reputation or standing in the community
A sudden change in mental status that is generally acute and reversible, characterized by disorientation, inability to focus, inattention, inability to think logically, striking changes in personality and affect, hallucinations or decreased level of consciousness
A severe withdrawal syndrome seen in alcoholics who are deprived of ethyl alcohol
Delirium Tremens (DT’s) Characterized by restlessness, fever, sweating, disorientation, agitation and seizures can be fatal if untreated
The slow onset of progressive disorientation, shortened attention span, and loss of cognitive function
Dementia This condition is generally chronic and irreversible
Swelling in the part of the body closest to the ground, caused by collection of fluid in the tissues; a possible sign of congestive heart failure
Dependent edema
Blood settling to the lowest point of the body, causing discoloration of the skin; a definitive sign of death
Dependent Lividity
The inner layer of skin, containing hair follicles, sweat glands, nerve endings, and blood vessels
A metabolic disorder in which the ability to metabolize carbohydrates (sugar) is impaired
Diabetes Mellitus
A form of hyperglycemia in uncontrolled diabetes in which certain acids accumulate when insulin is not available
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
Characterized by light or profuse sweating
A muscular dome that forms the undersurface of the thorax, separating the chest from the abdomen
Diaphragm Contraction of this (and the chest wall muscles) brings air into the lungs. Relaxation allows air to be expelled from the lungs
The relaxation, or period of relaxation, of the heart, especially in the ventricles
The pressure that remains in the arteries during the relaxation phase of the hearts cycle
Diastolic pressure This occurs when the ventricles are at rest
A process in which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
Widening of a tubular or circular structure
Dilation For example the pupil or artery
Disruption of a joint in which ligaments are damaged and the bone ends are no longer in contact
A condition in which the layers of an artery such as the aorta, become separated, allowing blood (at high pressure) to flow between the layers
Dissecting aneurism
Further from the trunk of the body or nearer to the free end of an extremity
An injury that prevents the patient from noticing other injuries he or she may have, even severe injuries
Distracting injury
Shock in which there is a marked decrease in peripheral vascular resistance and consequent hypotension.
Distributive Shock Examples are septic shock, neurogenic shock, and anaphylactic shock.
The posterior surface of the body including the back of the hand
The artery on the anterior surface of the foot between the first and second metatarsals
Dorsalis pedis artery
A type of advanced directive executed by a competent adult that appoints another individual to make medical treatment decisions on his/her behalf, in the event that the person making the appointment loses decision making capability
Durable power of attorney healthcare
Slurred speech
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
An irregular or abnormal heart rhythm
A buildup of blood beneath the skin that produces a characteristic blue or black discoloration as the result of an injury
Ecchymosis Also known as a contusion or bruise
Severe Hypertension in a pregnant woman, resulting in seizures (convulsions)
A pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, typically in the fallopian tube
Ectopic pregnancy
The presence of abnormally large amounts of fluids between cells in body tissues, causing swelling of the affected area
A person who is under the legal age in a given state but, because of other circumstances, is legally considered an adult
Emancipated minor
A blood clot or other substance in the circulatory system that travels to a blood vessel where it causes a blockage
The early stage of development after the fertilization of the egg
A disease of the lungs in which there is extreme dilation and eventual destruction of the pulmonary alveoli with poor exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Emphysema It is one form of COPD
Glands that secrete or release chemicals that are used inside the body
Endocrine glands
The complex message and control system that integrates many body functions, including the release of hormones; also regulates metabolism and maintains homeostasis
Endocrine system