Vocabulary Flashcards
Indie, an
From ‘independent’: small record labels or publishers that are not part of a large chain or
media conglomerate
NL: geen Nederlands equivalent
Industry, an
A market that is concerned with the output of a specific product or service
NL: branche
Infringe something, to
To break a law or rule
NL: schenden
The introduction of new things, ideas and procedures
NL: innovatie, vernieuwing
Inquiry, an
An official question or survey
NL: onderzoek of aanvraag
Internship, an
a programme that provides practical experience for beginners in an occupation as part of
their degree
NL: stage
Inventories, the
A company’s unsold products (in the case of publishers, its books)
NL: voorraden
Investor, an
A business person who gives capital expecting financial return
NL: belegger
The profession in which people gather, write and report news
NL: journalistiek
Justify, to
to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded
NL: rechtvaardigen
Interested; enthusiastic
NL: geïnteresseerd
Launch, to
To release
NL: lanceren
Proposed or enacted law or group of laws
NL: wetgeving
Financially or legally responsible
NL: aansprakelijk
The publication of unflattering statements or pictures for which a newspaper can be sued
NL: smaad
Library, a
An institution that maintains a collection of books, films, prints, magazines and music albums
for the purpose of borrowing or reference by the general public
NL: bibliotheek
List, a
In publishing, the catalogue of books published by a publisher
NL: fondslijst
Literary agent, a
Represents authors of fiction and non-fiction
NL: literair agent
The manner in which you earn your living
NL: tbv levensonderhoud
Loophole, a
An ambiguity in a text, law or contract that makes it possible to evade a difficulty or
NL: een uitvlucht, een “maas in de wet”
Ltd, Limited Company, a
a company with shareholders, who have limited liability (beperkte aansprakelijkheid) in case
things go wrong, e.g. Philips NV (Nederland) and Philips Ltd (UK)
NL: naamloze vennootschap (NV)
NL: lucratief, winstgevend
Make, a
A brand
NL: merk
Manufacturer, a
An industrial company that produces and sells a product
NL: fabriek
Manuscript, a
A copy of a book before it has been printed
NL: manuscript
Marketing campaign, a
A group of activities to market a product
NL: marktcampagne
The quality of being average or not very good
NL: middelmatigheid
Merge, to
To combine two or more companies into one
NL: fuseren
Persons who belong to the generation that was born in the 1980s and the 1990s
NL: geen Nederlands equivalent
Mitigate, to
To make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful
NL: verzachten
Narrative, a
A description of events, especially in a novel
NL: verhaal
Novel, a
An extensive story which features development in character, action, thought or style
NL: roman
Off the record
Disclosed or said but not intended for publication
NL: geen Nederlands equivalent
Online traffic
The amount of activity at a website
NL: online verkeer
Opt, to
To choose
NL: kiezen
Page impression, a
A single view of a webpage
NL: geen Nederlands equivalent