Vocabulary Flashcards
To force someone to accept or deal with something that they do not want.
Voters are tired of new regulations foisted on them by faceless lawmakers.
iffy adj informal (not certain) dudoso/a adj
incierto/a adj
iffy adj informal (questionable) discutible adj
be iffy about doing [sth] vi informal (be dubious or doubtful) estar dudoso con respecto a loc verb
Jessica was iffy about going to the party as she knew her ex-boyfriend was going to be there.
Jessica estaba dudosa con respecto a ir a la fiesta ya que sabía que iba a ir su ex-novio.
Stick out
phrasal sep (project, cause to protrude)
levantar⇒, alzar⇒ vtr
If you stick your tongue out again, a bird may come and roost on it.
proyectar⇒, extender⇒ vtr
ⓘ Si vuelves a sacar la lengua, puede que venga un pájaro y se pose en ella.
stick out vi phrasal (project, protrude) sobresalir⇒ vi
Other children tease him because his ears stick out.
Los otros niños lo cargaban porque sus orejas sobresalían.
stick out vi phrasal figurative (be conspicuous) (figurado) destacar⇒ vi
The young man’s blue mohawk stuck out like a sore thumb in the corporate offices.
La cresta azul del joven destacaba en las oficinas corporativas como pulpo en un garage.
resaltar⇒, sobresalir⇒ vi
La cresta azul del joven resaltaba en las oficinas corporativas como pulpo en un garage.
stick [sth] out vtr phrasal sep slang (endure to the end) (coloquial) aguantarse v prnl
By the twentieth mile of the marathon, Adam was exhausted, but he stuck it out and finally made it to the finish lin
Beat up yourself about
Beat up yourself over
beat up on yourself vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (feel guilty or bad) (coloquial, sentirse culpable) comerse la cabeza, darle vueltas loc verb, expr
mortificarse, culparse v prnl
It was just an honest mistake, so you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it.
Swear off
informal (renounce, give up) dejar⇒ vtr
Ken keeps promising he’ll swear off the booze. I have so much bad luck with men, I think I’ll swear off dating altogether.
Sigue prometiendo que va a dejar el alcohol.
adj, dewier or dewiest
1. moist with or as with dew: a dewy complexion.
2. of or resembling dew
3. poetic suggesting, falling, or refreshing like dew: dewy sleep.
ˈdewily adv
ˈdewiness n
disjoint [sth] vtr (dislocate, pull apart) dislocar⇒ vtr
descoyuntar⇒ vtr
desencajar⇒ vtr
desarticular⇒ vtr
Fear flew through her as she recalled the disjointed dreams
She closed her eyes, watching the disjointed, fuzzy home videos playing in her mind.
The bits and pieces of who he was were there, disjointed and scattered.
An image of Darkyn appeared forefront before the images swirled and began to play a disjointed movie.
Poor Martha lacked even a minimal paper trail on her short, disjointed life.
Bounce Back
figurative, informal (person: recover quickly) recuperarse v prnl
Note: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective.
He was dangerously ill at one point but he bounced back quickly.
Estaba peligrosamente enfermo en un momento pero se recuperó rápido
To bring about (damage or destruction, for example): wreak havoc.
- To inflict (vengeance or punishment) upon a person.
- To give vent to or act upon (one’s feelings): “He sought for some excuse to wreak his hatred upon Tarzan” (Edgar Rice Burroughs).
- Archaic To take vengeance for; avenge.
The more he considered the devastation this would wreak on this woman he cared for, the more apprehension he felt about finding the man.
Unrequited love could wreak havoc on a conscience
She was nominally assisted by the members of the any interference on the part of the magistracy to wreak their will upon its spendid and priceless contents.
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aˈbetted – verb
to help or encourage to do something wrong. He abetted his cousin in robbing the bank.incitar; instigar
to abet sb in a crime → ser cómplice de algn
A. N → tejón m
B. VT → acosar, atormentar (for para obtener) to badger sb into doing sth → acosar a algn hasta que haga algo
stop badgering me! → ¡deja ya de fastidiarme!
The ideas, beliefs, and interests that are typical of most people during a particular time in history and are expressed in the culture of that time.
But reflecting the zeitgeist is nothing new for this iconic breakfast food.
Someone who annoys you because they think that they know more about a particular thing than anyone else.
While being no particular fan of cops myself, I sympathise with them when they have to deal with wiseacres like you and your cohorts
chapuza nf (trabajo mal hecho) botched job, shoddy work n
happening only once) único/a adj
I had a one-off chance to hear Sixto Rodriguez sing.
ice rink
Pista hielo
Parque atracciones
Excessive boldness or rashness; foolhardiness or recklessness.
She wondered how she’d had the temerity to stand up to him that morning.
row3 (rau) noun
- a noisy quarrel. They had a terrible row; a family row.bronca; pelea
- a continuous loud noise. They heard a row in the street. barrullo, escándalo
joy, happiness) felicidad nf dicha nf gozo nm éxtasis nm Ellen had never experienced bliss before she met her spouse.
joy, happiness) felicidad nf dicha nf gozo nm éxtasis nm Ellen had never experienced bliss before she met her spouse.
Price gouging
Price gouging
acaparamiento | especulación de precios
Me atiborraron de vino antes de darme la noticia.
ply [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (barrage with questions) bombardear a alguien con loc verb
acosar a alguien con loc verb
Stop plying me with questions!
ply n (material: layer) capa nf
(de madera) chapa nf
ply n (yarn, rope: strand) hilo
(by ghost) encantar⇒ vtr
aparecerse v prnl
haunt vtr (by memory) (recuerdo) perseguir⇒ vtr
obsesionar⇒ vtr
Additional Translations
haunt n informal (place frequented) lugar favorito grupo nom
lugar que suele frecuentar grupo nom
Frank went fishing at his favorite haunt.
haunt [sth] vtr (frequent a place) frecuentar⇒ vtr
ir seguido a loc verb
The construction workers always haunted the bar on the weekends.
haunt [sb] vtr (cause trouble later) perseguir⇒ vtr
acosar⇒ vtr
Ben’s mistake came back to haunt him a few minutes later.
gilded adj (covered in gold) cubierto de oro loc adj
bañado en oro loc adj
dorado/a adj
(Argentina) enchapado en oro loc adj
The antique book that I’m looking for has gilded pages.
gilded adj figurative (superficially attractive) de oropel loc adj
dorado/a adj
Karen wanted to marry a gilded, wealthy man, even if she didn’t love him.
To expose oneself to pleasant warmth.
2. To take great pleasure or satisfaction: “an opportunity to bask in the genteel applause of the faithful” (Paul A. Witteman).
adj (body: bulky) corpulento/a adj robusto/a adj (coloquial) rechoncho/a adj grueso/a adj Many people grow stout as they get older.s
wicked adj (mean, evil) malvado/a adj retorcido/a adj The wicked child tormented the kit
mueca nf
gesto nm
mohín nm
Donna didn’t say anything, but her grimace expressed her displeasure.
sth] v expr (rummage) hurgar⇒ vtr
revolver⇒ vtr
She fumbled to find a pen among all the junk in her handbag.
Hurgó entre toda la basura de su cartera para encontrar una birome.
fumble for [sth] vi + prep figurative (struggle to say [sth]) (habla) titubear⇒ vi
balbucear⇒ vi
She asked if I needed anything else and I fumbled for words.
Me preguntó si necesitaba algo más y solo conseguí titubear.
fumble n (sport: dropping ball) (deportes) balón suelto loc nom m
A fumble resulted in a massive pileup on the ball.
Un balón suelto acabó con una pila de jugadores sobre él.
ninny n informal (foolish person) tonto, tonta nm, nf
bobo, boba nm, nf
Is something important missing? Report an error
irritar⇒ vtr
molestar⇒ vtr
The child’s constant complaints were beginning to vex Elizabeth.
brook n (stream) riachuelo nm
arroyo nm
The property is bordered by a clear brook and forest on three sides.
vtr informal, usu passive (exhaust) agotar⇒ vtr
cansar⇒ vtr
extenuar⇒ vtr
niggling adj (nagging, irritating) exasperante adj mf
irritante adj mf
molesto/a adj
Verb 1. busk - play music in a public place and solicit money for it; “three young men were busking in the
designed for or capable of being thrown away after being used or used up:
disposable plastic spoons; a disposable cigarette lighter.
gimmick n (trick, catch) truco nm Their balancing of the budget was just an accounting gimmick. Su equilibrio del presupuesto fue sólo un truco financiero.
Abide by
abide by [sth] vtr phrasal insep (obey) obedecer⇒, acatar⇒ vtr
cumplir⇒, respetar⇒ vtr
atenerse a, sujetarse a v prnl + prep
Cathy decided to abide by the rules.
Cathy decidió obedecer las reglas.
Slate clean
nk slate n figurative (chance to start over) empezar de cero loc verb
Many people see the start of a new year as a blank slate; a chance to leave failures behind them and start afresh.
borrón y cuenta nueva loc nom m
blank slate n figurative (person: inexperienced) (figurado) página en blanco nf
This child is a blank slate; she has everything still to learn.
slate blue adj de color azul pizarra loc adj
slate blue adj (un color) azul pizarra loc nom m
slate gray US gris pizarra loc nom m
slate roof empizarrado nm
wipe the slate clean v expr figurative (begin afresh) hacer borrón y cuenta nueva expr
Let’s just wipe the slate clean and forget about past mistakes.
(let other traffic pass) ceder el paso loc verb You must yield at this intersection to let other traffic pass. Debes ceder el paso en la intersección para dejar pasar a los otros coches. yield vi (give way, submit) ceder⇒ vtr He yielded to the pressure of the others and changed the channel. Cedió a la presión de los demás, y cambió de canal. yield n (amount produced) cosecha nf The yield this year was outstanding for corn farmers. La cosecha de este año ha sido destacada para los productores de maíz. yield n (finance: amount of gain) rédito nm interés nm The yield on these bonds is 3%. El rédito de estos bonos es de un 3%. El interes de estos bonos es de un 3%.
Additional Translations
English Spanish
yield vi (bend under pressure) (bajo el peso) ceder⇒ vi
You could see the steel beam yielding under the great weight of the building.
Se puede ver como cede la viga bajo la presión del edificio.
yield vi (agriculture: produce) producir⇒ vtr
This farm yielded very well this year.
La granja produjo muy bien el año pasado.
yield vi (allow to speak) ceder la palabra loc verb
I yield to the esteemed senator from Colorado.
Le cedo la palabra al estimado senador de Colorado.
yield [sth] vtr (surrender) (armas) rendir⇒ vtr
rendirse v prnl
The army yielded its weapons to the enemy.
El ejército rindió sus armas al enemigo.
shell out
To distribute (money) as payment:
disburse, expend, give, lay out, outlay, pay (out), spend.
I’m not going to shell out $400 for that! Come on. You owe me. Shell out!
Bottom line
bottom line n informal, figurative (crucial fact) conclusión nf
resumidas cuentas loc nom fpl
The bottom line is you cannot be late for work anymore.
La conclusión es que ya no puedes llegar tarde al trabajo.
: to expose to danger or risk : imperil
Jerry was warned that a continued decrease in his sales performance could jeopardize his chances for a promotion.
“The bill grew out of a problem that has developed in north central Connecticut, where cracking foundations have jeopardized the stability of more than 150 homes, according to homeowners who have filed complaints with state officials.” — Kathleen McWilliams,
English Spanish
orderly n (hospital worker) camillero, camillera nm
The orderly took the patient for her x-ray.
orderly n (soldier serving officers) ordenanza nm
The orderly is polishing the officer’s boots
Grip on reality
English Spanish
grip n (grasp, hold) agarre nm
sujeción nf
(voz inglesa) grip nm
Peter kept a firm grip on the wheel as he drove through the mountains.
grip vtr (grasp, hold) agarrar⇒, sujetar⇒ vtr
sujetar⇒ vtr
grip vtr (fascinate) fascinar⇒, enganchar⇒ vtr
enganchar⇒ vtr
grip n figurative, informal (understanding) entendimiento nm
comprensión nf
The students had to show that they had a firm grip on the class material.
Additional Translations
English Spanish
grip n figurative (a hold on) agarrón nm
apretón nm
The coach kept his athletes firmly in his grip.
grip n (of object) agarradera nf
empuñadura nf
grip n (TV, movie worker) operador de cámara, operadora de cámara grupo nom
The director was angry because the grips took too long setting up the lighting.
grip n (tyres, tires) agarre nm
The new snow tires had an excellent grip on the road.
grip n (handshake) apretón de manos loc nom m
Jim and Harry traded grips as they met.
grip n (sanity) contacto nm
control nm
It was too much for John, and he felt that he was beginning to lose his grip on reality.
clinch n (boxers: grappling) clinch nm
clinch vi informal (embrace passionately) dar un achuchón loc verb
achuchar⇒ vtr
apretar⇒ vi
agarrar⇒ vtr
The pair were clinching in the backseat of a car.
Los encontré apretando en el asiento trasero del auto.
clinch [sth] vtr (deal: secure, settle) cerrar⇒ vtr
asegurar⇒ vtr
We’re hoping to clinch the deal this afternoon.
Esperamos poder cerrar el trato esta tarde.
clinch vi (boxers: grapple) hacer clinch loc verb
(coloquial) clinchear⇒
contend (kənˈtend) verb
1. (usually with with) to struggle against. competir
2. (with that) to say or maintain (that). sostener, afirmarconˈtender noun
a person who has entered a competition (for a title etc). contendienteconˈtention noun
1. an opinion put forward. opinión
2. argument; disagreement. discusiónconˈtentious (-ʃəs) adjective
quarrelsome. contencioso, polémico
Set out
vi phrasal (start a journey) salir de viaje loc verb
They set out for London early the following day. We’ll set out at five in the morning.
Salieron de viaje a Londres muy temprano al día siguiente.
partir⇒ vi
Partieron a Londres muy temprano al día siguiente.
set [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (lay out, arrange) disponerse a algo loc verb
tener la intención de algo loc verb
set [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (present) presentar⇒ vtr
set [sth] out vtr phrasal sep often passive (law: specify) exponer algo loc verb
precisar algo loc verb
The constitution sets out the council’s decision-making procedures.
La constitución expone los procedimientos de toma de decisión del municipio.
Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.
WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2016:
Compound Forms:
English Spanish
set out for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (leave for, go to) salir hacia algo, salir para algo, partir hacia algo loc verb
set out to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (intend) pretender⇒ vtr
He set out to mend the fences, but ran out of wire before he was halfway done.
Pretendía reparar las cercas, pero se quedó sin alambre antes de llegar a la mitad.
set out to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (undertake) llevar a cabo loc verb
Llevaremos a cabo el proyecto en el menor tiempo posible.
encarar⇒ vtr
Encaró la tarea con much
bedrock n figurative (solid foundation) cimientos nmpl
fundamento nm
Snap up
. snap up - get hold of or seize quickly and easily; “I snapped up all the good buys during the garage sale”
snaffle, grab
take - take into one’s possession; “We are taking an orphan from Romania”; “I’ll take three salmon steaks”
hog - take greedily; take more than one’s share
fuddy-duddy adj informal (stuffy, old-fashioned person) anticuado/a adj
(AR) chapado a la antigua loc adj
- miffed - aroused to impatience or angermiffed - aroused to impatience or anger; “made an irritated gesture”; “feeling nettled from the constant teasing”; “peeved about being left out”; “felt really pissed at her snootiness”; “riled no end by his lies”; “roiled by the delay”
annoyed, irritated, nettled, peeved, pissed, pissed off, riled, roiled, stung, steamed
displeased - not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
adjective upset, hurt, annoyed, offended, irritated, put out, hacked (off) (U.S. slang), pissed (U.S. slang), resentful, nettled, aggrieved, vexed, pissed off (taboo slang), displeased, irked, in a huff, piqued, narked (Brit., Austral., & N.Z. slang) I was a bit miffed about that.
trow·el (trou′əl)
1. A flat-bladed hand tool for leveling, spreading, or shaping substances such as concrete or mortar.
2. A small implement with a pointed, scoop-shaped blade used for digging, as in setting plants.
tr.v. trow·eled, trow·el·ing, trow·els or trow·elled or trow·el·ling
VT (= move) → mover, hacer que se mueva
I couldn’t budge him an inch (fig) → no lo pude convencer
B. VI (= move) → moverse (fig) → ceder, rendirse
he didn’t dare to budge → no se atrevía a moverse
he won’t budge an inch (fig) → no cede lo más mínimo
budge up VI + ADV → moverse un poco, correrse a un lado
wisp) noun
thin strand. a wisp of hair; a wisp of smoke.brizna, mechón, voluta
ˈwispy adjective
wispy hair.tenue, delgado
giddy1 [ˈgɪdɪ] ADJ (giddier (compar) (giddiest (superl))) (= dizzy) → mareado; (= causing dizziness) [height, speed] → vertiginoso; (of character) → atolondrado, ligero de cascos
to feel giddy → sentirse mareado
it makes me giddy → me marea, me da vértigo
noun pariah, exile, outlaw, undesirable, untouchable, leper, vagabond, wretch, persona non grata (Latin) He had always been an outcast, unwanted and alone.
outcast [ˈaʊtkɑːst] N (= rejected person) → paria mf; (in exile) → desterrado/a m/f
he’s a social outcast → vive marginado por la sociedad
\+ object] : to injure (a body part or muscle) by too much tension, use, or effort lwod-clear lwod-clear lwod-bullet I strained my back trying to lift the couch. lwod-clear lwod-bullet Too much computer work strains the eyes. lwod-clear lwod-bullet He strained a muscle in his leg. lwod-clear lwod-clear 2 : to try very hard to do or get something lwod-clear lwod-clear [no object] — often + for lwod-clear lwod-clear lwod-bullet He was straining for air. [=he was struggling to breathe] lwod-clear — often followed by to + verb lwod-clear lwod-clear lwod-bullet He strained to open the jar. lwod-clear lwod-bullet She strained to sing the high notes. lwod-clear lwod-bullet The people in the back of the room strained to hear the speaker. lwod-clear [+ object] lwod-clear lwod-clear lwod-bullet I strained my ears to hear [=I tried very hard to hear] what they were whispering. lwod-clear lwod-bullet I strained my eyes [=I tried very hard to see] in the darkness. lwod-clear lwod-clear 3 a : to be pulled or stretched in a forceful way lwod-clear lwod-clear [no object] lwod-clear lwod-clear lwod-bullet His muscles strained under the heavy weight. lwod-clear [+ object] lwod-clear lwod-clear lwod-bullet People were straining their necks [=were lifting their heads as high as they could by stretching their necks] to see the fight.
Leaf through
leaf through (something)
: to turn the pages of (a book, a magazine, etc.)
She was leafing through the magazine, looking at the pictures.
for·feit (fôr′fĭt)
tr.v. for·feit·ed, for·feit·ing, for·feits
1. To lose or give up (something) on account of an offense, error, or failure to fulfill an agreement: The other team did not show up in time and so forfeited the game.
2. To subject to seizure as a forfeit.
1. Something that is lost or given up on account of an offense, error, or failure to fulfill an agreement.
2. The act of forfeiting: The team lost the game by forfeit.
a. In parlor games, an item placed in escrow and redeemed by paying a fine or performing an appointed task.
b. forfeits A game in which forfeits are demanded.
Lost or subject to loss through forfeiture.
[Middle English forfet, crime, penalty, from Old French forfait, past participle of forfaire, to commit a crime, act outside the law : fors-, beyond; see foreclose + faire, to do; see feasible.]
for′feit·a·ble adj.
for′feit·er n.
outrage1 /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/
n 1. [c] (cruel act) atrocidad f; (terrorist act) atentado m • the ~ left four dead | el atroz atentado dejó un saldo de cuatro muertos • the attack is an ~ against our people | el ataque es un atropello contra nuestro pueblo or (frml) un ultraje a nuestro pueblo
- [c] (scandal) escándalo m • it is an ~ that … | es un escándalo or es escandaloso que … • outrage against sth/sb atropello m contra or a algo/algn
- [u] (feeling) • outrage (at sth) indignación f (ante algo) • she felt a strong sense of ~ at their indifference | se sintió ultrajada por su indiferencia
(frml) outrage2 vt 1. (offend) indignar, ultrajar (frml) • to be outraged at sth indignarse ante algo 2. (scandalize) escandalizar 3. (violate) [liter] • this ~s morality | esto es un atentado a la moral
grov•el (ˈgrɒv əl, ˈgrʌv-)
v. i. -eled, -el•ing (esp. Brit.) -elled, -el•ling.
1. to humble oneself or act in an abject manner.
2. to lie or crawl with the face downward and the body prostrate in abject humility, fear, etc.
3. to take pleasure in base things.
Lurking variable
lurk (lûrk)
intr. v. lurked, lurk·ing, lurks
1. To wait out of view: thieves lurking in the shadows.
2. To move furtively; sneak: heard him lurking along the corridor.
3. To exist unobserved or unsuspected: danger lurking around every bend.
4. To read but not contribute to the discussion in a newsgroup, chatroom, or other online forum.
Variable oculta
squeegee n (window-cleaning tool) escobilla de goma nf + loc adj
(ES) espátula limpiacristales nf + adj inv
(AmL) limpiavidrios nm inv
(MX) jalador de agua nm + loc adj
fickle adj (person) voluble adj mf inconsistente adj mf veleidoso/a adj variable adj mf Ryan was a fickle person; he pursued a new and different passion every day. Ryan era una persona voluble; cada día
1. fail, founder, flop (informal), rebound, fall through, fall flat, boomerang, miscarry, misfire, go belly-up (slang), turn out badly, meet with disaster The President’s tactics could backfire.
2. misfire The car backfired.
Salir tiro por la culata
ta expr
resultar contraproducente loc verb
producir un efecto indeseado vtr + art + nm + adj
(México, coloquial) voltearse el chirrión por el palito expr
The plan backfired and now voters are demanding that he resign.
Le salió el tiro por la culata y ahora los votantes le piden la renuncia.
backfire vi (engine, vehicle: explosion)
devious adj (person: dishonest) taimado/a adj retorcido/a adj ladino/a adj The devious man persuaded the rich widow to marry him, but he was really only interested in her money. El taimado hombre persuadió a la viuda rica para que se casase con él, pero en realidad él solo estaba interesado en su dinero.
parched adj (dry, dried out) seco/a adj
reseco/a adj
The beach-goers burned their feet on the parched sand.
Las personas que estaban en la playa se quemaron los pies con la arena seca.
parched adj figurative (very thirsty) sediento/a adj
(figurado, coloquial) muerto de sed loc adj
Water was provided by the finish line for the parched runners.
Dieron agua en la línea de meta a los corredores sedientos.
Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an
false spoken statement about someone that damages their reputation, or the making of such a statement:
The doctor is suing his partner for slander.
She regarded his comment as a slander on her good reputation.
A. ADJ (bleaker (compar) (bleakest (superl))) [landscape] → desolado, inhóspito; [weather] → desapacible, crudo; [smile, voice] → lúgubre, sombrío; [future] → sombrío; [welcome] → poco hospitalario; [room] → lúgubre
it was a bleak, lonely existence out there → allá la vida era triste y desoladora
it looks or things look rather bleak for him → las cosas no se le presentan muy alentadoras
B. N (= fish) → breca f, albur m