Vocabulary Flashcards
To force someone to accept or deal with something that they do not want.
Voters are tired of new regulations foisted on them by faceless lawmakers.
iffy adj informal (not certain) dudoso/a adj
incierto/a adj
iffy adj informal (questionable) discutible adj
be iffy about doing [sth] vi informal (be dubious or doubtful) estar dudoso con respecto a loc verb
Jessica was iffy about going to the party as she knew her ex-boyfriend was going to be there.
Jessica estaba dudosa con respecto a ir a la fiesta ya que sabía que iba a ir su ex-novio.
Stick out
phrasal sep (project, cause to protrude)
levantar⇒, alzar⇒ vtr
If you stick your tongue out again, a bird may come and roost on it.
proyectar⇒, extender⇒ vtr
ⓘ Si vuelves a sacar la lengua, puede que venga un pájaro y se pose en ella.
stick out vi phrasal (project, protrude) sobresalir⇒ vi
Other children tease him because his ears stick out.
Los otros niños lo cargaban porque sus orejas sobresalían.
stick out vi phrasal figurative (be conspicuous) (figurado) destacar⇒ vi
The young man’s blue mohawk stuck out like a sore thumb in the corporate offices.
La cresta azul del joven destacaba en las oficinas corporativas como pulpo en un garage.
resaltar⇒, sobresalir⇒ vi
La cresta azul del joven resaltaba en las oficinas corporativas como pulpo en un garage.
stick [sth] out vtr phrasal sep slang (endure to the end) (coloquial) aguantarse v prnl
By the twentieth mile of the marathon, Adam was exhausted, but he stuck it out and finally made it to the finish lin
Beat up yourself about
Beat up yourself over
beat up on yourself vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (feel guilty or bad) (coloquial, sentirse culpable) comerse la cabeza, darle vueltas loc verb, expr
mortificarse, culparse v prnl
It was just an honest mistake, so you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it.
Swear off
informal (renounce, give up) dejar⇒ vtr
Ken keeps promising he’ll swear off the booze. I have so much bad luck with men, I think I’ll swear off dating altogether.
Sigue prometiendo que va a dejar el alcohol.
adj, dewier or dewiest
1. moist with or as with dew: a dewy complexion.
2. of or resembling dew
3. poetic suggesting, falling, or refreshing like dew: dewy sleep.
ˈdewily adv
ˈdewiness n
disjoint [sth] vtr (dislocate, pull apart) dislocar⇒ vtr
descoyuntar⇒ vtr
desencajar⇒ vtr
desarticular⇒ vtr
Fear flew through her as she recalled the disjointed dreams
She closed her eyes, watching the disjointed, fuzzy home videos playing in her mind.
The bits and pieces of who he was were there, disjointed and scattered.
An image of Darkyn appeared forefront before the images swirled and began to play a disjointed movie.
Poor Martha lacked even a minimal paper trail on her short, disjointed life.
Bounce Back
figurative, informal (person: recover quickly) recuperarse v prnl
Note: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective.
He was dangerously ill at one point but he bounced back quickly.
Estaba peligrosamente enfermo en un momento pero se recuperó rápido
To bring about (damage or destruction, for example): wreak havoc.
- To inflict (vengeance or punishment) upon a person.
- To give vent to or act upon (one’s feelings): “He sought for some excuse to wreak his hatred upon Tarzan” (Edgar Rice Burroughs).
- Archaic To take vengeance for; avenge.
The more he considered the devastation this would wreak on this woman he cared for, the more apprehension he felt about finding the man.
Unrequited love could wreak havoc on a conscience
She was nominally assisted by the members of the any interference on the part of the magistracy to wreak their will upon its spendid and priceless contents.
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aˈbetted – verb
to help or encourage to do something wrong. He abetted his cousin in robbing the bank.incitar; instigar
to abet sb in a crime → ser cómplice de algn
A. N → tejón m
B. VT → acosar, atormentar (for para obtener) to badger sb into doing sth → acosar a algn hasta que haga algo
stop badgering me! → ¡deja ya de fastidiarme!
The ideas, beliefs, and interests that are typical of most people during a particular time in history and are expressed in the culture of that time.
But reflecting the zeitgeist is nothing new for this iconic breakfast food.
Someone who annoys you because they think that they know more about a particular thing than anyone else.
While being no particular fan of cops myself, I sympathise with them when they have to deal with wiseacres like you and your cohorts
chapuza nf (trabajo mal hecho) botched job, shoddy work n
happening only once) único/a adj
I had a one-off chance to hear Sixto Rodriguez sing.
ice rink
Pista hielo
Parque atracciones
Excessive boldness or rashness; foolhardiness or recklessness.
She wondered how she’d had the temerity to stand up to him that morning.
row3 (rau) noun
- a noisy quarrel. They had a terrible row; a family row.bronca; pelea
- a continuous loud noise. They heard a row in the street. barrullo, escándalo
joy, happiness) felicidad nf dicha nf gozo nm éxtasis nm Ellen had never experienced bliss before she met her spouse.
joy, happiness) felicidad nf dicha nf gozo nm éxtasis nm Ellen had never experienced bliss before she met her spouse.
Price gouging
Price gouging
acaparamiento | especulación de precios
Me atiborraron de vino antes de darme la noticia.
ply [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (barrage with questions) bombardear a alguien con loc verb
acosar a alguien con loc verb
Stop plying me with questions!
ply n (material: layer) capa nf
(de madera) chapa nf
ply n (yarn, rope: strand) hilo
(by ghost) encantar⇒ vtr
aparecerse v prnl
haunt vtr (by memory) (recuerdo) perseguir⇒ vtr
obsesionar⇒ vtr
Additional Translations
haunt n informal (place frequented) lugar favorito grupo nom
lugar que suele frecuentar grupo nom
Frank went fishing at his favorite haunt.
haunt [sth] vtr (frequent a place) frecuentar⇒ vtr
ir seguido a loc verb
The construction workers always haunted the bar on the weekends.
haunt [sb] vtr (cause trouble later) perseguir⇒ vtr
acosar⇒ vtr
Ben’s mistake came back to haunt him a few minutes later.
gilded adj (covered in gold) cubierto de oro loc adj
bañado en oro loc adj
dorado/a adj
(Argentina) enchapado en oro loc adj
The antique book that I’m looking for has gilded pages.
gilded adj figurative (superficially attractive) de oropel loc adj
dorado/a adj
Karen wanted to marry a gilded, wealthy man, even if she didn’t love him.
To expose oneself to pleasant warmth.
2. To take great pleasure or satisfaction: “an opportunity to bask in the genteel applause of the faithful” (Paul A. Witteman).
adj (body: bulky) corpulento/a adj robusto/a adj (coloquial) rechoncho/a adj grueso/a adj Many people grow stout as they get older.s
wicked adj (mean, evil) malvado/a adj retorcido/a adj The wicked child tormented the kit