Vocabulary 2 Flashcards
The appearance or expression of someone’s face
Example: He was of noble countenance.
Stup de albine
To abstain
To not to do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad
Example: He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking/sex.
A torn piece of cloth
Example: I keep these rags for cleaning the car.
Example: The children were wearing dirty, ragged clothes.
Expensive, comfortable and of high quality
Example: He took me out to a really plush restaurant.
Feeling of great unhappiness
Bergman’s films are often full of gloom and despair.
If a place is deserted, there are no people in it
Example: The coastal resorts are deserted in winter.
A piece of solid substance, usually with no particular shape
Example: a lump of coal
To contrive
To arrange a situation or event, or arrange for something to happen, using clever planning
Example: Couldn’t you contrive a meeting between them? I think they’d really like each other.
Sheer (adj.)
Used to emphasize how very great, important or powerful a quality or feeling is
Gaoler (old fashioned)
If the door is ajar, it is slightly opened
Example: Unless the postman
On end
To weave
A coase
A person employed to take care of a large building, such as a school, and who deals with the cleaning, repairs, etc.
Caretaker or doorkeeper
Portar, usier
A person who takes care of animals or is in charge of valuable objects, buildings, etc.
Ingrijitor de animale
To trample
To step heavily on something or someone causing damage or injury
Example: Somebody trampled all over my flowerbeds!
The words of a film, play, broadcast, or speech
Example: Bruce Robinson wrote the script for “The Killing Fields”.
A person who writes plays
Short story
During the night
Example: An overnight stop in Paris
Example: You can stay overnight if you want to.
Example: A costly purchase
Very unpleasant or ugly
Example: A grim-looking block of flats
Worrying or without hope
Example: The future looks grim.
A chain or rope used to tie
To tether
To tie something or somebody
Example: Do not tether the goats and do not keep then indoors.
To assuage
To make unpleasant feelings less strong
Example: The government has tried to assuage the public’s fears.
Bespoke (adj.)
Specially made for a particular person
Example: A bespoke suit.
To enhance
To improve the quality, amount or strength of something
Example: These scandals will not enhance the organization’s reputation.
To forsake
To stop doing or having something
Example: He decided to forsake politics for journalism,
To cling
To stick onto or hold something or someone tightly, or to refuse to stop holding it
Example: They clung together in terror as the screams grew louder.
To compel
To force someone to do something
Example: As a schoolboy he was compelled to wear shorts even in winter.
Example: The new circumstances compelled a change in policy.
…,pray tell,…
…,ma rog,…
To loiter
To move slowly around or stand in a public place without an obvious reason
Example: A gang of youths were loitering outside the cinema.
To augment
To increase the size or value of something by adding something to it
Example: He would have to find work to augment hi income.
To heed
To pay attention to something, especially advice or a warning
Example: The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/warnings about lack of safety routines.
In a way that shows someone is able to quickly understand a situation and see how to get an advantage from it
Example: They took over the company and astutely transformed it into a tech giant.
Example: She astutely observed that the invisible black ice on a paved surface is not, by its nature, obvious or easy to see.
Squarely (also square)
Directly, firmly
Example: She refused to come down squarely on either side of the argument.
Example: She punched him square on the jaw.
To apprehend
To catch and arrest someone who has not obeyed the law
Example: The police have finally apprehended the killer.
Attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned
To elaborate
To explain something that you have said
Example: The congresswoman said she was resigning, but refused to elaborate on her reason for doing so.
Fair share
Reasonable amount
Example: He gets his fair share of attention too.
To curtail
To stop something before it is finished, or to reduce or limit something
Example: With all the snow, our daily walks have been severely curtailed.
To scrub
To rub something hard in order to clean it
To cancel or eliminate
Example: She scrubbed (at) the mark on the wall for a long time, but it wouldn’t come off.
Worse off (adj.)
Poorer or in a more difficult situation
Example: If Rick loses his job we’ll be even worse off.
Antonym of ‘better off’
A strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time
Example: Amanda still HAS/HOLDS a grudge against me for refusing to lend her that money.
To salvage
To save goods from damage or destruction, especially from a ship that has sunk or been damaged or a building that has been damaged by fire or flood
Example: After the fire, there wasn’t much furniture left worth salvaging.
A badly damage object or the separated parts of a badly damaged object
Example: Two children were trapped in a wreckage
To haul
To take something or someone somewhere by force
Example: FBI agents hauled away boxes of records.
To haul someone
To arrest someone
Income stream
Steady flow of money
Example: These bonds provide steady income streams.
To disseminate
To spread or give out something, especially news, information, ideas, etc
Example: One of organization’s aims is to disseminate information about the disease.
Doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results
Example: He was found guilty of reckless driving.
Example: After the horrible meals we had last Christmas, I vowed to do more of the cooking myself.
Torch song
A song about love
Way off (adj.)
Completely wrong
Example: He was found guilty of obtaining the money by extortion
To blackmail
A santaja
Example: They used the photographs to blackmail her INTO spying for them
A way of looking and behaving
Example: She has the demeanor of a woman who is contented with her life.
Happy or satisfied
Example: She smiled a contented smile.
To bargain
To try to make someone agree to give you something that is better for you, such as a better price or better working conditions
A negocia
Example: The seller might be willing to bargain OVER the price.
To bargain for
A se astepta la
To allege
To say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof
Example: The two men allege (that) the police forced them to make false confessions.
Example: It was alleged that Johnson had struck Mr. Rahim on the head
To assert
To say that something is certainly true
Example: He asserts that she stole money from him.
Blunt (adj.)
Saying what you think without trying to be polite or caring about other people’s feelings
Example: Blunt criticism
Example: Blunt and outspoken, he often quarreled with fellow officials.
Outspoken (adj.)
Expressing strong opinions very directly without worrying if other people are offended.
Example: Outspoken comments.
Example: Mr. Masack is an outspoken critic of the present government.
To comprehend
To understand something completely
Example: I fail to comprehend their attitude.
To confide
To tell something secret or personal to someone who you trust not to tell anyone else
Example: He confided (TO her) that his hair was not his own.
To denounce
To criticize something or someone strongly an publicly
Example: The government’ economic policy has been denounced on all sides.
To flatter
A flata
Example: I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow some money.
The most important pieces of information about something, or general information without details.
Example: That was the gist of what he said.
A feeling that something is true or likely to happen, although you are not certain
Example: I didn’t have an inkling that she was unhappy.
To quibble
To argue about, or say you disapprove of, something that is not important
Example: There is no point quibbling OVER/ABOUT a couple of dollars.
To scribble
To write or draw something quickly or carelessly
Example: The baby has just scribbled all over my new dictionary.
To stumble
To step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall
Example: Running along the beach, she stumbled ON a log and fell on the sand.
To stutter
A te balbai
Example: She stutters a little, so be patient and let her finish what she is saying.
To slave
A slugari
Example: Never had the witch seen a woman so young and beautiful slaving for a hideous man.
Magnifying glass
An occasion when something stops moving or happening
Example: Severe flooding has brought trains to a halt on several line in Scotland
Ghiozdan Indiana Jones
Masina de tuns iarba
To squeak
To make a short, very high cry or sound
Example: The mouse squeaked with fright when it saw the cat.
A quiet song that is sung to children to help them go to sleep.
Amount to
Se ridica la…
Example: Before the beekeeper finds out that the coins hidden by the goblin in his beehives AMOUNT TO a six-zero figure…