vocabulary 2 Flashcards
by Alfred Lord Tennyson, details the end of Ulysses’ life
The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock
by T.S. Eliot, a poem detailing a guy attending a party and thinking about his relationship with a woman to whom he wants to confess to but is afraid of rejection
Banality of Evil
a theory posed by Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt and states that the true evil is not willful or malicious but rather thoughtless
the stars
ends every one of the canticles
written by Samuel Beckett. Starts with an indistinguishable chorus, has the narration of a man, his wife, and his mistress, five second blackout, and they repeat. They ask voices about their predicament to the roving spotlight.
Eternal Recurrence
theory made by Friedrich Nietzsche, asks whether or not one would ever be okay to made a choice if they knew they would be forced to repeat that choice for the rest of eternity
sin vs. vice
vices are predilections towards sins and can be purged
free will and responsibility
we cannot be responsible for our sins if we do not have free will, and therefore cannot be damned or redeemed
the simple little soul
that young souls are sinless and run towards the hand of God like little children
poetry and fraud
Dante sets himself up as Ovid’s successor and therefore we have to not only watch the pilgrim but the poet as well
poetry and moral responsibility
Dante believes poetry has a responsibility to be spiritual and bring people closer towards God and those who don’t do it are committing a kind of sodomy