vocabulary 1 Flashcards
a correspondence between an image and an idea. there is the allegory of poets and the allegory of theologians.
repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive verses or tercets.
one of the three sections of the comedy, corresponding to one of the realms of the afterlife (inferno, purgatorio, paradiso)
one section of one canticle. cantos vary in length from 115-160 lines. each canticle has 33 cantos (+1 introductory canto in the inferno)
literally “counter-suffering.” the name used to describe the system of justice in the inferno.
guelphs and ghibellines
the names for the two political factions in Florence in the 13th-14th century.
favored imperial rule and aligned themselves with the Holy Roman Emperor against the papacy.
advocated for self-rule and aligned themselves with the Pope, whom they believed would represent their interests. eventually split into two parties, the black and white guelphs (to which dante belonged).
the poet
name for the character of the author in the comedy
the pilgrim
name for the character that undergoes the journey in the comedy
a comparison beginning with “like,” “as,” or, “so.”
terza rima
the interlocking, forward-moving rhyme scheme of the poem. it is noted as ABA, BCB, CDC, DED…
one three-line stanza of the poem
the eternal whirlwind
found in the second circle, lust, in which the sinners are thrown around forever in strong winds
the harrowing of hell
the time when jesus descended into hell after the crucifixion and saved those who weren’t damned to bring them to heaven. pre-resurrection.