Vocabulary 2 Flashcards
Adversarial /ˌæd vɜː ˈseər i‿əl ◂ ˌ•və-/
adj involving opposition or disagreement nepřátelský
n way of considering something přístup
up and running
adj operating fungující, v provozu
n calculation of someone’s ability to pay back money which they have borrowed creditor (p 67) someone to whom money is owed úvěruschopnost, číselně vyjádřená schopnost člověka splácet úvěr
credit worthiness /ˈwɜːð i nəs/
v build up a large store of goods which have not been sold yet hromadit výrobky ve skladu
go on a hunch
v act on an idea which is based on feeling and for which there is no proof řídit se intuicí
v pay all the money you owe splatit/vyrovnat dluh
settle your account
n way of considering something přístup
v fail to guess or understand the real cost, size, difficulty, etc. of something and think it is less podceňovat
n area in a workplace where one person works pracoviště
n something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc. odměna
pay off
v if an investment or risk pays off, it is successful vyplatit se
n person whose work requires specialist knowledge pracovník se speciálními znalostmi
knowledge worker
n contract between two businesses where one agrees to provide a service to the other, or between a landlord and a tenant dohoda o poskytování služeb, nájemní smlouva
service agreement
hire and fire
v employ and dismiss přijímat a propouštět
adj attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newspapers, television, etc. vzbuzující velký zájem veřejnosti a médií; populární
white-collar worker
n person who works in an office or at a professional job, rather than one who works with their hands administrativní pracovník, duševně pracující (jako protiklad k dělníkovi)
v develop again all the details of a plan for doing something přeformulovat, přepracovat, reorganizovat, změnit
n something which controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits zábrana, překážka
n money which is immediately available hotovost
v support a person, organisation or activity by giving money, encouragement or other help sponzorovat
Sponsor /ˈspɒnts ə/
in line with
adv organised at the same level as ve shodě s
v prepare something, usually something official, in writing koncipovat, načrtnout, sestavit
draw up
v start talking about the subject to be discussed přikročit k věci
get down to business
v operating a business while not having enough money to pay creditors and employees stavy, kdy není dostatek hotovosti na platby dodavatelům/věřitelům a zaměstnancům; přeobchodování
n person who works for an insurance company and decides how much money should be paid out in each case of something having been damaged or lost likvidátor pojistných událostí
loss adjuster
expend your overdraft /ɪk ˈspend ek-, ək/
v lengthen the period of time before you have to pay back the money you have overdrawn prodloužit dobu splatnosti bankovního přečerpání
v finish all your work “mít čistý stůl”, mít splněné všechny úkoly
get your desk clear
put your money where your mouth is
v show that you believe in something by spending/or investing money nemlít pusou na prázdno (a finančně se odměnit)
n an amount which is less than the level that was expected or needed schodek, deficit
bargaining point
n something which someone else wants that you are willing to lose in order to reach an agreement něco, co jsme ochotni obětovat (od čeho jsme ochotni ustoupit) ve prospěch protistrany, aby bylo dosaženo dohody
adj activities are determined by the requirements of the product (as opposed to customer-led or marketing-led) vedený/určovaný výrobkem
adj likely to make money představující určitou záruku výdělku
v be able to do something, usually because you have the necessary experience, authority or money být stavu/s to (něco udělat)
be in a position to
n sum of money which is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an additional amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing půjčka
v fail to reach a target selhat, neuspět, ztroskotat
fall short
Vagaries /ˈveɪɡ əriz/
pl n any of a set of unusual or unexpected events or changes that have an effect on someone výkyvy, vrtochy
n see go on a hunch viz go on a hunch
Hunch /hʌntʃ/
resettlement package
n collection of benefits offered to an employee who is relocating to another town, city or country for their work soubor (balíček) výhod poskytovaných zaměstnanci ochotnému se přestěhovat
Scenario /sə ˈnɑːr i‿əʊ sɪ-, se-, -ˈneər-/
n description of possible actions or events in the future scénář (možný budoucí vývoj událostí)
n (the ability to have) a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation porozumění, hlubší pohled, vhled (do určité problematiky)
n activity where a group of people make lots of suggestions quickly sezení, při němž skupina lidí rychle přichází s různými nápady
buzz session
voluntary redundancy scheme
n arrangement when a company needs to reduce its workforce and some employees choose to be made redundant (because they have found another job or would like to stop working) dobrovolný odchod z firmy (v případě nadbytku zaměstnanců)
v show that you believe in something by spending/or investing money nemlít pusou na prázdno (a finančně se odměnit)
put your money where your mouth is
adj used to describe costs which are so high they are difficult to pay, and which are often used to punish someone or limit their activities “kárný”, “trestný” (např. o poplatcích, která jsou záměrně vysoké, aby někoho za něco potrestaly nebo omezily jeho aktivity)
Punitive /ˈpjuːn ət ɪv -ɪt-/
n power to influence people and get the results you want “páka”, moc přesvědčit lidi a dosáhnout požadovaných výsledků
union (also trade union)
n organisation that represents the people who work in a particular industry, protects their rights, and discusses their pay and working conditions with employers odborová organizace
v extra payment for working beyond the usual time přesčas
n agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree kompromis
credit limit
n maximum amount of money a bank will allow you to borrow úvěrový limit
order book
n book in which a company or shop keeps a record of customers’ orders kniha objednávek, kniha zakázek
adj in a way that is a direct business exchange transakční
career break
n period in which a person decides to leave their job temporarily kariérní pauza/přestávka
n legal agreement in which you pay money in order to use a building, piece of land, vehicle, etc. for a period pronájem
Lease /liːs/
bang their heads together /bæŋ/
v when two or more people get together to work out complicated issues, usually involving some argument, before reaching a solution dát hlavy do hromady
n way to reduce the number of employees propuštění z práce, snížení počtu zaměstnanců, “padáky”
Glitch /ɡlɪtʃ/
n small problem or fault that prevents something from working well drobná závada/porucha
v when two or more people get together to work out complicated issues, usually involving some argument, before reaching a solution dát hlavy do hromady
bang their heads together /bæŋ/
n job of keeping a record of the money that has been spent or received by a business účetnictví
n when someone stops employing someone, sometimes temporarily, because there is no money to pay them or because there is no work for them propuštění ze zaměstnání (někdy dočasné) v důsledku nedostatku práce či finančních prostředků na výplaty
put more on someone’s plate
v give someone more work to deal with přidat někomu práci, doslova “naložit někomu víc na talíř”
fixed asset
n building, equipment or land owned by a company základní prostředek (majetek dlouhodobé a neměnné povahy)
count on
v be confident that you can depend on (something/someone) počítat s něčím, spoléhat se na něco
peer group
n people who are approximately the same age as you and come from a similar social group skupina osob podobného věku a společenského postavení
shell out
v pay, especially unwillingly neochotně zaplatit, “vypláznout”
n place where shares in companies are bought and sold akciová burza, burza cenných papírů
stock exchange
n whether something can be done, made or achieved proveditelnost
adj attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newspapers, television, etc. vzbuzující velký zájem veřejnosti a médií; populární
n something which controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits zábrana, překážka
point on the pay scale
n position on the salary scale which shows different rates of pay depending on your job and your seniority stupeň na platové stupnici
Deposit /di ˈpɒz ɪt də-, §-ət
n sum of money which is given in advance as part of a total payment for something záloha
track down
v find by searching or following tracks vystopovat, nalézt
adj without official permission neoprávněný
Unauthorised /ʌn ˈɔːθ ə raɪzd/
v write something quickly on a piece of paper so that you remember it poznamenat si něco
jot down /dʒɒt/
adj desired by most people žádaný většinou lidí, hlavní
sick leave
n absence from work because of illness pracovní neschopnost, nepřítomnost v práci z důvodu nemoci
v act on an idea which is based on feeling and for which there is no proof řídit se intuicí
go on a hunch
n area or country where there is growing demand for goods rozvíjející se trh (oblast či země s rostoucí poptávkou)
emerging market
n person or company that does part of a job which another person or company is responsible for subdodavatel
n negotiation which requires bargaining and each side reducing their demands handlování, handrkování
v choose numbers in a random way, rather than one based on evidence or logic cucat si čísla z prstu
pull figures out of the air
close down
v if a business or organisation closes down, or someone closes it down, it stops operating zavřít, zrušit (firmu)
current asset
n something owned by a business that it does not expect to keep for more than 12 months oběžný prostředek (aktivum, které může být brzy spotřebováno)
v balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is no great difference as a result kompenzovat, vyvážit
registered leer / lɪə/
n valuable letter which, for an additional charge, can protect the sender against loss doporučený dopis
n person who works in an office or at a professional job, rather than one who works with their hands administrativní pracovník, duševně pracující (jako protiklad k dělníkovi)
white-collar worker
n important skill that is needed to do a job kvalifikovanost, schopnost vykonávat určitou práci, kompetentnost
v use in smaller amounts snížit, omezit (např. počet zaměstnanců)
cut back
n payment or business deal transakce
job sharing
n doing part of a job with someone else, so that each person works part-time rozdělení práce na plný úvazek mezi několik pracovníků zaměstnaných na částečný úvazek
service agreement
n contract between two businesses where one agrees to provide a service to the other, or between a landlord and a tenant dohoda o poskytování služeb, nájemní smlouva
v give a discount off the price srazit něco z ceny
knock (something) off the price
n worker who does unskilled work rather than office work (nekvalifikovaný) tovární dělník
blue-collar worker
v cost more money than is received from sales pohybovat se ve ztrátě, skončit ztrátou
run at a loss
pl n amounts of money that regularly have to be spent (pravidelné) výdaje, náklady, režie
v change or replace machinery in a factory vyměnit strojní zařízení továrny
n disadvantage of a situation nevýhoda/nevýhody, rub, odvrácená strana
adj producing a lot of money, profitable lukrativní, výnosný
v bring together different pieces of written information shromažďovat, třídit a zpracovávat (např. data, informace)
Collate /kə |ˈleɪt kɒ-, kəʊ-/
n book in which a company or shop keeps a record of customers’ orders kniha objednávek, kniha zakázek
order book
n something that, in law, you have the right to do or have, or when you have the right to do or have something právní nárok
legal entitlement
n professional service to help redundant employees to search for a new job, paid for by the former employer odborné služby mající za účel pomoci nadbytečným pracovníkům nalézt novou práci, služby v oblasti outplacementu
outplacement service
n organisation that represents the people who work in a particular industry, protects their rights, and discusses their pay and working conditions with employers odborová organizace
union (also trade union)
v extra payment for working beyond the usual time přesčas
Sponsor /ˈspɒnts ə/
v support a person, organisation or activity by giving money, encouragement or other help sponzorovat
v lengthen the period of time before you have to pay back the money you have overdrawn prodloužit dobu splatnosti bankovního přečerpání
expend your overdraft /ɪk ˈspend ek-, ək/
n design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products logo
n power to influence people and get the results you want “páka”, moc přesvědčit lidi a dosáhnout požadovaných výsledků
n small bet malá/drobná sázka
flutter /ˈflʌt ə/
n worker who does particular pieces of work for different organisations, rather than working all the time for a single organisation nezávislý pracovník, osoba “na volné noze”
go bust
v if a company goes bust, it is forced to close because it is financially unsuccessful zkrachovat
n absence from work because of illness pracovní neschopnost, nepřítomnost v práci z důvodu nemoci
sick leave
n area of activity or interest oblast
n financial reward to stimulate action from staff or customers finanční pobídka
incentive payment
amount of business that a company does in a period of time measured in terms of the amount of money obtained from customers obrat
n the numbers of employees počet zaměstnanců
staffing level
labour intensive
adj needing a lot of workers náročný na lidskou práci
quality control
n process of looking at goods when they are being produced to make certain that all the goods are of the intended standard kontrola/řízení jakosti
v develop again all the details of a plan for doing something přeformulovat, přepracovat, reorganizovat, změnit
get down to business
v start talking about the subject to be discussed přikročit k věci
n money that is paid only once jednorázové finanční vyrovnání
one-off payment
adj likely to make money představující určitou záruku výdělku
n (the ability to have) a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation porozumění, hlubší pohled, vhled (do určité problematiky)
flutter /ˈflʌt ə/
n small bet malá/drobná sázka
n situation in which agreement in an argument cannot be reached because neither side will change its demands or accept the demands of the other side patová situace
v force someone to leave somewhere dostat výpověď z prostor, vystěhovat
n arrangement when a company needs to reduce its workforce and some employees choose to be made redundant (because they have found another job or would like to stop working) dobrovolný odchod z firmy (v případě nadbytku zaměstnanců)
voluntary redundancy scheme
n amount of time you spend at work compared with your free time čas strávený v práci v porovnání s volným časem
work–life balance
n official or accepted set of actions used to keep people safe bezpečnostní opatření
safety procedure
n collection of benefits offered to an employee who is relocating to another town, city or country for their work soubor (balíček) výhod poskytovaných zaměstnanci ochotnému se přestěhovat
resettlement package
n money which is immediately available hotovost
pull figures out of the air
v choose numbers in a random way, rather than one based on evidence or logic cucat si čísla z prstu
Buoyant /ˈbɔɪ ənt/
adj healthy and strong zdravý a silný
adj involving opposition or disagreement nepřátelský
Adversarial /ˌæd vɜː ˈseər i‿əl ◂ ˌ•və-/
n an amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the agreement which allows this bankovní přečerpání
n something which someone else wants that you are willing to lose in order to reach an agreement něco, co jsme ochotni obětovat (od čeho jsme ochotni ustoupit) ve prospěch protistrany, aby bylo dosaženo dohody
bargaining point
Punitive /ˈpjuːn ət ɪv -ɪt-/
adj used to describe costs which are so high they are difficult to pay, and which are often used to punish someone or limit their activities “kárný”, “trestný” (např. o poplatcích, která jsou záměrně vysoké, aby někoho za něco potrestaly nebo omezily jeho aktivity)
bank charge
n sum of money paid by a customer for a bank’s services bankovní poplatek
n person or organisation that owns a building or an area of land and is paid by other people for the use of it pronajímatel
n person employed to work for a short period, especially in an office, while another person is absent or when there is extra work výpomocná síla (zejména kancelářská), osoba najímaná na záskok
adj desired by most people žádaný většinou lidí, hlavní
n person employed to work for a short period, especially in an office, while another person is absent or when there is extra work výpomocná síla (zejména kancelářská), osoba najímaná na záskok
n when someone stops employing someone, sometimes temporarily, because there is no money to pay them or because there is no work for them propuštění ze zaměstnání (někdy dočasné) v důsledku nedostatku práce či finančních prostředků na výplaty
n amount of money a company has lost during a particular period of time deficit, schodek
n amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, especially when in a dangerous or difficult situation mravní uvědomění, morálka (v nebezpečné či obtížné situaci)
n financial statement that summarises the expenses, losses and overheads of a company, used to calculate the net profit účet hospodářského výsledku, výsledovka
profit and loss account
n disadvantage of a situation nevýhoda/nevýhody, rub, odvrácená strana
adj having less money than you started with (být na něčem) škodný
out of pocket
running costs
pl n money you need to spend regularly to keep a system or organisation functioning provozní náklady
n general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving trend
Absenteeism /ˌæb sən ˈtiː ˌɪz əm/
n employees not being at work when they should be nepřítomnost v zaměstnání (v době, kdy by dotyčný přítomen být měl), absentérství
pl n earnings which are kept by the company to invest in future projects, market research, etc. nerozdělený zisk
retained earnings / ri ˈteɪn rə +d/
n employees not being at work when they should be nepřítomnost v zaměstnání (v době, kdy by dotyčný přítomen být měl), absentérství
Absenteeism /ˌæb sən ˈtiː ˌɪz əm/
adj not working for an employer but finding work for yourself or having your own business samostatně výdělečně činný
adj have a strong dislike for taking risks (značně) neochotný riskovat/podstupovat riziko
n valuation of a company’s shares cena akcií
stock price
n time needed to design and develop a new product doba potřebná k vývoji nového výrobku
lead time /liːd/
draw up
v prepare something, usually something official, in writing koncipovat, načrtnout, sestavit
be in a position to
v be able to do something, usually because you have the necessary experience, authority or money být stavu/s to (něco udělat)
operating profit
n measure of profit that a business earns on its normal operations provozní zisk (rozdíl mezi hrubým ziskem a provozními náklady)
v pay, especially unwillingly neochotně zaplatit, “vypláznout”
shell out
n small problem or fault that prevents something from working well drobná závada/porucha
Glitch /ɡlɪtʃ/
v fail to guess or understand the real cost, size, difficulty, etc. of something and think it is less podceňovat
cash cow
very profitable business or part of the business “dojná kráva”, dlouhodobě zisková podnikatelská aktivita či projekt
adj very important and having a lot of influence on other people or things klíčový, velmi důležitý
blue-collar worker
n worker who does unskilled work rather than office work (nekvalifikovaný) tovární dělník
adj having or needing only a small amount of training částečně kvalifikovaný, polokvalifikovaný
adj competitive prices, services, etc. are as good as, or better than, other prices, services, etc. konkurenceschopný
Unauthorised /ʌn ˈɔːθ ə raɪzd/
adj without official permission neoprávněný
n process of putting together the parts of a machine or structure montáž
n ability of a factory to produce more than it actually does nevyužitá výrobní kapacita
excess production capacity
Perk /pɜːk/
n advantage or benefit given to an employee in addition to their salary, e.g. private health care or a company car výhoda navíc k platu (firemní vůz, penzijní připojištění atd.)
n all the companies producing goods in a country or region výrobní základna
manufacturing base
out of pocket
adj having less money than you started with (být na něčem) škodný
Hunch /hʌntʃ/
n see go on a hunch viz go on a hunch
n related group of things when they are offered together as a single unit balíček (např. výhod)
adj paid less than the market rate nedostatečně placený, finančně podhodnocený
Camaraderie / ˌkæm ə ˈrɑːd ər i -ˈræd-, -ə riː/
n feeling of friendliness towards people with whom you work or share an experience kamarádství
Retrenchment / ri ˈtrentʃ rə- + mənt/
n when an organisation spends less or reduces costs to avoid losing money snížení/omezení výdajů
n building, equipment or land owned by a company základní prostředek (majetek dlouhodobé a neměnné povahy)
fixed asset
reap the benefits /riːp/
v get the benefit, etc. that is the result of your own actions mít z něčeho prospěch
v employ someone or pay them to do a particular job najmout někoho (na určitou práci), zaměstnat někoho
n worker in a factory (the factory is the shop floor) dělník v továrně
shop-floor worker
n valuable letter which, for an additional charge, can protect the sender against loss doporučený dopis
registered leer / lɪə/
n when there is not enough of something nedostatek
have a bearing on
v have an influence on something or a relationship to something mít vliv na něco
executive summary
n overview of the main points of a business plan or proposal shrnutí hlavních bodů podnikatelského záměru či projektu
n wealthy person who invests money in new business projects sponzor, financiér, zámožná osoba ochotná investovat peníze do nových projektů
very profitable business or part of the business “dojná kráva”, dlouhodobě zisková podnikatelská aktivita či projekt
cash cow
n (a part of) the profit of a company that is paid to the people who own shares in it dividenda
cut of the profits
n share in the profits podíl na zisku
adj at the same time or the same speed v souladu, synchronizovaný, sladěný
in sync /sɪŋk/
going rate
n standard rate of payment for a particular job obvyklý plat za určitou práci
debtor /ˈdet ə/
n someone who owes money dlužník
n sum of money that is paid in one large amount on one occasion jednorázová platba
lump sum /lʌmp/
n person who pays the owner of a piece of land, a building, etc. in order to be able to use it nájemce
Leaseholder / ˈliːs həʊld →-hɒʊld ər/
n debt finanční závazek, dluh, pasivum
profit and loss account
n financial statement that summarises the expenses, losses and overheads of a company, used to calculate the net profit účet hospodářského výsledku, výsledovka
n total amount of goods available skladové zásoby
penalty clause
n part of a contract which punishes the person or organisation doing the work if it is not completed on time penalizační ustanovení
v understand correctly, or make something clear správně pochopit
get (something) straight
v do well in a particular job or activity compared to others of a similar type podávat lepší výkony než někdo jiný, předčít
n sum of money paid by a customer for a bank’s services bankovní poplatek
bank charge
emerging market
n area or country where there is growing demand for goods rozvíjející se trh (oblast či země s rostoucí poptávkou)
n measure of profit that a business earns on its normal operations provozní zisk (rozdíl mezi hrubým ziskem a provozními náklady)
operating profit
staffing level
n the numbers of employees počet zaměstnanců
n computer program, used especially in business, which allows you to do financial calculations and plans tabulkový procesor (počítačový program)
loss adjuster
n person who works for an insurance company and decides how much money should be paid out in each case of something having been damaged or lost likvidátor pojistných událostí
n small device or machine with a particular purpose přístroj, zařízení
n sum of money which is given in advance as part of a total payment for something záloha
Deposit /di ˈpɒz ɪt də-, §-ət
v provide or lend an amount of money for a particular purpose poskytnout nebo půjčit peníze (na určitý účel)
put up (money)
n area in a workplace where one person works pracoviště
v operating a business while not having enough money to pay creditors and employees stavy, kdy není dostatek hotovosti na platby dodavatelům/věřitelům a zaměstnancům; přeobchodování
put up (money)
v provide or lend an amount of money for a particular purpose poskytnout nebo půjčit peníze (na určitý účel)
cut back
v use in smaller amounts snížit, omezit (např. počet zaměstnanců)
place a premium on
v especially value klást důraz, obzvláště si cenit
adj activities are determined by the requirements of the product (as opposed to customer-led or marketing-led) vedený/určovaný výrobkem
manufacturing base
n all the companies producing goods in a country or region výrobní základna
adj consisting of a mixture of various things which are not usually connected with each other rozličný, různý
Miscellaneous /ˌmɪs ə ˈleɪn i‿əs ◂/
n the referring of an individual to an expert for advice doporučení
Referral / ri ˈfɜːr əl/
n intentional damage to machines, buildings, etc. sabotáž
Sabotage / ˈsæb ə tɑːʒ -tɑːdʒ-/
backup plan
n scheme ready to be used in place of or to help another rezervní/záložní plán
adj very important and having a lot of influence on other people or things klíčový, velmi důležitý
n payment or business deal transakce
n job of keeping a record of the money that has been spent or received by a business účetnictví
v balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is no great difference as a result kompenzovat, vyvážit
fall short
v fail to reach a target selhat, neuspět, ztroskotat
assembly line
n line of machines and workers in a factory which a product moves along while it is being built or produced. Each machine or worker performs a particular job, which must be completed before the product moves to the next position in the line montážní linka
across the board
adv happening or having an effect on people at every level and in every area všeobecně rozšířený
natural wastage
n reduction in the number of people who work for an organisation which is achieved by not replacing those people who leave přirozený úbytek zaměstnanců
v change or replace machinery in a factory vyměnit strojní zařízení továrny
v if an investment or risk pays off, it is successful vyplatit se
pay off
discharge a debt
pay a debt completely splatit/vyrovnat dluh
v employ someone or pay them to do a particular job najmout někoho (na určitou práci), zaměstnat někoho
v if a business or organisation closes down, or someone closes it down, it stops operating zavřít, zrušit (firmu)
close down
v have an influence on something or a relationship to something mít vliv na něco
have a bearing on
n person or company that does part of a job which another person or company is responsible for subdodavatel
n person or organisation that owns a building or an area of land and is paid by other people for the use of it pronajímatel
knock (something) off the price
v give a discount off the price srazit něco z ceny
n area of activity or interest oblast
n scheme ready to be used in place of or to help another rezervní/záložní plán
backup plan
n occasion at which people who have great knowledge of a particular subject meet in order to discuss a matter of interest sympozium
v form a mental picture of something, typically something that may occur or be possible in the future předvídat
envision / ɪn ˈvɪʒ ən en-, ən-/
get your desk clear
v finish all your work “mít čistý stůl”, mít splněné všechny úkoly
n person or company that buys and sells stocks and shares for other people burzovní makléř
n position on the salary scale which shows different rates of pay depending on your job and your seniority stupeň na platové stupnici
point on the pay scale
n feeling of friendliness towards people with whom you work or share an experience kamarádství
Camaraderie / ˌkæm ə ˈrɑːd ər i -ˈræd-, -ə riː/
stock price
n valuation of a company’s shares cena akcií
credit worthiness /ˈwɜːð i nəs/
n calculation of someone’s ability to pay back money which they have borrowed creditor (p 67) someone to whom money is owed úvěruschopnost, číselně vyjádřená schopnost člověka splácet úvěr
v stop employing (someone), sometimes temporarily, because there is no money to pay them or because there is no work for them propustit (někdy jen dočasně) ze zaměstnání (v důsledku nedostatku práce nebo peněz na výplaty)
lay off
n something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc. odměna
v take legal action against a person or organisation zažalovat někoho, podat na někoho žalobu
the activity of working at home, while communicating with your office by telephone, fax or computer práce doma, kdy pracovník komunikuje s firmou prostřednictvím telefonu, faxu a počítače
n an amount which is less than the level that was expected or needed schodek, deficit
Cipher /ˈsaɪf ə/
n a person or group of people without power, but used by others for their own purposes, or someone who is not important nula, nicka, bezvýznamný či bezmocný (a zneužívaný) člověk
n part of a contract which punishes the person or organisation doing the work if it is not completed on time penalizační ustanovení
penalty clause
pl n money you need to spend regularly to keep a system or organisation functioning provozní náklady
running costs
n way to reduce the number of employees propuštění z práce, snížení počtu zaměstnanců, “padáky”
shop-floor worker
n worker in a factory (the factory is the shop floor) dělník v továrně
adv happening or having an effect on people at every level and in every area všeobecně rozšířený
across the board
surveillance /sə ˈveɪl ənts sɜː-/
n the careful watching of a person or place dozor, dohled
v employ and dismiss přijímat a propouštět
hire and fire
run at a loss
v cost more money than is received from sales pohybovat se ve ztrátě, skončit ztrátou
lump sum /lʌmp/
n sum of money that is paid in one large amount on one occasion jednorázová platba
n amount of money a company has lost during a particular period of time deficit, schodek
adv organised at the same level as ve shodě s
in line with
flexible working
n working without strict times for starting and finishing pružná pracovní doba
n related group of things when they are offered together as a single unit balíček (např. výhod)
churn out / tʃɜːn/
v produce large amounts of something quickly, usually of low quality chrlit
v produce large amounts of something quickly, usually of low quality chrlit
churn out / tʃɜːn/
legal entitlement
n something that, in law, you have the right to do or have, or when you have the right to do or have something právní nárok
v especially value klást důraz, obzvláště si cenit
place a premium on
n working without strict times for starting and finishing pružná pracovní doba
flexible working
Sabotage / ˈsæb ə tɑːʒ -tɑːdʒ-/
n intentional damage to machines, buildings, etc. sabotáž
envision / ɪn ˈvɪʒ ən en-, ən-/
v form a mental picture of something, typically something that may occur or be possible in the future předvídat
n reduction in the number of people who work for an organisation which is achieved by not replacing those people who leave přirozený úbytek zaměstnanců
natural wastage
n someone who owes money dlužník
debtor /ˈdet ə/
n (a part of) the profit of a company that is paid to the people who own shares in it dividenda
work–life balance
n amount of time you spend at work compared with your free time čas strávený v práci v porovnání s volným časem
Solicit /sə ˈlɪs |ɪt §səʊ-, §-ət/
v ask for money, information or help prosit, žádat
n worker elected by workers in a factory or business to represent them in discussions with management zástupce odborů (zaměstnanec zvolený ostatními zaměstnanci, aby je reprezentoval při jednáních s vedením firmy)
union rep
adj needing a lot of workers náročný na lidskou práci
labour intensive
v reach the highest, strongest or best point, value or level of skill vrchol
n system of buying debts for less than they are worth and then obtaining payment for them from the debtors skupování dluhů (za hodnotu nižší než dlužná částka a následné vymáhání celé částky od dlužníka)
n working at home, while communicating with your office by telephone, fax or computer práce doma, kdy pracovník komunikuje s firmou prostřednictvím telefonu, faxu a počítače
home working
n value of the popularity, the regular customers, etc. of a business calculated as part of its worth when being sold abstraktní hodnota už zavedené firmy
ethics pl
pl n a system of accepted beliefs which control behaviour, especially such a system based on morals etika
v sell zde prodat
n whether something can be done, made or achieved proveditelnost
n general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving trend
Leaseholder / ˈliːs həʊld →-hɒʊld ər/
n person who pays the owner of a piece of land, a building, etc. in order to be able to use it nájemce
jot down /dʒɒt/
v write something quickly on a piece of paper so that you remember it poznamenat si něco
n system of buying debts for less than they are worth and then obtaining payment for them from the debtors skupování dluhů (za hodnotu nižší než dlužná částka a následné vymáhání celé částky od dlužníka)
pl n land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organisation areál, budovy, prostory
premises pl
pl n any of a set of unusual or unexpected events or changes that have an effect on someone výkyvy, vrtochy
Vagaries /ˈveɪɡ əriz/
v find by searching or following tracks vystopovat, nalézt
track down
n design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products logo
one-off payment
n money that is paid only once jednorázové finanční vyrovnání
pl n a system of accepted beliefs which control behaviour, especially such a system based on morals etika
ethics pl
n value of the popularity, the regular customers, etc. of a business calculated as part of its worth when being sold abstraktní hodnota už zavedené firmy
n the careful watching of a person or place dozor, dohled
surveillance /sə ˈveɪl ənts sɜː-/
n when there is not enough of something nedostatek
n amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, especially when in a dangerous or difficult situation mravní uvědomění, morálka (v nebezpečné či obtížné situaci)
n something owned by a business that it does not expect to keep for more than 12 months oběžný prostředek (aktivum, které může být brzy spotřebováno)
current asset
n money which is earned in trade or business before taxes have been paid zisk před zdaněním
pre-tax profit
adj producing a lot of money, profitable lukrativní, výnosný
n person who gives financial support to something sponzor, financiér; osoba, která něco finančně podporuje
Backer /ˈbæk ə/
the activity of working at home, while communicating with your office by telephone, fax or computer práce doma, kdy pracovník komunikuje s firmou prostřednictvím telefonu, faxu a počítače
n person who dislikes or fears new technology osoba obávající se nové techniky, “technofob”
Technophobe /ˈtek nəʊ fəʊb/
v force someone to leave somewhere dostat výpověď z prostor, vystěhovat
pay a debt completely splatit/vyrovnat dluh
discharge a debt
balance sheet
n statement that shows the value of a company’s assets and its debts rozvaha, bilance, výkaz zisků a ztrát
n an amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the agreement which allows this bankovní přečerpání
n doing part of a job with someone else, so that each person works part-time rozdělení práce na plný úvazek mezi několik pracovníků zaměstnaných na částečný úvazek
job sharing
in sync /sɪŋk/
adj at the same time or the same speed v souladu, synchronizovaný, sladěný
adj competitive prices, services, etc. are as good as, or better than, other prices, services, etc. konkurenceschopný
premises pl
pl n land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organisation areál, budovy, prostory
v reach the highest, strongest or best point, value or level of skill vrchol
n standard rate of payment for a particular job obvyklý plat za určitou práci
going rate
Lease /liːs/
n legal agreement in which you pay money in order to use a building, piece of land, vehicle, etc. for a period pronájem
stock exchange
n place where shares in companies are bought and sold akciová burza, burza cenných papírů
n advantage or benefit given to an employee in addition to their salary, e.g. private health care or a company car výhoda navíc k platu (firemní vůz, penzijní připojištění atd.)
Perk /pɜːk/
outplacement service
n professional service to help redundant employees to search for a new job, paid for by the former employer odborné služby mající za účel pomoci nadbytečným pracovníkům nalézt novou práci, služby v oblasti outplacementu
n a person or group of people without power, but used by others for their own purposes, or someone who is not important nula, nicka, bezvýznamný či bezmocný (a zneužívaný) člověk
Cipher /ˈsaɪf ə/
n negotiation which requires bargaining and each side reducing their demands handlování, handrkování
n when an organisation spends less or reduces costs to avoid losing money snížení/omezení výdajů
Retrenchment / ri ˈtrentʃ rə- + mənt/
n worker who does particular pieces of work for different organisations, rather than working all the time for a single organisation nezávislý pracovník, osoba “na volné noze”
v fall or drop suddenly and by a great deal prudce klesat, letět střemhlav dolů
nose-dive, take a
union rep
n worker elected by workers in a factory or business to represent them in discussions with management zástupce odborů (zaměstnanec zvolený ostatními zaměstnanci, aby je reprezentoval při jednáních s vedením firmy)
settle your account
v pay all the money you owe splatit/vyrovnat dluh
n total amount of goods available skladové zásoby
n powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person dopad, vliv
v take legal action against a person or organisation zažalovat někoho, podat na někoho žalobu
n sum of money which is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an additional amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing půjčka
n wealthy person who invests money in new business projects sponzor, financiér, zámožná osoba ochotná investovat peníze do nových projektů
safety procedure
n official or accepted set of actions used to keep people safe bezpečnostní opatření
adj in a way that is a direct business exchange transakční
n person or company that buys and sells stocks and shares for other people burzovní makléř
n statement that shows the value of a company’s assets and its debts rozvaha, bilance, výkaz zisků a ztrát
balance sheet
lead time /liːd/
n time needed to design and develop a new product doba potřebná k vývoji nového výrobku
Technophobe /ˈtek nəʊ fəʊb/
n person who dislikes or fears new technology osoba obávající se nové techniky, “technofob”
n debt finanční závazek, dluh, pasivum
v build up a large store of goods which have not been sold yet hromadit výrobky ve skladu
excess production capacity
n ability of a factory to produce more than it actually does nevyužitá výrobní kapacita
n important skill that is needed to do a job kvalifikovanost, schopnost vykonávat určitou práci, kompetentnost
n overview of the main points of a business plan or proposal shrnutí hlavních bodů podnikatelského záměru či projektu
executive summary
n computer program, used especially in business, which allows you to do financial calculations and plans tabulkový procesor (počítačový program)
adj not working for an employer but finding work for yourself or having your own business samostatně výdělečně činný
n examining someone or something to discover if there is anything wrong with them/it hodnocení
n maximum amount of money a bank will allow you to borrow úvěrový limit
credit limit
v do well in a particular job or activity compared to others of a similar type podávat lepší výkony než někdo jiný, předčít
v give someone more work to deal with přidat někomu práci, doslova “naložit někomu víc na talíř”
put more on someone’s plate
n process of looking at goods when they are being produced to make certain that all the goods are of the intended standard kontrola/řízení jakosti
quality control
get (something) straight
v understand correctly, or make something clear správně pochopit
n ability to continue your professional career možnost pokračovat v kariéře/profesi
career continuity
retained earnings / ri ˈteɪn rə +d/
pl n earnings which are kept by the company to invest in future projects, market research, etc. nerozdělený zisk
amount of business that a company does in a period of time measured in terms of the amount of money obtained from customers obrat
adj having or needing only a small amount of training částečně kvalifikovaný, polokvalifikovaný
v if you downsize a company or organisation, you make it smaller by reducing the number of people working for it, and if it downsizes, it becomes smaller in this way zmenšit (organizaci/firmu snížením počtu zaměstnanců), zeštíhlit
n occasion at which people who have great knowledge of a particular subject meet in order to discuss a matter of interest sympozium
n loss of value of an asset such as machinery over time amortizace, odpisy, znehodnocování
depreciation /di ˌpriːʃ i ˈeɪʃ ən də-, -ˌpriːs-/
n description of possible actions or events in the future scénář (možný budoucí vývoj událostí)
Scenario /sə ˈnɑːr i‿əʊ sɪ-, se-, -ˈneər-/
adj operating fungující, v provozu
up and running
buzz session
n activity where a group of people make lots of suggestions quickly sezení, při němž skupina lidí rychle přichází s různými nápady
n agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree kompromis
Miscellaneous /ˌmɪs ə ˈleɪn i‿əs ◂/
adj consisting of a mixture of various things which are not usually connected with each other rozličný, různý
v get the benefit, etc. that is the result of your own actions mít z něčeho prospěch
reap the benefits /riːp/
n small device or machine with a particular purpose přístroj, zařízení
pl n amounts of money that regularly have to be spent (pravidelné) výdaje, náklady, režie
v if a company goes bust, it is forced to close because it is financially unsuccessful zkrachovat
go bust
pre-tax profit
n money which is earned in trade or business before taxes have been paid zisk před zdaněním
adj paid less than the market rate nedostatečně placený, finančně podhodnocený
v be confident that you can depend on (something/someone) počítat s něčím, spoléhat se na něco
count on
n people who are approximately the same age as you and come from a similar social group skupina osob podobného věku a společenského postavení
peer group
n period in which a person decides to leave their job temporarily kariérní pauza/přestávka
career break
n member of a family who earns the money that the family needs živitel rodiny
incentive payment
n financial reward to stimulate action from staff or customers finanční pobídka
n member of a family who earns the money that the family needs živitel rodiny
n powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person dopad, vliv
n examining someone or something to discover if there is anything wrong with them/it hodnocení
n share in the profits podíl na zisku
cut of the profits
lay off
v stop employing (someone), sometimes temporarily, because there is no money to pay them or because there is no work for them propustit (někdy jen dočasně) ze zaměstnání (v důsledku nedostatku práce nebo peněz na výplaty)
v ask for money, information or help prosit, žádat
Solicit /sə ˈlɪs |ɪt §səʊ-, §-ət/
Backer /ˈbæk ə/
n person who gives financial support to something sponzor, financiér; osoba, která něco finančně podporuje
n proposal that organisations should be obliged to make decisions based not only on financial/economic factors but also on the social and environmental consequences of their activities společenská odpovědnost firmy
corporate social responsibility (CSR)
v sell zde prodat
nose-dive, take a
v fall or drop suddenly and by a great deal prudce klesat, letět střemhlav dolů
adj have a strong dislike for taking risks (značně) neochotný riskovat/podstupovat riziko
v if you downsize a company or organisation, you make it smaller by reducing the number of people working for it, and if it downsizes, it becomes smaller in this way zmenšit (organizaci/firmu snížením počtu zaměstnanců), zeštíhlit
n process of putting together the parts of a machine or structure montáž
corporate social responsibility (CSR)
n proposal that organisations should be obliged to make decisions based not only on financial/economic factors but also on the social and environmental consequences of their activities společenská odpovědnost firmy
n line of machines and workers in a factory which a product moves along while it is being built or produced. Each machine or worker performs a particular job, which must be completed before the product moves to the next position in the line montážní linka
assembly line
Referral / ri ˈfɜːr əl/
n the referring of an individual to an expert for advice doporučení
career continuity
n ability to continue your professional career možnost pokračovat v kariéře/profesi
depreciation /di ˌpriːʃ i ˈeɪʃ ən də-, -ˌpriːs-/
n loss of value of an asset such as machinery over time amortizace, odpisy, znehodnocování
knowledge worker
n person whose work requires specialist knowledge pracovník se speciálními znalostmi
adj healthy and strong zdravý a silný
Buoyant /ˈbɔɪ ənt/
home working
n working at home, while communicating with your office by telephone, fax or computer práce doma, kdy pracovník komunikuje s firmou prostřednictvím telefonu, faxu a počítače
Collate /kə |ˈleɪt kɒ-, kəʊ-/
v bring together different pieces of written information shromažďovat, třídit a zpracovávat (např. data, informace)
n situation in which agreement in an argument cannot be reached because neither side will change its demands or accept the demands of the other side patová situace