Vocabulary Flashcards
Active transport
Process of chemical distribution that requires an energy source
Air embolism
Bubble of air in the vascular system
Electrolytes with a negative charge
Blood Substitute
Fluids that when transfused carry and distribute oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs; also known as oxygen therapeutics.
Electrolytes with a positive charge
Circulatory overload
Severely compromised heart function
Colloid solutions
Water and molecules of suspended substances, such as blood cells, and blood products such as albumin
Colloidal OsmoticPressure
Force for attracting water
Undissolved protein substances
Crystalloid Solutions
Water and other uniformly dissolved crystals, such as salt and sugar
Fluid deficit in both extracellular and intracellular compartments
Drop factor
Number of drops per milliliter in intravenous tubing.
Excessive fluid in tissue
Electrochemical neutrality
Balance of cations with anions
Chemical compounds, such as sodium and chloride, that are dissolved, absorbed, and distributed in body fluid and possess an electrical charge.
Mixture of two liquids, one of which is insoluble in the other
Extracellular Fluid
Fluid outside cells
Facilitated Diffusion
Process in which certain dissolved substances require the assistance of a carrier molecule to pass from one side of a semipermeable membrane to the other
Process that regulates the movement of water and substances from a compartment where the pressure is high to one where the pressure is lower
Fluid imbalance
Condition in which the body’s water is not in proper volume or location in the body
Hydrostatic pressure
Pressure exerted against a membrane
Hypertonic solution
Solution that is more concentration than body fluid
Higher-than-normal volume of water in the intravascular fluid compartment
Escape of intravenous fluid into the tissue
Infusion device
Electric or battery-operated machine that regulates and monitors the administration of IV solutions.
Infusion pump
Device that uses pressure to infuse solutions
Intake and Output
Record of a clients fluid intake and fluid loss over a 24-hour period
Intermittent venous access device
Sealed chamber that provides a means for administering intravenous medications or solutions on periodic basis
Interstitial fluid
Fluid in tissue space between and around cells
Intercellular fluid
Fluid inside cells
Intravascular fluid
Watery plasma, or serum, portion of blood
Intravenous fluids
solutions infused into clients vein.
Substances that carry either a positive or a negative electrical charge.
Isotonic solution
Solution that contains the same concentration of dissolved substances as normally found plasma
Needleless systems
Equipment that eliminates the need for needles
Chemical compounds that remain found together when dissolved in solution
Process’s that regulates the distribution of water
Oxygen therapeutics
Fluids that when transfused carry and distribution oxygen cells, tissues, and organs; also known as blood substitutes
Parenteral nutrition
Nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, which are administered intravenously
Passive diffusion
Physiologic process in which dissolved substances, such as electrolytes and gases, move from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane
Peripheral parenteral nutrition
Isotonic or hypotonic intravenous nutrient solution instilled in a vein distant from the heart.
Inflammation of a vein
Sealed opening
Pulmonary embolus
Blood clot that travels to the lung
Movement of intravascular fluid to nonvascular fluid compartments, where it becomes trapped and useless
Thrombus formation
Development of a stationary blood clot
Total parenteral nutrition
Hypertonic solution of nutrients designated to meet almost all the caloric and nutritional needs of clients
Vein puncture
Accessing the venous system by piercing a vein with a needle
Volumetric controller
Electronic infusion device that instills intravenous solutions by gravity