Vocabulario de Migración - Prueba Flashcards
Movilidad Humana ( Human Mobility)
A key concept to understand the international and internal migration. Also the migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.
any every person that is outside of their origin country for residency purposes
irregular migrant
irregular entry or over staying
Refugiado (refugee)
a person that fears persecution because of race, religion, nationality, social group, political opinions. They look outside of their country of nationality for protection - Geneva convention 1951
Declaración de Cartagena de 1984 - definition of refugee
people who have fled their countries because their life, security, liberty have been threatened by widespread violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violation of human rights or other circumstances that have disrupted public order
solicitante de asilo (asylum seeker)
a person who is claiming refugee status whose application is under assessment by the new nation
Protección complementaria o subsidiary protection
legal mechanisms intended to protect and grant refugee status to persons in need of international protection who does not meet refugee status
- article 22 number 8 of the American convention on Human rights
HET - hijos de extranjeros transeúntes
in 2014 the ministry of the interior and public security modified the interpretation of the HET concept, restricting its application only to children of tourists, crew members, stopped considering the irregular migratory status of the parents.
- Children born of irregular migrants
apátrida - stateless
article 1 of the convention of state of stateless persons - it refers to any person who is not recognized as a citizen of any sate
Tráfico de Migrantes- Trafficking Migrants
the facilitation of the illegal entrance of migrants trafficking by land, sea, air
Trata de personas - trafficking in persons
the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons by means of threats, force, or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception abuse of power, payments for the purpose of prostitution, sexual exploitation, forced labour, slavery, organ removal
NNA no acompañado
separated from two parents and other guardians without being under the care of adults who by law or custom has that responsibility
NNA separada - separated
separated from both parents or legal guardians but not from other relatives
flujo de migratorio mixto (zona gris) - the follow of migration
flows that originate from various causes and include migrants for economic or environmental reasons, regular or irregular situation, asylum seeker, refugees, victims of trafficking, unaccompanied children and adolescents
desplazamiento interno - internal displacement
a person or groups of people that have been forced to leave their homes because of an armed conflict, general violent situations, the rights of humans, natural disasters or man-made - not technically international yet (crossed borders)
derecho de circulación residencia
every person that has the right to move freely and to choose their residence in the territory of a state
- person has the right to leave any country including their own and return back to their country
- article 12 of the universal declaration de humans rights
¿Qué son los derechos humanos?
According to the United Nations, humans rights are attributes inherent to all human beings without discrimination of any kind such as nationality, place of residence sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, gender. we all share the same rights. these are interrelated, interdependent and indivisible
el desarrollo de la doctrina
1. individual rights:
2. social rights
3. community rights
4. rights of the citizens
principios fundamentales del derecho internacional de los human rights
- non discrimination
- no criminalization of irregular migrants
- reunified families
- child interests
- life and development ( due process - laws to protect the person)
- right of being heard - free movement - right to migrate
7.no devolución - transfer of power to a lower level (delegate) - right to a nationality
- principio pro homine
fuentes de ddhh
treaties, conventions, pacts, principles, jurisprudence, general observations
derechos del individuo
liberties, civil, and political rights
social rights
economic, social, cultural rights
derechos de los pueblos
rights to clear and transparent information, participation, decision making, respect and recognition - community autonomy
derechos de los sujetos
women, workers, migrants, NNA, disabled people