Vocable 687 Flashcards
Milk keeps fading from grocery lists
to fade
baisser, diminuer, disparaître
per capita consumption
consommation per habitant
The producers have offset milk’s decline by selling more cheese.
to offset
Виробники компенсували зниження продажів молока продаючи більше сиру.
offset, set, set - compenser
to shelve
put aside, suspend - laisser en suspens
The project was shelved for two years - le projet a été abandonné pendant deux ans
Lactode-intolerance, a condition that is a brake on milk sales.
a condition - maladie, syndrome
produits laitiers
to feature
Milk is features less often at mealtimes
faire figurer, inclure
She overhauled her diet last fall
to overhaul
bouleverser, changer completement
Cereal went largely by the wayside - too much sugar.
to go by the wayside
passer à la trappe, être abandonné
one of her daughters ditched cows’ milk altogether recently
to ditch
abandonner, renoncer à qqch
nutritional touchstone
référence de l’alimentation
Vitamin D and calcium are important nutrients that often get shorted in the American diet.
get shorted - недоставать
Cheese does’n pack the same Vitamin D punch
- to pack
- punch
- contenir
2. énergie
They are riding the coattails of milk’s nutritional profile.
- to ride (rode/ridden)
- to ride on someone’s coattails
- ездить верхом
2. profiter de la position/du succès de qn
the health halo of milk
- a halo
- aura