Vocab Set 2 Flashcards
Robert McNamara
Secretary of Defense under Kennedy & LBJ (when Kennedy is assassinated)
McGeorge Bundy
Special assistant for national security affairs under Kennedy & LBJ (when Kennedy is assassinated)
Bobby Kennedy
Attorney General under Kennedy & LBJ (when Kennedy is assassinated)
Youth International Party; anarchist party headed by Abbie Hoffman that opposed the Vietnam War & conformity; poured bags of dollars onto the New York Stock Exchange and carried pictures of LBJ upside down
Abbie Hoffman
co-founder of the Yippies with Jerry Rubin; wrote “Steal this Book” in 1971
Black Panthers
MOST CONTROVERSIAL of all the organizations in the 1960s; based in Oakland, Ca; inspiration to white and African American radicals; called for a socialist America; in the meantime they would protect the community + give free breakfast; associated w/ heroin and other crimes; members included Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, and Eldridge Cleaver
Cesar Chavez
organized Chicano migrant farm workers in Ca to form the United Farm Workers of America
United Farm Workers of America (1966)
organization of Chicano migrant farm workers in CA started by Cesar Chavez; called for boycotts of grapes and lettuce
American Indian Movement
led by Dennis Banks and Russell Means; purpose was to obtain equal rights for Native Americans; protested at the site of the Wounded Knee massacre
Conflict historiography
current in 60s writing that didn’t just always show the good side of history; discussed history in terms of change caused by conflict and the actions of ordinary people
Barry Gordy
black entrepreneur in the 1960s and owner of the Motown record company
Smokey Robinson
Motown artist; “Tracks of My Tears”
Motown group; “Stop in the Name of Love”
Otis Redding
Motown artist; “Try a Little Tenderness”
Wilson Pickett
Motown artist, “Mustang Sally”
Timothy Leary
LSD guru during the 1960s; leader of the hippies; believed in the “turn on, tune in, drop out” philosophy
Alan Watts
Wrote “The Way of Zen” in 1958; explained the philosophies of the Eastern world (meditation, spontaneous expression, etc.)
small San Francisco district; hippie-haven during the Summer of Love
Summer of Love
Summer of 1967; HIPPIES!
Furman v. Georgia (1972)
SC case under Warren Burger; declared the death penalty unconstitutional
reaction of some whites to the Civil Rights Movement; movement of Southern Democrats into the Republican Party; whites sent their kids to private schools and moved to suburbs; criticized African Americans for taking advantage of welfare and affirmative action
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978)
Supreme Court case under Warren Burger; said that affirmative action is alright as long as there’s no quota involved
William H. Rehnquist
Nixon appointee to the SC; key figure in turning the court against its Warren precedents in the 80s along with Lewis Powell
Lewis Powell
Nixon appointee to the SC; key figure in turning the court against its Warren precedents in the 80s along with William H. Rehnquist
Justice Harry Blackmun
Nixon appointee to the SC; turned more liberal and defended Roe v. Wade and Furman v. Georgia later on
Kate Millet
part of the Second Wave of Feminism movement in the late 60s; wrote “Sexual Politics” (1970) that analyzed the oppression of housewives and how women were portrayed in literature an psychology
Betty Friedan
part of the Second Wave of Feminism movement in the late 60s; wrote “The Feminine Mystique” (1963) that lent ammunition to the movement
National Organization of Women (NOW)
Organization of the Second Wave of Feminism movement in the late 60s-early 70s; sponsored demonstrations and helped women exchange ideas
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
“equality of rights under law shall not be abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex”; failed by 3 states; opposed by Phyllis Schlatly
Phyllis Schlafly
Successful opponent of the ERA
Paul Ehrlich
contributed to the environmentalism movement during the 60s; wrote “Population Bomb”
New Federalism
Nixon’s Republican programs designed to reduce the size of the federal government; it’s a revenue-sharing program; included giving block grants to states (letting them decide how to spend the $)
high unemployment + high prices; the situation during the 70s due to inflation after the Vietnam War
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
all the countries that export oil to the world; created an energy crisis in the 70s when they placed an oil embargo because the US supported Israel in the 6 Day War (1967) and the Yom Kippur War (1973)
Henry Kissinger
Nixon’s Secretary of State; arranged the Ping Pong Diplomacy with China
“Ping Pong Diplomacy”
ping-pong matches between the US and China during Nixon’s admin (Kissinger’s idea, I think); exploited the rift between China and the Soviet Union
policy of lessening of tensions in the Cold War (Nixon); included the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty and the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty
during Nixon’s admin under the policy of detente; limited defensive missiles
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)
during Nixon’s admin under the policy of detente; limited offensive missiles
Yom Kippur War (1973)
almost the same thing as the 6 Days War except this happened during Nixon’s admin; Israel fighting Egypt and other Arab nations; Kissinger tries to dampen tensions with shuttle diplomacy but since we supported Israel, OPEC put an oil embargo on us
shuttle diplomacy
traveling back and forth among the combatants
Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREP)
organization involved in the Watergate scandal
“Saturday Night Massacre”
during the Watergate scandal, when Nixon forced two attorney generals to resign because they would not fire the special prosecutor (Cox)
Camp David Accords (1978)
under Jimmy Carter; Egypt recognized Israel and won the return of the Sinai
democratically-elected, pro-Cuba government of Nicaragua that Carter supported in 1979
Iran Hostage Crisis (1979)
Shiite Muslim Khomeni government of Iran blamed the US for selling arms to the old shah; students take 52 embassy workers hostage and don’t return them till Reagan’s inauguration day
John Mitchell
former US attorney general and head of Nixon’s 1972 campaign; his phone number was found in the pocket of one of the Watergate burglers
“The Great Communicator”
nickname of President Reagan; showed how he connected with voters
“Teflon President”
nickname of President Reagan; showed how nothing that went wrong during his time ever tarnished his image
Pat Robertson
Leader of the religious Right Fundamentalist Christians, a group that supported Reagan; rallying cry was “family values”; anti-feminist, anti-homosexuality, anti-abortion, favored prayer in schools
Jerry Falwell
Leader of the religious Right Fundamentalist Christians, a group that supported Reagan; rallying cry was “family values”; anti-feminist, anti-homosexuality, anti-abortion, favored prayer in schools
supply-side, “trickle-down” theory of economy: by cutting income tax and capital gains tax for the wealthy, the rich would invest their money to create jobs, increase, revenue, etc. and would eventually help the poor; during the Reagan years this helped the inflation problem but increased the national debt and the unemployment rate + states and cities had no $ because of cuts
young urban professionals who graduated from law and business schools and made a flamboyant lifestyle for themselves not seen since the Gilded Age
aka mergers; made money for some stockholders but resulted in job losses
Stock market crash in 1987
severe crash on the stock market during the Reagan years; possibly caused by electronic (computer) trading
Deregulation of banks during the Reagan years
spawned some millionaires but because of the bad real estate market in the late 80s, lots of banks fail and taxpayers need to give them a bailout
Professional Air Traffic Controllers’ Organization (PATCO)
Union that Reagan refused to negotiate with; had gone on strike for better wages and reduced work hours
John Dewey
The most important 20th century American philosopher and education theorist; Progressive activist; pragmatism; arged that government actions should be judged by the good they do for society
Collier’s and McClure’s
Muckraker magazines during the Progressive Era
Frank Norris
Muckraker during the Progressive Era; wrote “The Octopus” (1901) that described the power of the railroads over Western farmers
Florence Kelly
Woman activist during the Progressive Era; had lived in Hull House; pushed for improved factory conditions in Ilinois
allows citizens to directly enact pieces of legislation through voting on ballot questions
“caveat emptor”
“let the buyer beware”; policy regarding consumer product labeling, etc. before the Progressive Era
Results of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory incident
strict fire codes, shorter work week for women and minors, and the abolition of labor for those under 14
Muller v. Oregon
SC case that upheld an Oregon law limiting women to a 10 hour workday, setting a precedent for using the SC for social reform
John Spago
Progressive Era; wrote “The Bitter Cry of the Children” about child labor
Hepburn Act (1906)
strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission (1887); under Teddy Roosevelt
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
enacted under William Taft and a source of contention between him and Progressives; a compromise measure that barely lowered tariffs
Underwood Tariff (1913)
Wilson’s admin tariff-lowering
Federal Reserve Act (1913)
Under Wilson; fixed 4 problems in the US financial system: 1) no flexible currency, 2) no stability in times of crisis, 3) no central control over banking practices, 4) financial power was concentrated in NYC; 12 districts made, each with a branch of the Fed
Federal Trade Commission (1914)
Wilson; investigated dishonest and unscrupulous business practices & has the power to order companies to halt those practices
Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
Wilson; broke up trusts MUCH more effectively than its predecessor
D.W. Griffith
author of “Birth of a Nation” (1915) that was a racist depiction of Reconstruction that glorified the KKK