Vocab Quiz - Unit 2 Flashcards
Accost (verb)
To confront in a challenging or aggressive way
- The girl was accosted by three grown men in the alleyway.
Undulate (Verb)
To move in a wavelike motion
- The sea undulated in the calm night
Suppliant (Adjective, Noun)
Asking humbly and earnestly
- The boy was suppliant when he asked his mother for allowance
Pejorative (Adjective)
Expressing disapproval
- The teacher was pejorative while grading Molly’s test.
Overt (hidden)
Not hidden
- Stacy was overt showing affection towards her baby brother.
Maelstrom (Noun)
A situation resembling a whirlpool
- I couldn’t fathom the maelstrom of what happened in World War 1.
Incendiary (Adjective, Noun)
Tending to stir up strife or rebellion
- For Dinner, I had sushi with some incendiary wasabi.
Halcyon (Noun, Adjective)
Calm, Peaceful
- The halcyon waves moved serenely in the night.
Celerity (Noun)
Rapidity of motion
- In the track race, david moved with incredible celerity winning first place.
Brackish (Adjective)
Having a salty taste
- The Brackish lake water was so murky and green
Talisman (Noun)
An object that serves as a charm
- She wore a bright, glowing talisman bracelet on her wrist
Summarily (Adverb)
Without delay or formality
- She summarily submitted her homework before 12 p.m
Sacrilege (Noun)
Improper treatment
- It is a sacrilege to disrespect other people’s cultures
Propriety (Noun)
Standards of what is proper
- Using manners is a sign of propriety and respect.
Myopic (Adjective)
Lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation
- She was so myopic towards my side of the argument.
Histrionic (Adjective)
Pertaining to actors and their techniques
- He put a histrionic display of excitement during his party.
Gambit (Noun)
An opening move that involves risk to gain a later advantage
- His opening gambit did not give him the advantage he desired.
Devious (Adjective)
Acting in a shifty, underhanded way
- In the movie home alone, Kevin was a very devious, intelligent child
Avid (Adjective)
Intensely eager
- Kim was avidly playing with her barbie dolls.
Animadversion (Noun)
A comment indicating strong criticism
- My enemy’s animadversions were not offensive to me at all.