vocab page 9 Flashcards
arcane (adj.)
obscure, secret, known only by a few
archaic (adj.)
of or relating to an earlier period in time, outdated
archetypal (adj.)
the most representative or typical example of something
ardor (n.)
extreme vigor, energy, enthusiasm
arid (adj.)
excessively dry
arrogate (v.)
to take without justification
artifact (n.)
a remaining piece from an extinct culture or place
artisan (n.)
a craftsman
ascertain (v.)
to perceive, learn
ascetic (adj.)
practicing restraint as a means of self-discipline, usually religious
ascribe (v.)
to assign, credit, attribute to
aspersion (n.)
a curse, expression of ill-will
aspire (v.)
to long for, aim toward
assail (v.)
to attack
assess (v.)
to evaluate
assiduous (adj.)
hard-working, diligent
assuage (v.)
to ease, pacify