vocab page 1-2 Flashcards
abase (v.)
to humiliate, degrade
abate (v.)
to reduce, lessen
abdicate (v.)
) to give up a position, usually one of leadership
abduct (v.)
to kidnap, take by force
aberration (n.)
something that differs from the norm
abet (v.)
to aid, help, encourage
abhor (v.)
to hate, detest
- (v.) to put up with 2. (v.) to remain
abject (adj.)
wretched, pitiful
abjure (v.)
to reject, renounce
abnegation (n.)
denial of comfort to oneself
abort (v.)
to give up on a half-finished project or effort
- (v.) to cut down, shorten 2. (adj.) shortened
abrogate (v.)
to abolish, usually by authority
abscond (v.)
to sneak away and hide
absolution (n.)
freedom from blame, guilt, sin
abstain (v.)
to freely choose not to commit an action
abstruse (adj.)
hard to comprehend
accede (v.)
to agree
accentuate (v.)
to stress, highlight