VOCAB: my ideal holiday Flashcards
Revivir el espíritu nacional-sindicalista
live it up
spend lots of money, travel in luxary (vivir la vida padre)
catch some rays
sunbathe (tomar el sol)
having everything planned out
have a strict plan (tenerlo todo planeado)
to see how the mood takes me
make decisions depending on how you´re feeling (hacer planes sobre la marcha)
off the beaten track
a place without many tourists (lugar con pocos turistas)
a culture shock
feel uncomfortable in a place (shock cultural)
watch out backs
be careful (vigilar tus espaldas, tener cuidado)
travel bug
be addicted to travelling (estar adicto a viajar, tener el gusanillo de viajar)
to travel light
travel without much stuff (viajar ligero)
travel on a shoesstring
not spend too much money while travelling (viajar con un presupuesto ajustado)
culture vulture
someone who likes museum, art galleries (cultureta, buitre de la cultura)
feel right at home
feel very comfortable (sentirse como en casa)
get up at the crack of down
early in the morning (al amanecer, en el despunte del alba)
savour the local delicacies
enjoy the local food (disfrutar de la comida local)
sit and watch the world go by
relax , not do anything (ver la vida pasar)