Vocab List 1 Flashcards
Abysmal (Adj)
Extremely bad
Brawl (Noun/Verb)
An intense, loud fight; To fight loudly and disruptively
Civic (Adj)
Relating to the city or citizens
Clout (Noun)
Special advantage or power
Dismay (Noun)
Hopelessness, stress, or consternation
Feasibility (Noun)
The practicality or possibility of something
Indifference (Noun)
Emotional detatchment
Lament (Verb)
To feel sorry for; To mourn
Omnipotent (Adj)
All mighty and powerful
Perish (Verb)
To die; Pass away
Predecessor (Noun)
Someone who comes before you; Usually in position or office
Repudiate (Verb)
To refuse to recognize as true; To cast off
Transparent (Adj)
See-through; Truthful or easy to perceive
Vital (Adj)
Urgently necessary
Temperament (Noun)
Usual mood or feelings