Vocab (from the intro) Flashcards
Hukm Shar’ee
the command of Allah
Hukm Takleefee
The actual rulings;
“it constitutes a command or option.”
Hukm Wad’ee
an enactment;
it is basically what lets you declare the ruling (sabab, shart and maani’)
Give an example of Hukm Takleefee
Halal, haram, mustahab, makrooh (any of those)
Give an example of Hukm Wad’ee
sabab, shart, maani’ (from the ones we learned in class)
Maqasid ash-Shari’ah
the study of the intents and higher objectives of shari’ah and Islamic Law. For example, preserving life, progeny and wealth
Al-Qawaa’ed Al-Fiqhiyyah
the study of the maxims governing Islamic law.
Give an example of a “maxim” of Islamic Law
Certainty is not removed because of mere doubt (there are plenty, but this is one mentioned in class)
layman; one who does taqleed (follows another’s opinion)
blind following
personal reasoning
al-Fiqh (linguistic)
the understanding for what is intended
al-Fiqh (the practical meaning)
the knowledge of the practical rules of shari’ah
the proof, foundation, that which is preferable, the continuous rule and the original case in rules of qiyaas
Usul al-Fiqh
the sciences of knowing what the sources of fiqh are, how to use the sources, the circumstances of the benefactor (the person the ruling applies to)