Part 2: Al-Hukm Shar'ee Flashcards
Is the Prophet (S) a lawmaker?
Yes! The Prophet’s actions were guarded by Allah subhaana wa ta’aala.
Is a mufti or mujatahid a lawmaker?
No. They are scholars that inform us of what to do.
The Prophet (S) told ‘Adee ibn Haatim that the monks were “worshipped” because __________
The people (Christians) accepted them as lawmakers.
Who is the mukallaf?
The responsible party (in general…US!)
What are the two Hukm Takleefee that are “demands that are binding”?
Haraam and Halaal
What does it mean if something is “non-binding”?
There is no punishment involved
What does “binding” mean?
There is punishment (either for not doing it or for doing it)
The “signs” that help us establish Hukm Takfleefee?
They are Hukm Wad’ee:
shart (conditions),
sabab (cause), and
maani (hindrance)
What are the two commands that are non-binding?
Mustahab and Makrooh
What kind of Hukm Takleefee (waajib, haram, makruh, mustahab, mubah) is this: A renter must pay $950 per month for the year.
They have to pay their rent :)
Give another name for “waajib.”
Fardh, maktoob, haqq
According to the Hanafis, what is the difference between fardh and waajib?
The difference is in the proof - if the proof has a difference amongst the scholars, the Hanfis consider it waajib. If it is agreed upon, without doubt, then it is fardh.
What are the two types of Waajib?
Huqooq Allah - waajibaat we owe to Allah
Huqoog al-‘Ibaad - waajibah we owe to others
Give an example of Huqooq Allah.
(many possible answers) Prayer Fasting Hajj other acts of worship
Give an example of Huqooq al-‘Ibaad.
(Many different answers)
The punishment for murder (or punishment for anything you’re found guilty of, really)
Taking care of your children
Which of these words does NOT indicate that something is waajib?
a) amara
b) kataba
c) wajaba
d) haqq
e) kabeerah
e) kabeerah (if you see this word, that means it is haram)