Vocab Exam #1 Flashcards
moral principles that governs a persons behavior
the theory that states the rightness or wrongness of actions is determined by the consequences
Non Consequentialism AKA Dentology Ethics
the theory that states that some actions are required by the rightness or wrongness regardless of the consequences
the qualities that define a person; a persons moral nature
virtue ethics
a theory that individuals make choices on the basis of virtue and character
Good Character= Produces Good Behavior
Values and Concepts
supports the principle of ethics and provides clarity when making ethical decisions; they often conflict with one another
-informed consent
Principle of Double Effect & the classifications
required healthcare providers to consider the risks and benefits whenever treatment is provided
1. one ought not to inflict harm
2. one ought to prevent harm
3. one ought to remove harm
4. one ought to promote good
physician does what they believe is best for their patient according to their ability and judgment
( Some argue this should not be applied because it conflicts with autonomy)
The founding principle that declared that healthcare providers first obligation is to do no harm to the patient
Benevolent Deception
withholding information from the patient because the clinician believes the information may cause harm to the individual
(this is rarely justified)
Imperfect Duties
moral obligations to act a certain way during life but its up to the individual to determine which situations to fulfill the obligation
EX: we have a duty to pay attention and be compassionate to the people in need however we are not obligated to meet these duties in every situation
Cognitive Development Theory
People operate on their experiences to make sense of them
Categorial Imperative
assumes people have a duty to not act in a manner that creates a contradiction between positive and negative outcomes
Principle of Autonomy
Self-Determined and the ability to be self-governed and self-directing
Principles of Justice
Provides individuals or groups with what is owed, due or deserved