Vocab Ch. 4 Flashcards
Adj, unselfish
Altruistic - Even though she was always altruistic, she sometimes wanted to treat herself, so she could have fun.
Noun, enforced isolation
Quarantine - When the quarantine ended, everyone began going places again, for they were tired of being alone.
Adj, careful
Conscientious - Because he was conscientious about his room, it stayed clean, and the room looked like no one lived in it.
Adj, aged
Wizened - If someone is wizened, they should have the respect they deserve, and they should be treated with care.
Adj, lacking strength
Meek - Since she looks meek, everyone teases her, but her friends always defend her.
Verb, reflect
Reminisce - As the boy’s grandfather reminisced, the boy listened intently, so he could remember all the stories.
Verb, move widely apart or split up
Dissipate - Because they sprayed perfume in the room, they had to let it dissipate, or they would not be able to use the room.
Adj, somber or serious in a gloomy way
Solemn - Although the ceremony was solemn, everyone smiled with pride, and the atmosphere felt hopeful.
Verb, evaluate
Assess - Before we could assess the situation, the rain started pouring, and we had to quickly find shelter.
Noun, agreement, one opinion about something
Unison - The choir sang in unison as the audience watched silently, and the melody filled the entire room.
Literary device that allows writers to show their audience specific events that happened before the current action
Writer’s attitude toward his or her subject
Represents the central idea/ message of the story
Strong exaggeration
when the author hints at actions that will come in the future
Time, place, and sometimes culture of a story
comparison of two different things to make them seem similar
when authors give human traits to animals or lifeless objects
Writer’s vivid description that appeals to a reader’s senses
concrete or physical object that represents an abstract concept
When a series of words repeat their first consonant sound
figure of speech that makes a comparison with “like” and “as”