Vocab Ch. 4 Flashcards
angular momentum quantum number
the quantum number that indicates the shape of an orbital
Aufbau principle
the principle that states that the structure if each successive element is obtained by adding one proton to the nucleus of the atom and one electron to the lowest-energy orbital that is available
continuous spectrum
the uninterrupted broad band of all colors (wavelengths) emitted by incandescent solids
electromagnetic radiation
the radiation associated with an electric and magnetic field; it varies periodically and travels at the speed of light
electromagnetic spectrum
all of the frequencies or wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation
electron configuration
the arrangement of electrons in an atom
excited state
a state in which an atom has more energy than it does at its ground state
the number of cycles or vibrations per unit of time; the number of waves produced in a given amount of time
ground state
the lowest energy state of a quantized system
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
the principle states that determining both the position and velocity of an electron or any other particle simultaneously is impossible
Hund’s rule
the rule that states that for an atom in the ground state, the number of unpaired electrons is the maximum possible and these unpaired electrons have the same spin
line-emission spectrum
a diagram or graph that indicates the degree to which a substance emits radiant energy concerning wavelength
magnetic quantum number
the quantum number that corresponds to the alignment of the angular momentum component with a magnetic field
noble gas
one of the elements of Group 18 of the periodic table (helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon); noble gases are unreactive
noble-gas configuration
an outer main energy level fully occupied, in most cases by eight electrons
a region in an atom where there is a high probability of finding electrons
Pauli exclusion principle
the principle that states that two particles of a certain class cannot be in exactly the same energy state
photoelectric effect
the emission of electrons from a material when light of certain frequencies shines on the surface of the material
a unit or quantum of light; a particle of electromagnetic radiation that has zero rest mass and carries a quantum of energy
principal quantum number
the quantum number that indicates the energy and orbital of an electron is an atom
the basic unit of electromagnetic energy; it characterizes the wave properties of electrons
quantum number
a number that specifies certain properties of electrons
quantum theory
the study of the structure and behavior of the atom and of subatomic particles from the view that all energy comes in tiny, indivisible bundles
spin quantum number
the quantum number that describes the intrinsic angular momentum of a particle
the distance from any point on a wave to an identical point on the next wave